water change

  1. F

    Water changes when plants reduce nitrate?

    Hi, I’ve had my tank for a month now and I have 8 shrimp and 2 Otocinclus catfish. My nitrates in my tap water are around 30 ppm but I have noticed that the longer I leave my water the lower my nitrates go as the plants are sucking it up. If I leave my water for 1 week the nitrates go down 10...
  2. Ingrid

    What's your use for used aquarium water?

    I am wondering if any one has a use for used aquarium water as I am trying to save water. Sorry if this is in the forum . Thanks for any replies
  3. Jan Cavalieri

    Chemistry problem on a cycled tank

    When I first got my aquarium set up (with plants, very little artificial anything) I used ammonia to start the cycle. It took about 3 weeks but I got to a point where I had zero Amonia, Nitrites and Ntrates. PH of -7 and it looked great. First round of fish - the only thing I ever saw change...
  4. mhancock

    A moment on genius!?

    After years of fish keeping, countless journeys with buckets and trying other solutions, today I realised that a standard hose connector fits exactly both onto the outlet of the external pump in one tank and onto the 15mm copper that I'm using on a homemade filter in the other tank. This has...
  5. Jan Cavalieri

    Question about tank cleaning and the Python

    I have a Phython to clean and do water changes. I got it on sale before I even had the aquarium and hadn't decided where the aquarium would be located so I bought the 50 ft hose one so it could reach any sink in the house. And remarkably it can work with all three faucets. But it was a big...
  6. P


    Hi there, I’m new to the forum to ask advice on what the outcome of my HUGE mistake might be. I’ve had my ten gallon tank for a year now and have 4 platys and 3 snails in it. I’ve been told by the people at my local fish store that this isn’t an overloaded tank as long as I keep on top of tank...
  7. D

    Video Making water changes easier

    Hi, Some feedback from you guys would be fantastic. I'm just about to launch a new product to make water changers easier. What do you think of it ie function, price, usefulness. https://www.boxfishproducts.co.uk
  8. Vengified

    Need Opinion on Nitrates and Water Change

    As title says, I am wondering if/when I NEED to do water changes on my tank? I am not new, I'm well aware of nitrogen cycle, had one tank 7 months, second tank 4 months, both with healthy fish. Been frequenting forums for months, with multiple threads if you care to check my profile, and I've...
  9. B

    Where's all the nitrates?

    Hi, I've been taking care of a betta in a 6.8 gallon tank for a few months now. The tank and water are well cycled - I use an API freshwater master test kit, and never get ammonia or nitrites. I do partial water changes when I can see excessive amounts of poop on the bottom. The reason I don't...
  10. Ash Paws

    Water changes

    Hi guys, I was wondering how many times a week I should do a water change for my betta, Pence. He is in a 5.5 gallon with a Topfin Silenstream Power Filter 10. I was thinking since his tank is pretty small probably twice weekly or once weekly? Please share your opinions Ash
  11. Vengified

    Fry in Tank, how to W/C, etc. And UNIQUE female. And tank pics.

    So, I have several questions/concerns, and also a few pics I would like some opinions/information on, so please livebear with me, on my livebearer inquiries! :clap: Sorry it's rather long winded. Also, before anyone asks, I do know the nitrogen cycle, my tank is fully cycled, ph 8.0, hardness...
  12. MyFishKaren

    High Ammonia, Cyanobacteria Returning, Blackout Advice

    6/5/18 I did a 40ish% water change, siphoning out to what I perceived was to be all of the cyanobacteria. I took this water test right after my water change. Refilling the water (dechlorinated, conditioned, and added bacteria) the parameters were as follows: pH - 8.1 Ammonia - .50ppm Nitrite...
  13. T

    Cycling doesn't make sense

    I'm having serious issues with cycling my tank. I have a 29 gallon with 3 tiger barbs (left from 9). The nitrite has been zero but the ammonia continues to climb. I was doing 50% water changes every day (huge HUGE PAIN). I let the tank be while I went on vacation. It's been over a week and the...
  14. T

    Unusual water change help

    So I know how to normally change my betta's water when his tank and the new water are the same temperature. The issue is I live in a dorm with no AC so I have a fan on his little tank so the temperature doesn't go too high. However, because of the fan on his water, the water I want to add is a...
  15. B

    Betta sitting on top after water change

    Hello! We have had our fish for about a month now, and my mom changes the water once a week. She doesn't perform a complete water change, but she does change most of it. Ever since she's changed the water a couple of hours ago, our fish has not been moving at all. We gave the bowl a couple of...
  16. K

    Concerned about my betta resting on the bottom

    I have a male betta i got from petco as a birthday present in march. its now july and i was gone for 5 days for a funeral and came back to see my neighbor had over fed him and his tank wasnt looking good. he was still swimming and acting normal so i left again to see another family member for a...
  17. Fiji

    Nitrates refuse to go down?

    Hello everyone. I have been battling a dilemma with my 55 gallon tank for some time now and figured it was time to ask for advice. For the past 3-4 months every time I measure the nitrates level it reads 40-80 ppm which is obviously not good. The tank is not heavily stocked and I've been doing...
  18. thrujenseyes

    something Byron said....

    "Warmer water holds less oxygen, so the fish are having to respirate far more to get what they need to begin with. Then there is the issue of the effect of temperature on fish metabolism; the warmer the water, the harder the fish has to work just to maintain its normal internal functions. So...
  19. G

    Water Would You?

    For those of you who have read my recent post you know that i've setup a new 90gal semi-reef which may go full blown once I get my feet under me.  Trying to be a good soldier with water changes I'm considering buying a 275 gallon water container and put it in my garage. From there I can get 0...
  20. mrstwalker

    Aquarium Journal - Advice?

    I have heard of several people using/making aquarium journals for their tanks. They log information about water changes, water quality tests, illnesses, medicating, plant care etc. to keep up with the history of their tank. I think this is a marvelous idea and I really want to start a few of my...
  21. S

    Saving Fish From Uncycled Tank!

    Hey everyone, just signed up to the forum. Figured it would be beneficial since I plan to have this hobby for a long time. So I'm guessing this is an issue that comes up occasionally. I've put fish in an uncycled tank. I believe it's 250 litres.  The list of fish are as follows: #2 Clown...
  22. jimboshrimp

    Holiday Tips For Safely Leaving My Fish

    Hi everyone I am going on holiday next Tuesday 06/05/2014 for 11 days , I have a son who lives at home and will be feeding the dogs and fish (5 neon tetras) I am worried he might over feed and then I will have water problems which I wont be able to do anything about and I am worried about...
  23. S

    Water Changes During Cycle

    Do I have to put the water from the tap in a bucket first and add Prime or can't I just add the appropriate amount of Prime to the tank first and then add the water right in?  I have read so many conflicting posts I am really frustrated.  Doing a fish in cycle and I have been adding Prime to my...
  24. Doomchibi

    Can I Use Less Water Conditioner For My Water Changes?

    Recently I tested my relatively new 29g brackish aquarium's water, and it turns out my nitrites and nitrates are both very high.   My tank's water is reading as: 7.8 PH, about 180 KH, 0 chlorine, Nitrites I think around 7 or 8, the color is brighter than my chart so it may be higher, and about...
  25. Mamashack

    Injured Platy - What To Do Now?

    What to do!! When I checked the tanks this morning was surprised to see a large red mark on the side of the adult female platy. She seems ok in herself, just injured. I suspect she'd been attacked by one/some of the 5 month old platy fry as their older sibling started a fight with adult male...
  26. SarahMarie

    Cycling Tank

    So I got a new tank a few weeks ago and was advised to have 2 platys in order to cycle the tank, but I'm not entirely sure how many water changes I should be doing per week whilst its cycling, and how long it will take to complete it's cycle. I have a 64 litre tank and 1 male + 1 female in at...
  27. jerseybabi609

    Dead Glofish After Partial Water Change

    Hi, I am fairly new to the aquarium hobby. I have a 10 gallon tank thats been up and running for about two months now and everything seem to be ok until my last partial water change. In the tank I had 5 glofish,2 albino corys, 2 delta guppies, ghost shrimp, baby snails, and 2 glowlights that was...
  28. livvyy

    Rain Water In Fish Tanks?

    I just put a bucket (one I use for water changes) out in the rain and I was wondering if that's ok for the fish tank I have? I had to do a partial water change (Done one through the week already) because my nitrAte was 40 and my ammonia is somewhere between 0 and 0.25 and i'd like them lower (as...
  29. J

    Maximum Nitrate Level For Discus?

    If it matters, I'm talking about tank-bred red turquoise discus.   What is the maximum nitrate level they can tolerate before I need to do a water change?
  30. Dstreet

    Filter Maintenance Question

    I have a 60 gallon tank with a Fluval C4 HOB filter. How often should I rinse the filter components (sponge, ceramics and charcoal)? During weekly water change or less often? Don't want to disturb bacteria but also do not want it to get too dirty? Should all media be rinsed at one time or...
  31. Maehlice

    Diy Auto Water Change Box

    I'm searching for an easier way to maintain my aquarium and have come up with this. It's essentially two different ideas in one box. Keep in mind I'm trying to minimize (eliminate, even) extraneous pumps. I trust gravity much more than pumps. The main process is a constant RO "drip", which...
  32. Maehlice

    What Is *in* Water That Makes Water Changes Necessary?

    The title says it all. I've read countless times about water changes not being recommended but required. In general, my title question aims to answer "why" exactly this is so. With proper feeding and particular planting & stocking , an aquarium's nitrate, nitrite & ammonia levels can remain...