I'm thinking of setting up a 10 gallon nano, I have no experience with salt water so how would I go about this, what could I stock it with and about how much would it cost? Thanks bunches!!
Well first off... to the marine side of things. If your going to start a tank you need to ask yourself what do you want? Do you want coral or fish only?
Well if your going to do fish, you will most likely need these:
Salt mix
Reverse Osmosis/Distilled Water
Hydrometer, if you can try and get a Refractometer, much more accurate
Test Kit
Power heads/Canister Filter/Power Filter
Power Compact Fluorescent Light by Coral life or Current USA or something comparable
Live Rock
Live Sand, or dead sand seeded with Live Sand from a LFS
That's all I can think of off the top of my head,
but welcome to the hobby
You won't need the powerheads for a fish only nano tank. An internal or external power filter will provide ample water movement in the tank.
The lights can be anything to light the tank. The only reason you need light on a fish only tank is to see the fish. However if you plan on adding a coral later on then buy a decent light to start with.