10 gallon dwarf lion tank

Some strong points in here, Can you just agree that this is a DEATH sentance for the dwarf in a 10 gl. is the size of your tank the biggest you can fit in your house? because if it is please dont buy the dwarf get 2 clowns and some LR, if its about money you can pick up loads of cheap second hand tanks for the price of 1 dwarf lion, i think even you can agree finding a bigger tank would be better than gettong a dwarf then it dieing a week later. I dont meen to sound rude but thats my opinion :( -_- :unsure:
get a 30. Go barebottom. Use about 1 cm of sand and some lr and lace rock. Get a good hang on skimmer and your set
well i dont think this is an excellent skimmer but it will work fine. It is called a via- aqua multi skimmer and has a UV sterilizer in it. It is about 120$ and works well.
I have the via-aqua multi skimmer with the UV sterilizer on my 15 gallon reef. It rocks. One of the best out there. It also has a place to put your heater, making more room in the tank for things you really want to look at.
I have enjoyed reading this thread as it has some relevance to a good friend of mine.

He keeps a single Pterois volitans which at the moment is 12" and growing. I realise that this over twice as large as the "Dwarf" but I think you will be interested in the equipment he NEEDS to keep it healthy and the water stable.

4x2x2ft tank (100 gallon, regarded as small for this specimen), 40 kg live rock, 2 big Eheim thermofilter externals with mech/chem/bio media. Protein skimmer designed for a 200 gallon. He keeps the tank bare-bottom to aid cleanliness. He has a separate Molly breeding tank for feeding as well as his own recipe of frozen seafood. This is widely regarded as the minimum equipment for such a fish.

Hope this helps.
gf225 said:
I realise that this over twice as large as the "Dwarf"
Although the volitans is twice as long, it's mass will probably be much more than twice that of a dwarf (4x? can't get my head around maths at this time of morning), and will produce that many times the pollution and therefore that much more filtration will be required.

Note - I agree with all that has been said about tank size and suitability etc. I just wanted to make the point that length is really a poor guide compared to mass - especially with chunky fish.
very good point but in this case both length and mass were relevant.
cichlid freak. U can house more than 1 fish in a 30 gallon. If i had a 30 i would probably get a dwarf lion and a snowflake eel and u should have no prob;ems.
how often do you feed them I was thinking about breeding mollies and feeding them that since mollies will live in the water until they get eaten.
I would prefer to find a specimen that accept frozen food rather than live food. Much cheaper
They can be weened onto frozen food. takes time and patience though. usually get some lancefish on tweesers and wigglein front the lionfish, this usually stimulates a feeding reaction
it should only take about 3-4 weeks to wean it onto frozen food. just feed it ghost shrimp for a little bit until it recognizes u as the feeder. Then get a feeding rod with some silversides or squid and soak it in garlic mush. This should make it seem much more appealing wiggle it in the main flow and when the lion seems interested just let it go with the flow and he should eat. Just use a little frozen at atime and gradually increase the frozen to live ratio until u are at full frozen. U dont want to feed live fish. Only ghost shrimp. Frozen food would be the best food as u can soak it in all the multivitamins and nutrients u want. U should feed them ev ery other day until u see a slight bulge in their stomach

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