10 gal tank Becomes a 20gal suggestions!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2004
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Im wanting to make a 10 gal community tank but want only small (2in) or dwarf species. This is going to be for my girlfriend so i need fish that are *fairly* common. Cheers. Id like shoaling fish, a kind of loach and some gouramis. I want it to look busy with lots of small life instead of one or two big fish. Cheers!
hi, i would keep a few dwarf puffers if i was you....but i am puffer mad :lol:



:alien: :alien: :alien:
Why did i, after reading your profile knew you would say that. I'd like too but there hardly a community fish except with ottos...
Members have advised me to keep one puffer per 15 gallons. :dunno:

As for wanting schooling fish, you need fish that don't require much room, so that scratches off danios, off the bat.

I'd suggest one male dwarf gourami (might feel cramped, though) and 4 or so harlequin rasboras. However, the latter need to be kept in bigger groups, and like stated before, gouramis don't like being stuffed into small tanks.
So would you suggest a 20 gal? Ill have the ££ just dont know if the upgrade will make my biodiversity avalable increase.....
Here's how I see it. You should buy the biggest tank you can afford and house. This way, the tank conditions are more stable, you have a bigger show piece, and you can have a bigger community of fish.

If 20 gallons is all that you can buy at the moment, then it is better than a 10. :nod: This owuld be enough room for a gourami, you could get shoaling fish, and you could get bottom feeders, but not loaches, IMO.
just want moderator to close the topic so its not spammed in.(not satying anyone will)
They don't do that without cause, I'm afraid. Plus, someone else might come around with suggestions, so they probably won't.

So, what did you decide about the tank size?
Going to get a 20gal rio with:

3 Dwarf Gourmais
6 Harlequin Rasbora
6 neon tetras
3 Bengal Loach

Is this overstocked? Will there be room to add any more?
Im going to plant it and cycle without fish.

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