1 Already Gone, Now Another On The Way Help!


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Basic info first 24G Eclipse tank (24in wide, 12 deep 20 high) Stocked with 1 Pleco (of undertermined type) 6 Tiger Barbs, 2 Blue Gourami and untill yesterday 1 Pictus Cat. Water paramaters Ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates <5.0, PH 7.2-7.6. Tank is planted, also has a piece of drift wood.

Now the story, I did a 10 gallon water change 2 days ago, it was overdue by almost a week, but it was done. When I came home from week the next night My Pictus Cat was DOA, floating in the corner eyes clouded over. I checked it for any spots, worms ect, nothing I could see anyway. I did check the PH that night and it was up to about 7.8-8.0, after some research I found that Pictus are not too tolerant of PH changes and 7.8-8 is above thier tolerable range.

( So sayth the internet --- here ---> http://www.aquariumlife.net/profiles/pimel...ish/100010.asp)

Ok so I figure oh well he was cool but from what I have read controlling ph is a crap shoot at best, so on to other fish right? Well today I break for lunch and one of my Tiger Barbs is on his last fin ( ;) ) but all jokeing aside he is nose down seemingly having a hard time keeping his own againt the current in the tank. He's even swimming on his side and nearly nonresponsive till another Barb actually touches him. HELP!!! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a pic, it's about 6 months old, minus 1 fish :sad: View attachment Resizedtankpic.bmp
The massive water change altered stats to fast, should never do large water changes.
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's self, bad water quality, stress, old age, bad diet, parasites, to bacterial infection.
Sounds like the other fish has swim bladder which can be fetched on by changing the stats to fast, once it has progressed hard to cure.
Whats your tap ph?
The massive water change altered stats to fast, should never do large water changes.
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's self, bad water quality, stress, old age, bad diet, parasites, to bacterial infection.
Sounds like the other fish has swim bladder which can be fetched on by changing the stats to fast, once it has progressed hard to cure.
Whats your tap ph?

Ph from the tap comes in at a whopping 8.2-8.4, not brown, and not quite purple on the high range ph indicator test. Looks like in my attempt to keep my fish happy I did them, or at least 1 in. :look:

Anything I can do short of the whole ph adjusting ride to lower ph a bit?

Also anyhope my Tiger Barb with the apparent swim bladder issue will recover? Is this fatal, or is he just now the "Gimp" of the tank?
Leave the ph alone more trouble then it worth.
Altered the ph to fast and the fish went into ph shock.
I will get you some info on ph.


Thanks for the link, great info. I have to brag on htis board abit. In the last 48 hours I have been directed to no less than 5 resources I had never found on my own. AWESOME job an the support!!! Thank you so much!

Spot (the Tiger Barb) has made what seems to be a complete recovery!! He has righted himself in the water and is swimming nearly normally. I would say he's at 95%, and looking good. Thanks for your advice and kind ear.
Glad he's back to his normal self.

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