Hi there! Just this morning we finished discussing a thread about the health of my new betta Hank S. Sushi (black orchid male.) My friend's mom has a 10 gallon, which I think sounds awesome. I'm just wondering before I say I'll take it, is this the best for my betta? The heater and filters I have right now are fit for a 5 gallon, so I don't think they'll be able to transfer over. Money is an issue right now since my budget for buying a fish was supposed to be less than $50, but I spent $100 covering just the basics and I am also needing to get a test kit and materials to cycle my tank as soon as possible. Walmart has a $30 5 gallon tank with a filter, lights, hood, and basically things I will be needing for a new tank anyways. Is it more cost friendly to take the 10 gallon and purchase the essentials all over again in addition to test kits and cycling supplies, or should I cough up $30 and only have to buy a heater and the kit/cycle mats? Additionally and probably more importantly, which is best for my fish? Thank you!