10 gallon tank

panda cories would be a good start since they're on the smaller side of corydom.

perhaps a few corys and a few honey gouramis Thats basically what I have in a 5G is 2 honey's and 2 peppered corys
atomzero said:
Thanks everybody.

All great ideas. I'll give the shrimp a go as well. How do shrimp or snails count towards the gallon limit?

My friend did say I could use his gravel, so that will speed things up. :)
I wouldn't think the shrimp count for much since they work to earn their keep :p
And around here they are less than 30 cents each :D

I just got a ten gallon tank and have one betta in there. So far, it's been easy to keep up and fun to watch my betta in such a big tank. He has lots of personality, and he was easy to find and not very expensive. You might want to start off with just a betta and see how it goes.

All the fish in my tank listed below have done well together. I usually have 2 cory cats, one recently got an infection and died. We will be replacing him as soon as we are sure we got rid of the problem.

More smaller fish are more fun in a 10g then fewer larger fish, IMHO. I am relatively new to this though, so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Six to eight Ghost Shrimp in a 10-gallon tank won't normally add enough to the bio-load to count. They are fun to watch and will help keep the tank clean.

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