1 Output And 2 Intake Problems


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2009
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Hi all
This is my first post and its to do with an issue I'm having. :shout:
I have a Eheim Ecco filter, Eheim Surface Skimmer and another intake pipe.

I have just installed this second intake pipe as recommended by Eheim if the skimmer rattles.

Now its installed it took a little persuading for the new pipe to start but now it has no water is being brought in via the surface skimmer.

I've tried fiddling.

Im lost on what to do. :unsure:

Have i set it up wrong or am I loosing it :crazy:

If anyone else has had this be great to hear from you.
Having owned Eheim Eccos, the only guarrenteed solution I can come up with is to bin it :shifty: Rubbish and un-reliable filter, that isn't actually made by Eheim...

Sorry, not quite the advice you were after :sad: Let me try again.... :blush:

I thought all the Ecco's had just one input, so is the second one plumbing into the same line as the first? If so, scrap the surface skimmer and just use a standord intake set and see if that solves the issue :good:

All the best
I fixed by removing a filter media i had put in which increased flow.

any suggestions on a filter that would be a good replacement?
If you want a budget Eheim, get a Classic. The dogs nuts of filters is the Eheim Pro range, I'd look at the pro 2's if I were going Eheim myself :good:

On the other brands options, Tetratec and Rena are also good IMO (Tetratec being my current favorite). AquaOne get good write-up's, and I would have got one of them if the Tetratecs diden't come along when they did, but anyhow...

I personally don't like Fluval or Eheim Eccos though, and would surgest avoiding them if possible :good:

All the best

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