
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. ameliagb

    what can I keep with my senegal bichirs?

    Hi! okay so I have a bowfront tank of like 50 ish gal with 2 senegal bichirs one grey one and one albino both fairly small but the grey one growing at a kind of noticeable rate as well as 1 pink and 1 blue convict. the tank is very natural looking and heavily planted with a set up of rock...
  2. ameliagb

    tank mates for my potentially semi-aggressive tank

    Hi there! I currently have a 55/60 gal tank (its rounded in the front so im not 100% sure on the size) but it has good floor space and lots of swim room. I have 2 small bichir polypterus that keep to themselves I only see them during water changes and occasionally when they're eating or darting...
  3. fishyfishy101

    Newly acquired tank and fish !

    I've adopted a 30 gal tank and fish from a friend who was moving and couldn't keep them ! All went well with the move and the set up of the tank at the new home - everyone lived ! Included are 2 red tail black sharks, 4 guppies, and a catfish . It's been about 6 weeks now :) One of the sharks...
  4. musicalbetta

    Treating Betta for Fin Rot Questions?

    My betta fish recently contracted fin rot unfortunately, so I began treating him. I’m kinda new to keeping bettas btw, but I started treating him with API fungus cure. It contains malachite green and acriflavine. I also have a nerite snail, so to be safe, I put him in another container which I’m...
  5. J

    How to deal with a snail infestation in a tank with newts?

    sorry if this is in the wrong thread. So I have searched countless threads and articles on this subject but cant seem to find a solution. Basically I have a cold water tank with two fire belly newts and too many snails to count, it all started when I purchased a new tank and planted live...
  6. Fiji

    Possible Copper Poisoning?

    Hey everyone, So I've recently gone back to live plants but cannot afford a co2 system at the moment so I've been using Seachem Excel as a supplement. Now ever since I started using this fertilizer some strange things have been happening and the only factor I can connect this behavior to could...
  7. FishForTanksNotBellies

    New to TFF, saying hello!

    Hello! My name is Jamie Adams, and I come from a little town called Plymouth in Wisconsin. My boyfriend and I recently got into the fish hobby, after we seen a sickly fish swimming in Lake Michigan. Since then, we have found ourselves having Mollies, Goldfish, Gourami's, Snails, and Shrimp! 2...
  8. S

    What snails do I have ?

    I originally bought some live plants and they must have had eggs on and I ended up with hundreds so what I believe to be red ramshorn snails and thousands of eggs all over the tank and my fish started dying .. i disovered that the snails were considered a pest and I discarded of them and had a...
  9. W

    Help identify my baby snail.

    Bought some plants earlier. Got them in the tank and noticed this little snail wandering around the leaves. Probably an easy identification but I'm new to tropical fish and wasn't sure. Thanks in advance.
  10. K


    help!!! So I'm about two weeks into my fish less cycle to get my betta fish. I bought live plants and two moss balls... Two weeks pass and I see these blotches..., and they're snails???? there's about 5!!!! I mean what are they? Are they safe? Will they contaminate my betta? Sorry if my...
  11. H

    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    Hello! To begin with, I'm totally new to fish keeping and want to ensure everything is done right before I add any fish to the tank. These forums have been a great source of information for me. I purchased a 180L Rio Aquarium which came with an internal Juwel filter and I fitted an external...
  12. B

    Snail infestation

    A few months ago, I bought a nerite snail that apparently had some bladder snails eggs on its shell. My tank has hundreds of them now. I've since decided to shut down this tank. But question - I have a rubber lip pleco in this tank, is it possible he will carry any eggs over to the new tank...
  13. simonero

    Worms/flukes/sporocysts? Other? Need identification help.

    UPDATE: Issue resolved with help from another member. The things in my tank were fresh water limpets, a tiny gastropod, nothing parasitic. Pictures below in responses, courtesy of @chris from hull. ----------------------- Hey all, I have this thing in one of my freshwater tanks that I have...
  14. ElizabethFrancine

    Literal Mystery Snails

    So I have a little mystery on my hands with my mystery snail. I have 1 (ONE) mystery snail, which I have had for a little over a month. Yesterday, I discovered that I have two more tiny baby mystery snails. I haven't seen any eggs anywhere, and I am assuming that without a male there...
  15. ks2012ks

    10 gallon New*bee

    Hi I am Kyle, I purchased a 10 gallon tank a month back, equipped with everything I need to start a freshwater aquarium. Slowly but surely I have been adding fish and cleaning 35-45 % of the water, weekly, falling on Sunday. My fish are happy and respond well to my activity outside of the tank...
  16. A

    Bumble Bee Snail riding another

    I have 3 Bumble Bee snails. Since yesterday (almost 24 hr) 1 of them has been sitting on top of another. The other guy is moving around carrying the snail on the back. Since this morning the 3rd snail, who was on the other side of the tank, as decided to stick around next to these guys. As far...
  17. musicalbetta

    Snail diet?

    I'm planning on getting a zebra nerite snail, and was doing research about what they eat. Most sources recommended algae wafers but I learned that those aren't good to have around bettas. I was wondering what other alternatives there were that both my betta and snail could eat? Or if it's better...
  18. A

    Snail ID

    I have recently gotten some new plants in my 75 gal tank. I have noticed some snails which I am assuming hitchhiked in. I have seen some threads with some varying views. Should I be worried?
  19. V

    problems with cycling & some questions

    I have had fish before, my dad kept fish, and I kept fish from the lates 80s until 2002. have never cycled a fish tank before. When I was fish keeping previously, the general advice was to start with hardy fish, and add them gradually. Once I had a tank established, I used the water from one...
  20. M

    Strange Snail Behavior (new tank additions)...

    Hi Everyone, Beginner here, this is my first planted tank. It is a bit small (10L). I bought a new tank, a much bigger one that I will setup in the next few weeks (fluval edge 2). But in the meantime I wanted to get some cool snails since algae in my small tank is still an issue. I bought two...
  21. Ellphea

    Pond Snail Conundrum

    I have recently noticed a few pond snails in my tank along with some ramshorn snails and trumpet snails. I have had terrible trouble with pond snails in the past and would really like to get rid of them before they become a problem. However, I don't want any harm to come to my trumpet snails...
  22. Robbo85

    Assassin Snail With Nitrite Snails

    Hi,   I have 4 nitrite snails in my tank and loads of trumpet and other pest snails that have come in on wood and plants, if I got an assassin snail would it eat all types? would it go for the smaller pest snails first or the nitrate ones?
  23. cooledwhip

    I Think My Snail Laid Eggs...

    Hey all, I have had some blue mystery snails that I ordered online about 2 weeks ago, they came in last week. They are awesome and I love seeing them out of their shells. They aren't too timid, but of course like all fish if you stick your hand in they will go hide. Anyway, I saw one today by...
  24. A

    Zebra Snails Eating Paint

    Hey All, I have just invested in four Zebra Snail in the hope of clearing up my Brown Algae outbreak. They are doing a fantastic job so far but I have noticed a small problem. When they have been eating the brown algae from my decorations they have also removed the paint in patches. What was...
  25. RCA

    Snails *ready Now* Mts Plus Others...

    Livestock: Snails galore, mainly MTS plus others e.g. Ramshorn, pond like snails... Quantity: Lots estimate 40-50+ Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: Swap for a new, sealed, large tub of Tetra Pro Colour Postage & Packaging: Covered in the above swap Location: East Yorks Payment...
  26. AmtotheBurr


    I had a pair of what I believe were mystery snails from petsmart. They had 2 or 3 clutches of eggs, so I decided to give one of the adults away so they couldn't mate anymore. Suprise, 2 days later there were more eggs so I figured she must of been pregnant when he left. Then another clutch...
  27. G

    Plant Eating Snails!

    Hi all, a few days ago I bought some columbian giant ramshorn snails after being told by the guy in the pet store they were plant friendly. Well they are not!! (I know, I know, I should of done my research first) but can I prevent them from eating my plants? I added some cucumber...
  28. Ace_Of_Fades

    Fish Newbie

    Hello Fishforums,  
  29. rossclan151

    Fiddler Crabs And Mystery Snails

    We rescued 2 fiddler crabs from Wal-mart and it has changed our fish keeping lives.  My kids are doing research and learning all they can.  We upgraded and expanded our tank and now have a second tank.  We have had successful moltings and seemingly happy crabs.  We now rescued a female fiddler...
  30. G

    Fish Dying, Help Please

    My guppies are dying? One at a time. About every third day and only the females? 2 year old, Fifteen gallon tank, 8 adult guppies, just had 25 fry. Also 2 Kory catfish, about 1-1/2 inches long. My fluval (20gl size) filter gummed up with a milky algea looking stuff and ran dry. I had no choice...
  31. P

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello! I'm new to the forum. I've been exclusive to a betta forum for awhile because I've been keeping bettas exclusively for several years, but I've more recently branched out and adding different species so I decided it was time to join a more general forum!   I have a 20G long tank divided...
  32. A

    Quick Question: Mystery/apple Snails Or Ramshorn?

    I have three black/purple mystery snails in my 29 gallon freshwater community tank. I also have a 10 gallon nursery tank.    29 Gallon Fresh Community tank: -female bettas (peaceful) -female molllies (relatively peaceful) -3 Black/Purple mystery snails (1"- 1 1/2") -Live plants galore -Medium...
  33. Mamashack

    Ramshorn Snails As Assassin Snail Food - Have I Made A Mistake?

    I currently have 2 tanks: 1x30L with a male betta, an assassin snail and 3 amano shrimp 1x60L with platy population, 2 assassin snails and 4 amano shrimp. I got the assassins to clear up an influx of hitchhiker common snails. They seem to have got rid of those and I was concerned that they had...
  34. T

    Are My Snails Laying Eggs?

    Hi everyone!   I have a small filtered tank that I felt only suitable for snails. I currently have three baby snails I assume are apple snails (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong!) I got the little guys/girls from a pet store about two weeks ago and they're already growing.    Two out...
  35. mrstwalker

    Cold Water Pleco/snails - Help!

    I am getting some allege in my cold water koi tank, i was wondering if there are any allege eating pleco type fish that could be in at tank that stays around 68-70*F-ish or snails that wont escape (openings in the top) I would really like to NOT get snails, but i need something to eat up this...
  36. B

    Snail Infestation - Need Input

    Hey,   I have a 30 litre tank which is around 6/7 Gallons, first put fish in it a few months ago, and was advised by my local fish store what to stock. it currently has 8 small harlequins in and 2 bronze corydoras. I recently came across an issue, snails....i have no idea what type they are, i...
  37. M

    Do Snails Get Inbreeding Depression?

    I would like to breed my mystery snails.  I know that inbreeding doesn't have any negative effects on bugs.  And you can inbreed fish to a point before seeing negative effects.  But I can't find much information on snails.  And what information I do find, isn't consistent from source to source. ...
  38. Fishywishy333

    What Other Fish?

    Hi everyone, so I am going to try and upgrade my aquarium at Christmas time (I say try because I might not have the funds). Right now I have my 11 rummynose tetras, 1 guppy, 2 snails (can't remember species) and 5 amano shrimp in a 60 litre aquarium. I also wanted lots of live plants in the new...
  39. tmoney7

    Swimming Snails?!

    I looked in my 10gal today and saw that there were snails moving along the top of the water upside down. At first i thought my eyes were playing a trick on me but i looked closer and there was another one in the middle of the tank just swimming around.  What kind of snails are these?
  40. F!shy


    Hell all, After some opinions Please...   I Have Planted 3 Plants into an Empty Aquarium and found I had a stow-away snail arrive. I know they are cleaners so am not totally against having him in there (I think).   However in a couple of weeks once its ready and running for a short while (maybe...