stock suggestions

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  1. EndlessFlame

    Stocking Advise - 75g

    Hello! I have a 75g tank and I’m having trouble deciding how to finish stocking it. Here’s what I have in the tank so far: 6 x mollies 3 x dwarf gouramis Planning on 6+ cory catfish I’m working on having the tank moderately planted. For additional fish I’m looking for something with variety...
  2. FishFinatic77

    What else?

    Hi everyone! So, I'm going to be moving the fish in my 10g community tank to a 20g high. At the moment, I have 4 herlequin rasboras, 4 cherry barbs, 1 baby honey gourami, and 1 young clown pleco. Once I add them to their new tank, I would like to add a few more fish with low bio-loads so I...
  3. L

    Help stocking first aquarium

    Hi all, I’m new to the hobby and have been doing a lot a of research. I have just set up my new aquarium and am currently running the first cycle. My question is with regards to what fish I can keep. I have 230l tank (picture attached). I am getting overwhelmed by the different types of fish...
  4. M

    Rope fish Tankmates!?

    I plan to get a 75 Gallon tank in the FAR future, but I am absolutely determined to get rope fish for the tank. However, despite being peaceful, these guys like their midnight snacks, so small tankmates are out of the question. Could I get some suggestions for tank mates? I'd like 1xBig Fish+X...
  5. J

    40 gallon breeder tropical community tank stocking ideas

    I as of right now, have a 10 gallon aquarium with 10 neon tetras, 4 albino Cory cats, a betta, and a mystery snail. I am planning on moving them into a 40 gallon breeder ASAP and am looking for some ideas of other live stock to put in there. I am also looking for a better light to put on it as...
  6. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking

    Hi! After a long wait I’ve finally convinced all those I live with to allow me to keep a larger tank. It’s goimg to be a 29 long and I was going to take a look at filters later depending on how the stocking idea proceeds. I’ll have smooth pebble substrate for the loach (mentioned later) and I...
  7. J

    Stocking Help

    Hi. I am new to fishkeeping and need help. I am getting the Aqueon 36 Gallon bow front ensemble. I don’t yet have it and don’t currently know my water conditions but can change them if needed. I plan to condition my water, wait a day, and then use tss and add my fish. Is this the correct way of...
  8. MyFishKaren

    20 Gallon Tank - Overstocked?

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank pertaining: 2 Angelfish 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Dalmatian Molly Is my tank overstocked? Would I be able to add any other fish, and would I be able to add an algae eater? Thanks, MyFishKaren
  9. L

    Potential Stocking List For 65l (17g)?

    Would it be OK to stock a 65 litre (17g) tank with: Honey Gourami x2 Guppy x3 Corydora x2 and a handful of shrimp or small school of tetras? I'm almost certain that this is overstocking, which is why I've come here for advice! I would use aqadvisor, but my tank is an odd shape, so it's a...
  10. L

    Spotted blue eye and forktail Rainbows

    Hello! New to the forum so forgive me if I do anything wrong posting wise. I have a 30 gallon tank and am so close to finishing a couple of stock ideas but I can't quite yet because I'm looking for top swimmers, I already have a few in mind but I've read conflicting info about the Rainbows. I...
  11. R

    60 gallon stocking? Help!?

    I recently got my 60 gallon tank and I’m not sure what to stock it with. I have 1 male and 1 female dwarf gourami who greatly need an upgrade from their 30 gallon tank. I would love to put them along with a red tail shark and possibly 2 more female dwarf gourami into the 60 gallon. I’d also like...
  12. B

    30 Gallon Stocking List

    I have bought a 32 gallon Bio-Cube with the protein skimmer, VorTech mp10 Power head and the Aqueon 150 watt heater. I plan on buying 25-30 pounds of dry live rock, and live sand. I also plan on putting quite a bit of coral. I have 2 fish I would like to put in but I am not sure on others. I am...
  13. F

    20 gallon tall stocking questions

    tank is not cycled yet, water hardness 17.1 - 18.8. tank is 24 long 12 wide 16 high. i want to put in: 8 neon tetras 2 honey gourami 5 kuhli loaches
  14. C

    African Cichlid 195G, 750L Tank, Please help me Stock witch Suggestions

    I've gotten a new 200 gallon tank (heating, lighting, filtration, decor, the whole shebang); once it's cycled, I'd like to make it an African Cichlid community tank. Does anybody have any ideas for a good combination of African cichlids? "I´d love very bright and vibrant colors :) And how many...
  15. alvintayyw

    Stocking ideas

    Hey guys, this is my 29 gallon tank. Tank has been cycled and the parameters, pH is 7.2 and GH is 80-100 which is soft. What do you think i should have this stocked with? i would like a community tank, things i really want in it are a nice clean up crew...I don't plan on putting plants because...
  16. dazbud

    Upgrading - Lots Of Dilemas

    I currently have a 100L tank with 4 x tiger barbs, 4 x platy, 5 x bosemani  rainbow, 8 x neon tetra and 1 x bolivian ram. Had it for a year and quite happy but want to start keeping slightly bigger fish.  I’m currently thinking of upgrading to a 250L tank from All Pond Solutions.  ...