0.25 Ammonia

I thought I was stating what is commonly believed to be the right thing to do. I'm not sure I said the forum article needed rewriting, only that if you have any issue with it you should take it up with the author, but I hold my hand up and should have stated the source at the outset.
"It's not what you say it's the way that you say it" is the phrase isn't it and I'll admit your "comment" made me somewhat defensive and for that I should sincerely apologise.
Well I now have a bit of a conundrum in that my fishless cycle seems to have speeded up extremely quickly since 6am this morning when ammonia was 4ppm which it had been every day since I added it 6 days ago. I know you should wait for the ammonia to start dropping before testing for nitrites but I thought I'd give it a go. To my surprise nitrItes was somewhere between 2-5ppm (can't tell the difference tbh!) on the API master test kit, but it shows that something is happening. Could it be the mature gravel I added yesterday? Would it work really so quickly?
At 10.30am, nitrAtes are 20-40ppm starting on day 1 at 5ppm with no water changes since I started the process. Checked the ammonia level again and it was 2ppm! Am now panicking in case the ammonia plummets drastically whilst I am at work (evening shift) and the process stalls. I will be away for 9 hours or so. Should I top it up to 4ppm again before I go to work or wait and see? I know that ammonia and nitrItes have to be able to be processed to 0 within 24hrs several times and nitrAtes should be off the scale. Then a huge water change before adding fish. I wasn't planning on stocking it so soon as thought the process would take weeks! Not days!
So do I top it up now or wait?
Once it's fully cycled what level of ammonia should I be trying for to keep it ticking over til I can stock it?
Mamashack said:
"It's not what you say it's the way that you say it" is the phrase isn't it and I'll admit your "comment" made me somewhat defensive and for that I should sincerely apologise.
To be honest with you, I feel it is TwoTank that should be apologising. His/her way of phrasing replies comes across to me as extremely arrogant and unnecssarily confusing, and I have challenged him/her previously about this.
Thanks lock_man. I only said I should be apologising for becoming defensive not for anything else. I guess he/she feels very passionately about the subject - however that is no excuse for being confrontational. It's done now tho and hopefully peace will be resumed.
the_lock_man said:
"It's not what you say it's the way that you say it" is the phrase isn't it and I'll admit your "comment" made me somewhat defensive and for that I should sincerely apologise.
To be honest with you, I feel it is TwoTank that should be apologising. His/her way of phrasing replies comes across to me as extremely arrogant and unnecssarily confusing, and I have challenged him/her previously about this.
 +1. Seems to like steam rolling over other people's views without substantiating his/her own views.
mark4785 said:
To be honest with you, I feel it is TwoTank that should be apologising. His/her way of phrasing replies comes across to me as extremely arrogant and unnecssarily confusing, and I have challenged him/her previously about this. 
 +1. Seems to like steam rolling over other people's views without substantiating his/her own views.
Thanks Mark
Hmmmm what happened there? Got notification that someone had posted 5 times on here yet no messages. Even the poster seems to no longer be a member - bizarre!
Thread may have been spammed. All the posts disappear at once if we spam ban a bot, so they come quickly and go even faster.
Ok thanks Dr Rob! Didn't realise a thread could be spammed! lol

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