0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, dropping nitrate???


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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Its been a long and hard process to get my tank to cycle. Now that it finally has, i've noticed something weird. My nitrates are actually dropping. They're at 0 now. Whats the deal? I use liquid test kits. I might bring some water into a pet shop to get tested once i get the chance. What is happening here. I don't have any live plants either. But i do have some brown algea.

I have a 55 gallon tank wiht 5 clown loaches(2") 8 tiger barbs, a red fin shark, and a peacock eel.
That's good as long as you don't have a nitrite reading, what is your tap water in nitrates.
0 nitrate. Or at most an amount that doesn't register. But what could be causing the nitrate drop?
Your'e very lucky if your tap water is 0 nitrate, nothing to worry about , unless you start to get a nitrite reading.
Algae will use it, but even still 0 nitrate, and dropping nitrate, is not normal in an unplanted tank, I, for one, am skeptical. Make sure your nitrate test is still good, as they do expire after a while and could give false readings at that point. Make sure not only that you haven't had it for a while, but that the fish store you bought it at runs through stock at an acceptable frequency, or replaces outdated stock. What kind of test are you using.

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