
  1. P

    Guppies Dying

    I have a new tank. I never tested the tank, but I used a cycle booster and PH corrector then waited till the water clouded with bacteria bloom and went back to clear before adding fish. (I know I should have spent more time cycling, but my wife didn't want to wait more than a week)  I originally...
  2. cowgirluntamed

    Black Worms In Tank!

    Hi, my name is Kristen and I've just found black worms in my tank! Or at least, around the edges and in my filter media! What are these things and are they harmful and either way, how do I get rid of them? They were not there a week ago!   Here is some more info for my tank.   20 gallon 6 black...
  3. B

    Camalanus Worms

    Can camalanus worms survive without a host?
  4. B

    Restarting After Camalanus Worms

    So I have posted the story before but just a little background.  I bought a new male guppy (who is struggling right now, probably die soon) and he brought worms into my tank.  I thought it was just poop and it was gone the next day (just hidden inside).  Anywho..... my whole tank has been...
  5. B

    Camallanus Worms

    I have fish with camallanus worms.  I want to save them, but I have no idea what to use for medication.  I don't want to have to start my tank over again.  
  6. RCA

    Betta; Bacterial, Worms, Egg Bound, Dropsy?

    Do you think I can save this girl? Any advice welcome. This is what she would typically look like:   So as you can she she is normally a little round, but she has got larger over the past 24 hours:   What you can see is she is larger on one side and it looks like there is some reddening on...
  7. RCA

    Worms, Tumor Or Pregnant?

    Can anyone give me any indication of what is wrong with this fish (WCMM)?  It originally started looking like it had swallowed a "figure 8", but with the 8 sideways on.  Now it looks even larger but not sure what it is?  She eats fine and seems well other than getting larger with whatever is...