
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Micropia- Top Fin 2 Gallon Hexagon Aquarium Journal

    Started 11/15/2024 "Micropia is what I call my small aquarium ecosystem used to house an assortment of microfauna and snails, such as ostracods, detritus worms and plenty others. How will their populations compete against each other? Let's watch!"
  2. A

    Is it worms?

    Hello I have a female betta fish who looks like she has worms. At first I thought she had a red wound but on closer inspection I noticed what looks like individual worms. She has been lethargic and hiding for weeks and she isn’t eating. I have tried every medicine I can get my hands on. I’ve...
  3. C

    Deworming ill fish - health declining

    Hello! I am posting an update concerning my betta, Cornelius, who has been developing a bulge on his side and whose fins have been deteriorating. First pic is when I got him, second and third are from about a month ago, when I made in my last post. @Colin_T advised deworming, which is what I...
  4. NatCardiff88

    Help! Discus not eating,hiding and ball hanging out of anus - unsure if prolapse or disease

    Hi There Please can someone help and advise to treatment with my one discus. She’s been hiding and not eating tried using entice but no joy. She hasn’t showed any symptoms but now has a ball hanging out of anus. I want to treat straightway but unsure if this is a prolapse, hexamita or worms...
  5. Lanpenn

    What are these tubes on my tank, after all?

    Hello everyone, how is it going? Well, despite not posting my aquarium's photos here anymore (lack of time and other priorities), my tank's doing well and the cyanobacteria are almost eliminated. However, I realized that there are simply so many tubes around the aquarium! These tubes are on...
  6. Irksome

    Protecting snails during a deworming cycle

    I have recently bought a trio of guppies, and have some noticed the predicted white stringy poop. The new fish are already showing signs of environmental stress that I have treated with phenoxyethanol and water changes. My tank was cycled, planted, mature and had no fish in before adding them...
  7. J

    Unknown worms

    Hello everyone, I’ve been cycling my tank for some rili shrimp but have found these white little worms all over the tank. So I snagged a few and got some decent pictures of them under a microscope. At first I thought they were detritus worms but under the microscope they don’t have the...
  8. outofwater

    Is this fry fat, or does it have worms?

    Hi everyone, last Saturday I went by a nearby lfs and bought 3 ottos. Upon arrival at home I noticed a small, unknown fry in the bag. Couple of days later an otto died, so I went back to the store with the fish and water sample. After confirming all params were OK, (0 ammonia and nitrites, 10...
  9. S

    Unidentified Worm Infestation

    Hi All Its been a while since I posted, but I need your help. I have a 20 litre nano aquarium - densely planted and housing 4 Cherry Shrimp The other day I noticed a worm wriggling through the water column, it was light brown with a black head. I removed it with tweezers. I then noticed...
  10. quinnARIUM

    Worried Discus might have worms

    Hi everyone, I purchased 6 Discus about 5 weeks ago in my 75 gallon aquarium. Everything in the tanks is going well; the chemistry is good (pH: 6.5, hardness: 25, Nitrate: 5, carbonate: 20) and all fish are growing fast and healthy. But one discus, pictured below, seems to be a little skinnier...
  11. G

    Fat bellied Mollies make the world go round

    Hey guys! I have recently encountered a problem in my planted breeder tank. My mollie mama looks pregnant constantly even after giving birth and her fry ate coming out with swollen bellies. I caught a video of some sort of white worm in the tank as well. I know they have worms but I can't figure...
  12. KatNor21

    Need recommendations for a pest-eating nano fish

    I have a 5.5gal shrimp tank that is overrun with pests. I have flatworms and detritus worms all over the glass, plus little white specks that dart around, and some grammarus or something living in the sand. Mostly I just want to get rid of the worms. It's really hard not to overfeed the tank as...
  13. crupp29

    Unidentified Worm-Looking Creatures in Tank

    I wasn’t really sure where to post this, but I just found some white worm-looking creatures on the glass of my 10 gallon. I’m not sure whether or not I should be concerned, but I thought I would ask if anyone is able to identify them anyway. An image has been attached, it’s the best one I could...
  14. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    What is wrong with him? Dropsy? He’s been very lethargic for several days and now this is happening... he got bloated over night, is breathing heavily....
  15. 3

    Found worms?

    I am just setting up a new bristle nose breeding tank and as I was moving wood and plants from my old tank I found these. I have no idea what they are. Are they parasites or unsafe? Are they safe for fish?
  16. A

    Fishless Cycling our new 55 gallon tank

    Hey guys, We’ve been having a small 10 gallon tank for a while now and got our new 55 gallon tank a couple of weeks ago so we’re still pretty new to all of this. We decided to do a fishless cycle on this new tank. Our nitrite levels are already pretty high and have been staying high for a week...
  17. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  18. Circus

    Little Worms?

    Can you guys give me some advice on what these little worm things are? These pics are from my 15 column with cherry shrimp and oto catfish, I had guppy fish in there but moved the last one out about 10 days ago. I noticed these little worms in the substrate and on the almond leaves I have in the...
  19. A

    Signs my fish has worms?

    Hi there, In one of my tanks, I noticed that my bristlenose pleco has something that looks like callamanus worms. I double checked with PetSmart and they said it looked normal. My water levels are fine and I have not introduced any new fish or plants to my aquarium for over a month now. My...
  20. Jennifer Gonzales


    I have guppy fry! Some are 24hrs old some are 48hrs old and 1 is over a week old. I have also discovered camallanus worms :( will flubendazole treatment be safe for my new babies or do I need to move them to a new tank?
  21. friezafish

    Planaria or Detritus Worms ID / Shrimp ID

    Hello, could someone please help determine if these worms are dangerous or beneficial? I received them in my recent shipment of shrimp. There are little worms and tiny specks like springtails or something? Also, I believe I have Aqua Huna / Blue Dream Shrimp? side note: Not sure of grading and...
  22. B

    Mysterious worms infestation

    Hi I have an infestation of worms in my tanks which I can see squirming all over the tank walls, if anyone knows what they are and if they are harmful to the fish that would be good to know and also if anyone knows any methods to get rid of them? I've cleaned and re set up those tanks numerous...
  23. L


    Hi All! I'm very new to fish keeping so you'll have to bear with me! I have a 64L tank, currently housing 5 black widow tetras, 3 mollies, and 1 betta fish. All getting along happily (yes including the betta, yay :) ) Tank has been running a few months, cycled before adding any fish...
  24. Irksome

    Just in case it’s worms... should I treat the tank

    As some of you have advised me before you might remember I have some trouble with my guppies. My first batch of guppies have progressively sickened and died with just 1 remaining of the first 6 after 4 months. The first 3 deaths I put down to ammonia spikes as I struggled to keep my water...
  25. Irksome

    Tank is ready and cycled but now has worms. Advice please

    Hello, I have cycled my planted divided 10 gallon with mature sponges and fish food and levels are now good and stable ready for my shrimp and betta(that I have not yet purchased), the snails are settled and reproducing enthusiastically. The fish food method has created a possible problem of...
  26. H

    MIT Laboratory Looking for Planarians

    Hello, I work in a lab at MIT and we are looking to expand our species of planaria for research purposes. If anyone (especially internationally) thinks they have any planarians that we don't already have, we would gladly pay for them to be shipped to our lab. Please send us pictures of your worms!
  27. Ama

    Worms in aquarium

    I've planted an unknown grass into my old 1 gallon aquarium for an experiment It was used as a hospital tank before Then yesterday i found some white tiny worms in it... Like a lot of. Currently there isn't any fish in that Aquarium But my concern is,Is that harmful for fish? And what kind of...
  28. D

    Dark worms in my White Worm Culture

    So a few weeks ago I purchased a white worm started culture. Overall they culture has been doing well and generally thriving. However, recently I have been noticing these smaller, dark colored worms that appear to be segmented within the culture. They appear to be completely distinct from the...
  29. RedSarah

    Help with Possible Parasites??

    Hello folks! I'm getting worried about my honey gourami buddy, Cheese... I have had him for just over a year and noticed that his color has been fading slowly over the past month. He is in a moderately planted 5.5 gallon (will be upgrading in the next few months after I move). I struggled with...
  30. A

    Is This Fin Rot Or Worms On My Betta?

    I got a male betta recently to breed with my female later and I realized when he flares his bottom fins dont flare and I realised a little white wormish thing on there. I dont know if its worms or fin rot but can someone tell me? I'll post links to photos because this space limit wont let me...
  31. A

    Pleco Died, Platy sick? Also wood question.

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I have recently taken out all the gravel and decorations as I am setting up a 15 gallon column tank to be my main tank and going to use the 10 gallon for platy fry. All thats left in there besides fish is java moss(i think is what she called it) and a small peice...
  32. Vengified

    Possibly Sterile Female? Wasting Disease? Worms?

    So, I have a female guppy whom appears different than the rest of my females. She has always been blonde, and always appeared slightly different than the rest. But the others purchased with her, and a couple after her, are all visibly pregnant, with a couple about to pop any day now. I was...
  33. Brendt

    PROBLEMS!! Please help!!

    Hi Guys relatively new to all of this posting in forums and fish tanks. FOREWARNING IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG READ but here it goes So if I’m not posting this right please let me know where I can and how to post it elsewhere. Now I’ve dabbled in fish tanks before growing up but by no means would...
  34. V

    gourami Worm?!?!

    Hi there, Today I woke up to feed my ish and I noticed a clear dangling thing coming out of my gouramis poop whole. I’m worried it might be a worm??!?! If so, how do I remove it? Can I pull it out with tweezers? Cheers
  35. L

    Platy Swimming Straight Down After Levamisole

    My new (as of 3 weeks ago) guppy started getting emaciated and swimming funny. Too late, I figured out it was the camallanus worm (unmistakable- he had the red spider-like worms peeking out of his anal vent). I did a lot of thorough online research and ordered Levamisole from Subquaria to treat...
  36. simonero

    Worms/flukes/sporocysts? Other? Need identification help.

    UPDATE: Issue resolved with help from another member. The things in my tank were fresh water limpets, a tiny gastropod, nothing parasitic. Pictures below in responses, courtesy of @chris from hull. ----------------------- Hey all, I have this thing in one of my freshwater tanks that I have...
  37. thebeccatron

    Planaria worms?

    Hey, Panicking! I cleaned my tank a few days ago, still trying to get back on track from my last issue (water pump turning the water cloudy, has since been removed). I assumed the water was still cloudy or that I'd somehow got dust in the tank, however on closer inspection...THE DUST IS...
  38. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

      Hey everyone, So I noticed today that I have what I think are some detritus worms.  Edit: and I believe copepods now (insanely tiny white dots that scoot around).  Although what I've read online about them says they're harmless, I've had two shrimp mysteriously die during the past three days...
  39. A

    Camallanus-Harka-Verm Dosage?

    I have a case of camallanus worms in my 120L tank.   I have 10 cardinal tetras, 4 corydoras trilineatus, and 1 apistogramma cacatuoides male (I had a female of them but she died, she had worms too and was stressed out by the male constant attention).   I have treated the tank with Sera Med...
  40. W

    Are These Worms In Tank And Are They Harmful?

    So , I planed on redoing one of my 55 gallon tank and stock it with fish.   Went to go in to clean it one more time and to my horror, there was all these white "things" on the glass. I started to vaccume the gravel one last time and the current with me in there unlodged some of these and they...