tank mates

  1. A

    Need Suggestions for New Tank Mates

    I have a 55 gallon fish tank and started out with 2 silver dollars and an angel fish. These fish have been kept for about 2 years and the angel fish previously was very aggressive. Every angel fish we have attempted to add has been killed and many other types. After giving up for a while, we...
  2. H

    Best Buddies For Electric Blue Balloon Ram?

    Hi all, We've got a 130 litre (34 gallon) planted tropical freshwater tank - it's about 2 months old now and fully cycled. We have 1 male dwarf gourami, 8 diamond tetras, 11 neon tetras and 1 electric blue balloon ram. We've noticed that our ram gets stressed at feeding time, as he just can't...
  3. F

    Albino Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    Hey everyone!   Currently, my 120l aquarium with 3 albino tiger barbs and 3 boesemani rainbow fish. I would like to put 1 other species also. However, at the present the balance is kinda perfect between the two and I know how difficult tiger barbs are, so any suggestions would be great.   My...
  4. hudsona85

    Severum Additions

    So after much debate and discovering water parameters that would be suitable for my new 75gal tank, I have chosen to go for SA cichlids. I will have sand as my substrate and debating between the Aquatop CF500UV, Eheim Pro 350, or 1 or 2 AquaClear 110. I am not planning on having live plants. I...
  5. V

    New Here And In Desperate Need Of Help!

    Hello! I'm new here and looking for some answers as I am incredibly stumped. If you are prepare to read a long thread, I will be incredibly grateful for your time, effort, and (hopefully) advice!   I have a 5 gallon tank that houses 1 Betta, 2 Oto cats, 3 amano shrimp and 3 assassin snails (that...
  6. J

    Suggest Me Some Tankmates!

    I just set up a new tank with 4 cichlids! Im wanting to add some catfish and 1-2 shrimp. So suggest what to add that will go with my cichlids!
  7. T

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    Hi   I have had tropical fish tanks for quite a few years now but have all been 100L or less. I now have a 200L tank and would like some help with what fish to add.    It is a planted tank that currently has the following: 2 Bristlenose plecs 5 corys 9 zebra danios 6 golden barbs 3 tiger barbs 3...
  8. J

    Red Tail Black Shark Tankmates For 63 Gallon Tank

    I'm new to keeping fish but doing as much research as possible before getting my first tank. I am starting on quite a large one, 240 litre in the UK, which is just about 63 US Gallons, and really want a Red Tail Black Shark. What tankmates are most advisable?   I'd prefer not to have to worry...
  9. S

    Tigers And Rainbows?

    Just got a 55 that came with 2 big fat tiger barbs, 1 blue gourami, and a pleco. They all seem to get along even though I read there should be at least 7 barbs. Can I try rainbows with them? Should I get more barbs first? Also liked the look of diamond tetras... What would you do?
  10. sharkydog

    Lfs Told Me Betta Would Definitely Eat White Clouds

    So I decided to see what my LFS had, for potential tank mates for my male betta in a 10 gallon. They have white clouds there and I was talking to the store owner and he told me that my betta would DEFINITELY eat them, even if the tank was heavily planted... But I'm pretty sure I have also seen...
  11. beast1605

    New 40-55 Gallon Inhabitants/tank Mates

    Hello all and thanks for looking into my topic.  I am relatively new to having my own aquariums but have grown up with them my whole life. I started young with large predatory fish and now at nearly 30 im looking into this new world of "Nano Fish" for freshwater. Thus far ive found Celestial...
  12. FungusTrooper

    Do Golden Gouramis Need Friends?

    Hey all.   We recently adopted a medium sized male golden gourami from a family friend who was moving and couldn't keep her fish anymore. She left her house in the care of another friend for 6 months, but he did absolutely nothing to the fish - it's a wonder any of them survived! The gourami was...
  13. VickyChaiTea

    Teddy Bear Crab Tank Mates? And Other Questions...

    Long time no post! So I have this lil' P. vespertilio Teddy Bear Crab. I've had him for about 3 months and he seems to be doing well. I've narrowed his diet down to dried algae and frozen silversides, which he relishes.   My 1st question is, what can I keep with him, if anything? I'm not looking...
  14. K

    Tank Mate Advice Please.

    Evening all. New to the site, so Hi everyone. I'm after some advice please. I have a 55 gallon tank, and I love it. The fish I have in it currently are: 4 x blue gouramis, 4 x silver dollars, 1 x silver shark (I really don't think it is a shark, but it kinda looks like one) The biggest fish at...
  15. Brahmza

    Tanganyikan Multies!

    Hello everyone! I have a 20g long stocked with 5 mutlie cichlids. I'm focusing on breeding, and I'm curious if there are any types of scavanger/bottom feeder fish that could go with them. They lay eggs in shells, so the eggs should be theoretically safe, I just don't want something that the...
  16. X

    Just Got 3 "whisker Shrimp"

    (apparently the only difference between whisker and ghost is their whiskers/antenna's)    Anways, I got 3 whisker shrimp today to put into my 5 gallon tank with Gibbs who I just got yesterday.    But now, that I read about someone's shrimp nibbling on their Betta's tail when it was sleeping...
  17. ikiera

    Honest Opinions

    Hi there, just a quick q Im currently cycling an aquaone 28l tank.. its got its heater, filter, mini air pump etc. Wont be adding a betta til im happy with water peramiters... which I know could take a month or.more. What I was wondering is if this tank you could have shrimp to clean up? or...