10 Gal Unique Fish


Sep 23, 2007
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I had everything ready for setting my 10 gallon tank up for 3 Dwarf Puffer Fish. However, Since my dad wont let me have a decent sized snail-tank, and I cant keep buying frozen bloodworms, Im forced to look in a different direction.

Heres my setup:
Fake Plants
1 fake piece of wood for hiding
1 slate cave
Fully Cycled (over year old)
3 Otos staying

Im not really interested in:
Livebearers (although was considering Endlers)
Boring Colors

Would like:
Something that will breed and babies survive
Species Tank (Other than Ottos, which are staying)

Pics of new slate cave (still drying)


I had everything ready for setting my 10 gallon tank up for 3 Dwarf Puffer Fish. However, Since my dad wont let me have a decent sized snail-tank, and I cant keep buying frozen bloodworms, Im forced to look in a different direction.

Heres my setup:
Fake Plants
1 fake piece of wood for hiding
1 slate cave
Fully Cycled (over year old)
3 Otos staying

Im not really interested in:
Livebearers (although was considering Endlers)
Boring Colors

Would like:
Something that will breed and babies survive
Species Tank (Other than Ottos, which are staying)


How about some killifish?
get a pair of rams, i have 2 in a 12 gallon, they breed alot and are very rewarding. :hyper:

get a pair of rams, i have 2 in a 12 gallon, they breed alot and are very rewarding. :hyper:
sorry i forgot this, did tthe calculations and a 10 gallon is actualy a 12 gallon! :D
thats 2 free gallons!
Current Thoughts

Killifish- I actually havent seen them in stores around me. Also, shipping costs are so high, Im not sure if getting them off the internet is worth it.

Shell dwelling Cichlids- Would require revamping of entire tank. Also, I read they will kill my Ottos once they enter the tank.

Rams- This might just work. I read they wont pair just because male and female and there isnt enough room for multiple.

Angelicus Loaches- Never seen in stores and wont breed. Plus get to big for my tank

So right now, I have issues with all these fish. My main focus for this tank is getting egg-layers to breed and actually getting fry. Im thinking some cories will be nice, but I want something that actually swims around and doesnt just stay on bottom. THANKS for hte suggestions thou

get a pair of rams, i have 2 in a 12 gallon, they breed alot and are very rewarding. :hyper:

get a pair of rams, i have 2 in a 12 gallon, they breed alot and are very rewarding. :hyper:
sorry i forgot this, did tthe calculations and a 10 gallon is actualy a 12 gallon! :D
thats 2 free gallons!

Did you just get two Rams and they breed? I read this doesnt always work. Ill keep looking though. This might work out nicely.
I wouldn't get rams, from what I've read they are very active, and i think they grow a little to big for a 10g.
I agree with n3ont3tra. A pair of rams, especially since you want to breed them, would require more than 10 gallons.
Reccomends 15 gallons.

and if you want to go through with the rams, please don't put any other fish. It'd already be overstocked.
Darn. Well what else is there that I can put in a 10g tank and will breed? Plus I want the fry to grow without having to separate them. Are my only options like Cories?

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