10 Gal Tank, What To Put In It?

ahh ok :) i doubt they'll have them at the lfs's over here, and its expensive to deliver so ill have to think about it 
although anyone feel free to give any other suggestions if they have any :)
I just bought 6 lemon tetras for the tank today to go with my betta. But theres one that doesnt look like the rest, much thinner, a bit more yellowy, and its tail is different, the white and black marks are in different places and they dont have the same dorsal fin. What can it be?? Its seemed to join the rest anyway but im worried cause it has an aggresive attitude towards the betta?
I found out the little one was a silvertip tetra (or gold, both come up as almost the same!)
Well you could get fancy tailed guppies, becouse they are hardy, very colorfull, require little tank space, and are cheap, although im not sure if they would be ok with the betta.

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