W wrs Michelle's Hot Joined May 3, 2004 Messages 3,555 Reaction score 0 Location USA, Jul 23, 2004 #1 if i was to get a 10 g and divide it for bettas, how many can there be? spaces.
W Wisperian Where's Nemo :o Joined Dec 11, 2003 Messages 2,137 Reaction score 0 Location Van BC Canada Jul 23, 2004 #2 2g each betta would be good 1g is minimum but ya wan your bettas to be hapy dont u?
C cutecotton Fish Herder Joined May 10, 2004 Messages 1,885 Reaction score 0 Location Canada Jul 23, 2004 #3 i divided mine into 4 sections, and all of them were really happy
J jacblades im not the jedi i should be Joined May 30, 2004 Messages 1,829 Reaction score 0 Location south carolina Jul 23, 2004 #4 1 gallon each does not apply to divided 10gals. the bettas would have about 2 inches of space width-wise if you divided it into 10 sections. the most compartments you can have in a 10 are 4, preferably 3 though.
1 gallon each does not apply to divided 10gals. the bettas would have about 2 inches of space width-wise if you divided it into 10 sections. the most compartments you can have in a 10 are 4, preferably 3 though.