10 Gal Tank Corys


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2007
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ok hello im back.. well its been long and i got back into the hobby.. always had the tank running but after a ick problem i got mad andquit and had only 2 fish left.. the 2 fish still remain

now all's i want in my tank are cory's..

i want to know how many i can get.. i also wanna get like 4 neons and like 4-5 cory's will that bbe good.
Hi joejoehead!

Are your gallons US gallons (usg)?

What are the other two fish?

What is available at the lfs?
well the other fish is a painted tetra about 1 inch or so and yes its us gallons

the other is a glass catfish..but i might be getting rid of it..

at the lfs there are many types of catfish im sure.. its a big store and have many types.. .
For a 10 usg w/ other fish, I would get a smaller species, probably not pepper or bronze as they get larger, although they are a nice fish. San Juans are a nice small fish, I think they are C. bilineatus. Caudamaculatus are a smallish Cory. C. sterbai is a medium size, although the females can still get fairly broad. Trilis are also nice. Most LPS mislabel their fish, so it is always a guessing game. With a smaller Cory you could keep 5 with a small school of top or mid swimmers w/o too much maintenence. With a species only tank 5 Corys of most species would most likely do well.You could browse the pinned topic at the top w. pics of other members' Corys and see what you like.
You could go even smaller. Corydoras Hastatus (Dwarf Cory) or Corydoras Pygmaeus (Pygmy Cory). They grow to about 3cm at adult size
But they may be more sensitive and could be a meal for some fish, but they might work for you.
It depends on what other fish you choose. You said you want neons aswell. Pygmy corys get about the same size as a neon. So size there isnt an issue. It also depends on how many you want. Since pygmy's are smaller it might be better to get more but then again you might only want a few. At the end of the day its up to you
hey.... i only had to fish in there but tooday i went out and bought 3 panda cory's
Make sure you keep an eye on them for any signs of sickness. They are prone to dying within a couple of days due to stress. Panda corys aren't the hardiest breed
Make sure you keep an eye on them for any signs of sickness. They are prone to dying within a couple of days due to stress. Panda corys aren't the hardiest breed
there lokking good today there swiming around and stuff
It is actually the Asian farm bred pandas that are unhardy. They have been overbred with hormones. They are a kin to puppy mill puppies. The wild caught are very hardy, ime; that is one reason, they were used in the Asian farms. Many aquarium breeders also breed hardy stock.

It is the lps that sell the Asian farm bred pandas, and so they are the ones mostly seen by the general hobbiest. The hardy ones are at the fish clubs, Aqua Bid and other places that fish are sold and traded by the enthusiast. Ask NEONCORY about his pandas. And I have my first panda juvie fry in grow out! :D

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