1.5l Pico Diary.....1st Pics


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
Today I bought a tiny tank. It is just about 1.5 litres.

I have about 1 inch crushed coral substrate and some live rock. I think I will add some more live rock though as it looks a bit bare.

I am lighting it with a standard desk type spotlight at the moment which I'm hoping will provide plenty of heat. If the water is too cool I can move it slightly as it's currently sitting on top of my 30gal tank. If I move it to sit above my lights it will get much more heat.

I can just about fit a thermometer in it and it's currently at 26 deg C so looking good so far.

I have a small airline to provide some movement and surface agitation. I will be looking into ways to get some more movement though.

I'm just going to upload my pics onto photobucket then I'll post them on here :good:
Ok here's the pics


I put an ordinary knife next to it to show the scale :)


A bit closer...

Im going to have to watch this as this looks truly amazing. How much has this set up cost you so far mate?

I'v seen those before. Is this suposed to just be a fun expierement I'm assuming then? Looks good.
Thanks guys :good:

So far it's cost me £3.99 for the little tank and £2.00 for the live rock. I had lots of substrate lying around. The lamp is nothing special, just a desk lamp I had in the kitchen. The airline is an old cheap spare one which I robbed from my goldfish. I have a more powerful one hanging around somewhere which I'll either put in this tank or I'll give to the goldfish. I have stolen a thermometer off my 55gal tank which wasn't in the pics.

Yes this is just an exxperiment. I want to see if I can do it :fun: I'm thinking I'll run it for a month or so minimum, maybe 2 months.

Yes it's a very small tank. It is actually holding 1.4litres. Obviously it would hold a bit more empty...but not much :lol:

I have a small ricordea which can go in but other than that I'm open to suggestions as to what will go in there.

I will be adding more live rock, either pinched from my other tanks or I may buy a little more tomorrow.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :nod:

The biggest challenge so far is going to be controlling the temp and salinity. Wish me luck!
As anticipated I am starting to have a problem with the temp. I just checked the thermometer and it's nearly at 30 deg C. So....I moved the tank to a new position on top of my bigger tank which is much cooler. This means I can have the lamp further away :good: Will give it a couple of hours and see how it goes.

I am going to pick up another lamp tomorrow and fit it with a red bulb so I can keep the temp stable overnight without making an algae farm.
Maybe a stingray or a bamboo sharK? :lol:

Would it be big enough for a sexy shrimp?
Not really.....It is very very small. I think anything more than 1 hermit will be pushing it.
I have moved it onto a shelf as it was still to warm and the temp has come down nicely so I'm running at 27deg C now :good:

Just another pic for perspective :blush:

So for the air line, are you running an air pump I'm assuming.

Looks like somebody's ready for spring
Yeah I have an Airtech 2KO UK airpump. It's giving loads of movement :good: I may have to fiddle with it at some point as it's full on at the moment, maybe I'll choke it down a bit in a day or so
Not really.....It is very very small. I think anything more than 1 hermit will be pushing it.

I thought sexy shrimp were really tiny. The ones I've seen in my lfs were no bigger than my pinky fingernail. Do they get quite a bit bigger?

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