1 year! whoot!

Zak Ursulo

New Member
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, CA USA!
Ive been doing the great hobby for one year now and ive only had 3 fish deaths! I started out with a 5 gallon tank and 5 neon tetras. Now im up to a 20 gallon tank and have only lost 3 fish! From reading here ALOT that seems to be an accompishment ( from a raw newbie that is)

Death number one was neon tetra. Cause of death is probably new tank syndrome but at the time i didnt know what "new tank syndrome" was so i just wrote the death off as "fish died, no clue" (from my fish diary)

Death number two was a Platy died 15 days after i got him. Death cause was due to blunt trauma inflicted by clumsy attempt to catch the little bugger with net :*) . im sure it was me im a big dood and i gots strong arms. Im sure that he got smooshed against the glass when i was chasing some black skirt tetras (dang them suckers are hard to catch) :/

Death number three was another neon tetra. Cause of death was a super nasty case of ich. got him into the hospital tank (the five galon one) and treated the heck out of him using meds and adivce from you guys here. but.. he floated due to secondary infections im sure. what ever got him was FAST tho :sick: ..

SO 14 months and only 3 fish! :hyper:

my tank has gone through; new tank syndrome, a bactrea bloom that made my tank look like skim milk :lol: , white worms, several redecorations.

Currently my tanks water sparkles, smells perfict and has absoultly PERFICT water conditions. WHOOT thanks guys/girls! your advice has helped me move from a hesitant newbie to a "comfortable fish guy" ive even had the LPS ask ME for advice for sick fishys :)
Good for you, Zak Ursulo! :flowers:

That is quite an accomplishment. Now, keep up the great work. :nod:
congrats this year I've only lost 2 fish...my old old old betta and a cardinal (but thats because the lfs attendant squashed it) so I don't know if it counts or not :D
Well done mate, I lost 3 fish in 3 weeks when I was first getting the tank started, but since the great people on here have got me totally hooked (I swear the GF is sticking pins in dolls of you lot right now :p ) the tanks doing fine and fish seem really happy... see if I can get the next one going without losing any.

Bets anyone ;)
Currently my tanks water sparkles, smells perfict and has absoultly PERFICT water conditions. WHOOT thanks guys/girls! your advice has helped me move from a hesitant newbie to a "comfortable fish guy" ive even had the LPS ask ME for advice for sick fishys

congrats on your fantastic success...! :D I have ended up with 2 deaths in a month! :(

but since the great people on here have got me totally hooked (I swear the GF is sticking pins in dolls of you lot right now ) the tanks doing fine and fish seem really happy

I'll second that too, my g/f isn't using pins, but I do suspect my housemate of being a little jealous of the attention that my fish and this forum has been getting of late, everytime I have vanished for a bit and come back downstairs she always says "you been chatting on your forum again..?!"

What can I say, the advice is great and I don't feel like I'm alone when something goes wrong....

Thanks everyone! :D
well i only started 3 months ago and i got 3 deaths but nothing has been lost so far so myself i thnk iam doing okay coz i came into this erm lets call it proffesion :) with out any knowlegde of fish
I have had my tank since the end of august (about a day before I joined the forum) and I have only had one fish death! I am still not sure if it was New Tank Syndrome or something wrong with the fish itself because it hung out on the bottom of the tank from the moment I got it. Since then I have made it through the cycle without losing a single fish (which is a miracle). I didn't even know about cycling the tank until I joined this forum. Without help from here I probably would have lost all my fish and quit!
sounds like your doing a great job. :thumbs: my 55gl tank has been up for a little over a year and unfourtently i was not so lucky. everything was great untill i bought a house and had to move my tank. i lost 3 durnig the move. :( but the rest did great untill one day the transformer blew and my fishy's didnt have O2 for 3 days i tryed my best to keep air in the tank but i had to sleep sometime. i lost 2 camelback shrimp and 1 arrow crab. and 2 two striped damsels<only had for 2 days. also my feather duster lost his head :( but little did i know they do that when they get scared. and a month later it grew back. probly scared from me taking a super soaker and filling it up with my tank water and shooting it in the tank to keep the oxygen in :hyper: the water. it worked tho nothing elece died after i started the super soaker trick lol.
congratulations!!!! i have been keeping fish for about 10 months and i lost a great quantity of my fish in the first 2 months but thanks to all the great guy's and gal's on this forum i have not had a loss in 3 months :D it is hard at the start but once you know what parameters to look out for your fish have a great time, a big thankx to everone on the forum
Bravo Zulu to you....(means good job in the Navy) I havent been so lucky my 20 gal has been set up for over six months and is starting to be healthy...I lost abunch of fish last month due to a fungal outbreak I got from not isolating my new fish...it was bad! I actually had to euthinize 3 guppies...super sad and 2 were pregnant wich made it worse.....BUt Again Good job and keep it up!
one day the transformer blew and my fishy's didnt have O2 for 3 days i tryed my best to keep air in the tank but i had to sleep sometime.

Ya.. im ready for that one, Im an EMT/Fireman and ive got a set of O2 bottles in my pickup truck for doing CPR (or emergency O2 for my fishys) :thumbs:

2 bottles of O'z will last me about 6 days at .10 liters per min :)
Wow! Thats awesome! I have lost like 10 fish and I have only been doing this for four months -_-' God I must suck :( But awesome for you! :-D

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