1 year in the hobby

I like hornwort because it does grow quickly. My Rosy barb took a liking to it at first but leave it alone now. Im thinking of changing it tho with something a bit thicker. Brought some Ambulia LIMNOPHILA SESSILIFLORA for my 29g. It fills the tank out more so i might try that if it goes ok in that tank.
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That is so beautiful it doesn't even look real! I love it!! To quote Agnes, "It's so FLUFFY!"
That is so beautiful it doesn't even look real! I love it!! To quote Agnes, "It's so FLUFFY!"
Lol it is fluffy indeed. It made a big difference to the tank and the fish love it
First time I tried it my golden mystery snails loved it and ate most of it. :(
I'm sure they were very appreciative of the lovely salad you provided! Reminds me of gardening in my yard. The groundhogs eat more than they leave alone, so I basically just provide a catering service. :S
My golden mystery snails got out of hand and ate just about every plant but my Java Ferns, :( I gave them to my bother-in-law so now they are enjoying plastic plants:D
My golden mystery snails got out of hand and ate just about every plant but my Java Ferns, :( I gave them to my bother-in-law so now they are enjoying plastic plants:D
Haha theyve gone to snail rehab :rofl: proper cold turkey
This is what the tank will look like without water or plants, I plan on attach some Jave Ferns to the stumps, I have fine dark gravel (3mm) Not sure yet on fish, I may only go with 2 stumps because it feels crowded.
Hows the plans on the 30g sunken forest theme coming along
Hows the plans on the 30g sunken forest theme coming along
Hi Russjw, here are a couple of pictures, I may be getting a different 30 gallon tank with a nice stand from my sister. Everything is on hold on that due to the virus and her and her husband living about 6 hours drive away. I picked up a new heater, digital thermometer, air pump and sponge filter, Have some nice dark pee gravel (3mm or less) Been out looking for driftwood. Bought some plants and a nice background of a forest. Just need to set it up and add fish. I would have it going already if not for my sister tank.


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Hi Russjw, here are a couple of pictures, I may be getting a different 30 gallon tank with a nice stand from my sister. Everything is on hold on that due to the virus and her and her husband living about 6 hours drive away. I picked up a new heater, digital thermometer, air pump and sponge filter, Have some nice dark pee gravel (3mm or less) Been out looking for driftwood. Bought some plants and a nice background of a forest. Just need to set it up and add fish. I would have it going already if not for my sister tank.
Sounds good :) im in the same boat with putting things on hold due to the virus, its worrying times at the moment :( Have you decided on what kind of fish you want for this tank when its ready to go? Going for more Tetra's or as something else caught you eye
There are so many nice looking fish out there:fish:I am leaning toward schooling fish like tetra but still have not made up my mind. I want to be able to buy a shoal at a time and may do two shoals of 10-12 fish each so I keep the crowding down. I have been like a kid in a candy store, everyday I see a new pretty fish :yahoo:
There are so many nice looking fish out there:fish:I am leaning toward schooling fish like tetra but still have not made up my mind. I want to be able to buy a shoal at a time and may do two shoals of 10-12 fish each so I keep the crowding down. I have been like a kid in a candy store, everyday I see a new pretty fish :yahoo:
Thats the problem with so many nice looking fish out there were spoilt for choice. Tetra's are a lovely tho, ive not long had a group of Flames and there great to sit and watch :fish:
I picked up some more broad leaf anacharis, I plan on using it and some narrow leaf in the sunken forest tank. I also added to my anacharis forest in the tetra tank. I like the broad leaf better but it is hard to find. The flash on my camera whites out everything, it looks so much better without the flash. My ember tetras like to hide in the forest.


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