10 Gallon Aquarium Not Quite Level


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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i noticed the water level does not sit quite parallel to the top plastic trim. it differs from one side to the other by only about half a centimeter but i still thought id ask if that could do any damage. i know better than to fill up a tank right on the floor since its uneven and will put stress on the seals and result in them leaking. think there's any chance of that happening here? it is on a flat supported surface by the way, not the carpet or anything. its the stand that's not quite right. so will half a cm to one side or the other of a 10 gallon be enough to fret about or do yall think its ok?
Are you shure it's the stand? Half a centimeter could easily be an error in manufacturing in the tank itself :nod:
hmmm, good question. ill see if i cant find a level and figure that out. so do you think that's enough to potentially cause a problem?
It also might be your floor. on a 10g, you can have like a 1 inch difference between the sides and still not have a problem. A 180 at work and a 210 have about a 2-3 cm difference and they seem to be holding up just fine.

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