1 Pair Of Wild Oscars 5-6"

Wait why dont you give the oscars to indigoj? then she'll pay you back?

Something like that :good: then you both benefit in a way :D
i don't get you???
so it will probably be in jan sometime, that ok? yes i will definitely let you know. its only because i don't drive so the girlfriend has to take me!!
so does £20 sound ok for the 2? i know they sell wild oscars at pier but they're about 30 odd quid! which is steep!

i think knox meant indijo them now then she pay back on the 31st

i guess sorry being nosey i know

why did you have to go speeding.

you sound worse then my uncle

accept he's toyota sport car's a nice little cube now :hyper: shame realy a week earlyer me and him where driving in it.

Nice car shame it had to go.

Anyway good Luck getting them to Indigoj safely :)
cheers, i was on my second ban, totting up they called it! ha nevermind, i have to re-do my test now! annoying, as i now have to do that hazard perception and whatever else aswel, just so they make more money i presume!
i will be back on the road soon i hope and then the world will be my oyster once again!!
i hope petrol price's go down soon lol

anyway, yeah thanks, i shall make sure they get there ok, sat on my knee all the way! no doubt i'll be skint again after visiting bas! suck is life lol

Lmao dave

xD They proberly aretrying to make more money.

My uncle kinda robbed my dads van when some burlgar's nicked my nanes house so he went looking for them adn my dad came back like Wheres all the petrol gone :blink: xD

Yep. Petrol does cost quite alot.

Ever thought about getting a diesal?
LOL Knox...

Dave, 20 quid sounds fine especially for the size of them.

Just let me know when you can get over this way. I'll pm you my number and email address.
ok sorted, it will be soon as possible but i will let you know about a week in advance!
yeah id say they are between 5&6" and look nice, i would have kept them but you know the room they take up and their bio load and they have taken some sort of dislike to my pink tailed characin!
i know that it isn't the easiest thing keeping two big oscars together unless they are a pair but these 2 really do stick together 24/7! if they get split up you can see them looking for each other lol
hopefully they might be male and female and one day make some lovely f1 babies!!
i need to email andy at bas to see if he can get another polypterus teugelsi in for me!
Fab. Hope he can get the teugelsi in for you. I'll see you in the New Year then :)
Glad youve sold them dave, sorry i didnt get back in touch, was cut off my net and phone bill...was skint for a couple of weeks :p glad youve sold them...was going to say ill have to pass as im skint :(
Just a quick note on these, i spoke to the guy who collected them and he said the biggest one they caught in the wild was about 14inch, he said they will grow smaller than a well conditioned captive bred one, he also said they keep their colour much better than a captive bred one.
Cheers Ben, it's good to have some background info. Did he give a catch location at all?

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