stock suggestions

  1. Z

    Soft water 35cm cube stocking

    Hello, I am looking to change my current nano reef tank to a freshwater tank. I have previously kept freshwater and feel this sized tank would be better as a freshwater tank than salt. The inside display tank dimensions are roughly 35cmX27cmX30cm (length x width x height). 35x35x35cm...
  2. Z

    50 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, I am looking at stocking my newest tank and would like some opinions on it. The tank is larger than 50 us gallons, however I have "removed" some gallons to take into account the hardscape. Actual — Length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x15.75 cm — 177x30x40 approx...
  3. C

    Help me stock my tank!

    Hey! I’ve got a heavily planted 15 gallon tank which currently has 4 guppies, 3 amano shrimp and two snails. What else should I put in there? I’ve been looking at small schooling fish like chilli rasboras and maybe a female Betta? Any ideas?
  4. gilltyascharged

    Stocking Poll, Round #2: I've Narrowed Down the Nanos.

    Due to a few technical difficulties (read: me being unable to figure out how to change settings on a poll), I decided to revamp and roll out a new and updated version of my original "Needing Help Deciding on What to Put in 6.6g/25L Tank!" poll. Tank Information- Dimensions are 16"/41cm x...
  5. Tacocat

    Congo tetra compatibility

    Hello, I'm currently cycling my 45ish gallon planted tank and now I'm currently thinking of stocking plans and I'm hoping to have a centrepiece school of 6 congos. Do you guys think that this list would be viable to keep with this? Rainbow tetra/emperor tetras or other larger tetras Various...
  6. F

    help me stock my first 125 gallon?

    ive had 55 gallon planted tanks for a while with zebra parrots and pacman Cichlid also have well as rainbow fish. i just got my first 125 gallon tank and want to plan it out before i get it set up and need help with stocking ideas and how many fish... Im not looking for oscars at the moment the...
  7. Stefan3289

    Concern in my 75g “community” tank

    Hello all, So I have a 75 gallon tank which currently houses 1 red spotted severum 1 EBA 1 Synodontis catfish 3 Rainbows (2 passes away recently) 6 polar blue parrot convict cichlids So I did have a group of 5 rainbow fish, but now it is down to 3. I checked the water, and it had perfect...
  8. vince82

    Stocking recommendations?

    I am looking for recommendations for this 60G breeder tank. Filter is a SunSun canister, water is full RO (because my well sucks) plus equilibrium and a bit of extra calcium chloride because I found my substrate (which is sand-capped top soil) is absorbing KH.Current parameters: PH 7, KH 4, GH...
  9. Sian57

    Stocking upgraded tank suggestions!?

    Hi there!! I recently had a 22l tank that I have upgrade to a 40L tank (although I am convinced it's about 45L-50L after filling it up). Only replaced it because my 22L cracked and this tank was the best I could get in a few hours notice. I was hoping to get some suggestions on how to stock it...
  10. Stefan3289

    Stocking question

    Hello all, Hope everyone is doing very well. I have a 29 gallon (30” by 18” I believe) where I currently have 7 mollies and 4 panda cories all juevinelle (Cory’s less than inch, Mollys around 1”). I also have several plants thanks to @Byron I finally have my ammonia/Chloramines reading 0 for...
  11. K

    Don't know what fish to add to 45 gallon tank

    My 45G is currently stocked with - 12 Neon Tetras - 8 Otos - 8 Guppy Endlers - 4 Panda Cories - 1 Male Kribensis I was wondering if anyone have some good suggestions for a colorful/good schooling fish that would make a good addition to the tank. Thanks! Note: I use to have black skirt...
  12. V

    Centerpiece fish for 20 gallon?

    For those of you that have read my other posts, I am not getting any more fish any time soon until I solve the situation with my current tank. This question is for the future down the line when I no longer face life threatening issues with fish. However, I will list all my current stocking with...
  13. S

    Stocking a 72 Gallon Bow Front

    Hello! Looking for stocking opinions on my 72gal bow front as I've never stocked a tank this big before. I plan on having it heavily planted with lots of wood and rock caves. I know 100% that I want angelfish in this tank. My current thoughts are this... 2x Angelfish (Pair) 2x Bolivian Ram...
  14. T

    What should I do with these fish?

    Alright, so here’s the predicament I’m currently in: I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank that has 1 bristle nose pleco, 2 Silver Dollars, and 3 Clown Loaches. Already there are several problems with this: the amount of fish, and most importantly the tank size. After doing research, I’ve learned...
  15. M

    Stocking for a 10 gallon

    Hey! I currently have a 10 gallon tank that is my first tank. It is fully cycled and currently has a small goldfish in it. I know that goldfish will grow too large and am planning on finding someone nearby with a pond and giving it away in the future once it grows a little bigger - right now it...
  16. D

    Stocking a 15gal tank. Your thoughts?

    Hi everyone. Im planning on aquascaping my first 15gal tank and was wondering what fish i could keep together. So far i was using Aqadviser to determine what fits and what doesnt but i know u shouldnt 100% trust these tools. I was wondering if u could take a look at what i got and tell me what...
  17. J

    Need Ideas for Stocking a 190L

    Currently have: x4 Dwarf Gouramis x4 Yoyo Loaches x1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco x1 German Blue Ram x1 Bolivian Ram and x1 Panda Angelfish who is going to be rehomed tomorrow Tank: 122cm x 36cm x 45cm = 190L Any suggestions are more than appreciated!
  18. bettafishlover86

    29-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

    Hello everyone, I have 1 male veiltail betta fish, neon tetras, 1 otocinclus cat, and 2 ghost shrimp. I am getting a 29-gallon aquarium soon and I would like some stocking ideas. Any suggestions?
  19. F

    42 gallon stock help / zebra loach advice

    I’d like help stocking my tank as I’ve heard mixed things online and in pet stores about zebra loaches and a healthy bioload for my tank. I have a 160L / 42 US gallon tank measuring 100cm in length, 50cm high and 40cm wide with plants and driftwood. I have about 20 male guppies in with one...
  20. O

    Fluval Spec 16 L (16 US Gal) stocking

    Hi guys, so I’ve wanted a Male Betta for a while now and was pretty set on the Fluval Spec V (5 gallon). Last minute I thought I may as well just go for the 60 litre and so it will be arriving tomorrow. I will use existing media and water to cycle the tank and ensure all levels are good before...
  21. H

    Colourful medium sized tropical fish for a 55 gallon ?

    pH- 7.0~ Hardness- 7dGH Current stock- 15 Longfin zebra danios, 5 Harlequin rasboras, 1 BN pleco, 4 Kuhli loaches, 1 Albino rainbow shark I want some colourful medium sized fish around 4-5 inches to sit in the middle section of the tank as it looks empty right now. I've looked at some angels...
  22. M

    So... clown killifish and gbr? 10 gallon in need of some stocking help.

    im considering the following stock for my ten: 1-2x gbr 6-8x clown killi 1x golden apple snail 2x nerite snail 3-6x amano shrimp This seems ok to me. id like some outside opinions, however, so would this work? Ive asked in a few other places already, but i figured id ask here too as results...
  23. K

    Stocking Suggestions with Solitary Scalare Angel

    I was recently “gifted” this male angel koi, due to a friend moving. But it was passed on to her from someone else because he’s very territorial with other angels and has a kill streak going. She kept it in a 55 community tank for a while with no other angels and he seemed to be doing fine. She...
  24. SAChichlidLover

    Stocking ideas?

    Hey everyone! My newest project is starting to take shape as I'll be ordering my new tank and equipment by the end of april! Exciting stuff right? Well my stocklist is annoyingly hard to get my head around if I'm gonna end up with a well balanced cichlid community or world war 3 in an aquarium...
  25. PlasticGalaxy

    Advice on Stock Redux

    So here I am, back again to ask about my stock. However, this time I'm asking before I plunge myself into the deep end and blindly start picking out fish for my tank. Overstocking has quickly become my greatest fear after one, quite frankly, rude reply I received concerning my stock (I'm a very...
  26. Guyb93

    Adding to the tank

    I feel I could add a few more fish in my 500l after the loss of a sailfin pleco and geophagus It’s currently stocked with 2x keyhole cichlids 2x electric blue acara 2x green severum soon to be one 1x geophagus which I’m in two minds to keep as I know they do best in groups but this fish has...
  27. shaziasadiqah

    Stocking 66gallon tank.

    So the other day my father-in-law visit my house and asked me to set up a 66gal (100x50x50 cm) tank for him. his only request is that he wanted freshwater colorful fish. if anyone can help me with the stocking idea i would love to know! it have 1000liter per hour hang on back filter and lots...
  28. T

    55 gallon Dwarf Frog Stocking Questions

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank and I'm thinking about stocking with African Dwarf Frogs or Claw Frogs. How many frogs can I stock in this tank? What fish can I stock with these frogs in my tank? Will African dwarf frogs be a Hassel to take care of? I'm not looking for a very difficult stock to...
  29. frogfanboy

    29 gallon stocking?

    Hello all, First time posting on here but I need some advice. I recently got a 29 gallon tank and I'm looking for some advice on what to put in it. I already have some fish I moved in from an old tank, but it feels under stocked and going off of the inch per gallon rule I currently have...
  30. Leannedeane

    New 120L tank stock ideas.

    Hi All, I’ve currently got a 120L Tank, I will start to cycle soon and I was wondering about the types/amount of fish I can put in. Here are my ideas so far... x2 dwarf gourami X6 red eye Tetra X1 bristlenose pleco I want to add some Mollys aswell but not sure how many. Any suggestions are...
  31. ember04

    16 gallon or 62 stocking ideas

    Hi there I have an old 16-gallon tank (it is 62 litres), I have had the tank for years now and used to keep many different fish species in it, but for the last year and a half, it has been sitting empty in my loft. I have now considered filling it back up and resetting it up. I have kept many...
  32. Guyb93

    Final stocking

    I’m looking to finish my stocking , currently in my tabk is 4 electric blue acara 8 Colombian tetra 3 geophagus and a sailfin pleco kept in a 5ft 500l at around 26-27c , my middle swim is full so iv been looking towards the bottom swim rather than the top , I’m pretty adamant that I’m staying...
  33. Captain holt

    Oscar stocking ideas

    Hey guys I’ve recently upgraded to an 8ft x 2ft tank for my two oscars and one fire mouth. Currently using two canister filters; 1800L p/h and 2200L p/h. Fine black gravel substrate and planted with blue stricta. I’m wanting a little advice on some stocking ideas. I was thinking a Senegal bichir...
  34. S

    Stocking questions for my first fully planned out tank

    I've been keeping tropical fish for a few months now (almost a year if you count my late rescue betta Snowcone). I currently only have a heavily planted 10 gallon freshwater tank with 6 Ruby Tetras, 3 Otos, a Mystery Snail and some Neocardinia shrimp. This tank is going well and I am just...
  35. HoldenOn

    Gourami Stocking Options

    Hey all! As some of you may know I just got my 29 gallon tank set up. I am doing a silent cycle, and want to get a finalized list of fish. I would really like to get a group of gourami. My general hardness is 175 ppm and I have a 7.6-7.8 pH. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Edit: My tank...
  36. E

    Help on stocking

    Hi guys, I posted a while back with some of usual beginner problems, mainly getting myself into a (major) mini cycle. The advise I received here really helped getting everything back under control. Now, with my cycle finally over I am looking at finalising my stocking ideas. I have a 10 and a...
  37. redpanda

    A species only 60L tank

    I recently got 6 pygmy copycats for my big tank and when they were in a qt tank by themselves I fell even more in love lol. But now they are in the big tank with platys swordtail and bronze Cory's, I don't see them shoaling like they did as much. They're behaving fine, not seeming scared of the...
  38. B

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Hello! I am new to the forum and hoping to get advice on a few good species to stock a freshwater 38 gallon tank. The tank is 36 inches long and 12 inches wide, 20 inches in height. I am in the process of setting up the tank, it's completely empty right now so I can build the substrate/decor...
  39. S

    Electric blue acara tank mates

    Currently have a pair of electric blue acara in a 45 gallon tank w plentiful cover from driftwood, rocks, and plants. Any suggestions as to compatible schooling fish, or another companion that isn’t equally eye catching ? Thought about firemouth and severnum but they’re definitely too large...
  40. S

    Stocking Advice for 75 gallon

    Hey guys, I have a 75 gallon tank which I want to use for a South American Cichlid tank. I’m debating on keeping 2 electric blue acara, a jack Dempsey, and a firemouth / green terror together. Would this be doable, or would there be constant fighting and unnecessarily territorial behavior? Don’t...