1 Wee Of Conditioning

sorry for writing 19 im 18 lol..ok pics of the pending enclosure coming...and how dont i act like an 18 year old???
no...18 sounds about right. a persons maturity and abilitys sometimes are far above the age level, and sometimes not.
Is this thread really going anywhere ???

your quite lucky to have three people who want 45 bettas each but i cant see why they would want bettas of a novice breeder.

have you got your cultures ready your fry tanks, filtration heaters i go on

this should all be ready before you even think of conditioning your bettas for breeding

TBH i dont know why ive added this post
The way i see it is, like bronzecat, if you keep an adult betta in a 1/2 gallon tank, then i dread to think where the fry are going. I am faaairly new to keeping bettas, and have taken the decision to not breed until i have successfully leveled up the pro's, cons what i should do, what i shouldn't etc. I estimate, in a few months i will start conditioning, then breeding etc. So my advice is, take a deep breath, think about everything with a skeptical eye, then plan for the future rationally :)

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