10 gallon tank stocking

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Mar 6, 2022
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Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 10 neon tetras and 1 honey gourami. Tank has sand substrate and a few plants.

I am looking to add bottom dwellers most likely Cory cats, would the tank would be overcrowded?
The pygmy cory would be a better choice than the larger species. Corydoras pygmaeus, or C. habrosus, a group of 12 of either (but not both).

The neon tetra are not active swimmers, so they should be OK.
12 Pygmy cories, 10 neon tetras and 1 honey gourami will be ok in a 10 gallon tank??
12 Pygmy cories, 10 neon tetras and 1 honey gourami will be ok in a 10 gallon tank??

Yes, if you do not overfeed, and are regular with water changes (once a week, 50-60% of the tank volume). Keep the filter clean (organics, the brown gunk, leads to nitrates). The plants help a lot.

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