1 Dead, Others Possibly Suffering

In my experience, "dropsy" is a description of a collection of symptoms caused by a range of problems, sometimes more than one at a time, not an actual disease.

Go read about Bettas' tolerance for salt, I can't remember it off the top of my head, but if it's high enough, then I do recommend addition of *aquarium* salt to help with the bloating.

For the rest, I can not 100% be sure that it is internal parasites, so I would probably recommend first a treatment with a generic anti-bacterial/anti-fungal medication (they are sometimes labelled as "tonic", but make sure you don't pick up something like tea tree oil, which can also be labelled as "tonic"), then a large water change and if nothing has changed, treatment for internal parasites.

Can you look at this page: http://www.guppyhobby.com/hexamita-white-feces-refusing-food/ and look at the first photo, which is of a female guppy. Can you see the poo which starts at the end of the pink bit and goes up? That's what a guppy with Hexamita looks like, if yours is similar, treat immediately for Hexamita. Unfortunately, decent medications for it in UK are only available by prescription from a vet. Actually, as you keep guppies, read the whole page anyway, it points out the importance of correct water parameters (although I disapprove of adding powdered stuff, I recommend addition of rocks or crushed shells which permanently leach into the water as I think that provides a better long term solution).

thankyou :) I've just started with a general anti-bacterial and read that article over a few times; it does sound a bit simmilar to what I've got so I'll see what i can do about getting the GH and KH tested (only tested amonia, nitrate, PH and nitrite before)and see what it comes back as... and i don't think I'll be keeping guppies again :crazy:

Meanwhile just a quite update- 3 more of the guppies died and one of them was the most healthy looking fish in the tank- no swelling and vey active so I'm hoping its a coninsidence and i don't have more than one thing wrong with my tank. Also one of the female developed quite a bad mouth rot (top lip was gone over ngiht :sad: ) but it is only day 2 of a 5 day treatment so hopfully things will start to perk up from here
[…] and i don't think I'll be keeping guppies again :crazy:
And why not? These problems can affect any other fish as well and do. Inbred guppies just tend to be a bit on the delicate side… but so is inbred anything. I'm not usually into line bred fish, but guppies have a special place for me because they were the first tropical fish I kept. If you ever get more again, try getting them form a breeder.
[…] and i don't think I'll be keeping guppies again :crazy:
And why not? These problems can affect any other fish as well and do. Inbred guppies just tend to be a bit on the delicate side… but so is inbred anything. I'm not usually into line bred fish, but guppies have a special place for me because they were the first tropical fish I kept. If you ever get more again, try getting them form a breeder.

i know they would- it's just that it has only effected the guppies for me so i guess its more of a personal hang up now and also they're quite limiting in what you can keep with them (did research into guppies before hand- peaceful communitiy fish, looked into other fish after- not to be kept with long fins :X so it isn't just that they got ill.
You'd be surprised at how many fish can be kept with gups, after you solve your current problem, give me a shout if you want recommendations ;)
You'd be surprised at how many fish can be kept with gups, after you solve your current problem, give me a shout if you want recommendations ;)

okay thanks- i think I will, I've only got one mroe day left of the treeatment but the fish still don't look too well thogh none mroe have died

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