
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Micropia- Top Fin 2 Gallon Hexagon Aquarium Journal

    Started 11/15/2024 "Micropia is what I call my small aquarium ecosystem used to house an assortment of microfauna and snails, such as ostracods, detritus worms and plenty others. How will their populations compete against each other? Let's watch!"
  2. yzaylakeepsfish

    Can pea puffer finish snails?

    Can pea puffers finish a snail (specifically pond snails)? I would like to train my pea puffers to finish a whole snail before eating other snails, so it won't waste the snails. But wondering if it's even possible.
  3. Irksome

    Protecting snails during a deworming cycle

    I have recently bought a trio of guppies, and have some noticed the predicted white stringy poop. The new fish are already showing signs of environmental stress that I have treated with phenoxyethanol and water changes. My tank was cycled, planted, mature and had no fish in before adding them...
  4. L

    Little update on my tank

    Tried to get a few videos of my tank, unfortunately the cories were nowhere to be seen so its mainly a video of my frogs and snails hanging out at the top! Tank has been set up for 2 months and I'm happy with how it's going although will be happier when the plants grow in a bit more.
  5. P

    Creating my second attempt on Eco Sphere

    The first attempt lasted 3 months however some plants were not suitable in the environment and some were growing fine but isn't lavishly. :/ This is my second attempt on the same jar, this time added hydrilla water plant, anubias and some snails. I will top some food every once awhile. Still...
  6. Uberhoust

    Very Soft Water Snail Suggestions

    Since I started raising fish again a few years ago I have been very careful to keep disease and pestilence out of my aquariums. The one detrimental aspect of this tight control is I have never gotten any beneficial hitchhikers from plant additions. I would like to make my aquariums more...
  7. O

    what is this in my tank is it snail eggs

    i did a 80% water change yesterday and cleaned the gravel so i don’t understand. is it snail eggs? I’m going out to buy crustaceans pesticide today because im sick of this
  8. O


    why is there snails in my tank and i never bought any snails make sense. HELP ME PLEASE WHAT THE HECK. AND WORMS
  9. J

    Snail Breeding

    I am trying to breed snails without much success so far, I’m not sure whether they are mating or cleaning each other. Can anyone tell?
  10. L

    Nerite snail (?)

    Hi. My kids and I purchased some Nerite snails from Petco to add to our aquarium and was assured that these were in fact Nerites. One I am questionable on though. I know that two of the snails are Nerites but am not so sure about this third, that is very large. I am concerned because I don’t...
  11. S

    Random snail

    Random snail popped up in our small tank which has 1 red tail shark and 8 neon tetras. This tank it just does its thing we have another tank that has it’s good times and then random out breaks. But today noticed a snail in the smaller one. I’d say it’s got there from a plant. Wondering what kind...
  12. Big Boy Fish

    Any snail species that can go with a Oscar and Royal Pleco-(finished)-

    One of my apple snails died recently to old age and im wondering what types of snails I could get. As I have said in the title i have one oscar and a royal pleco.I have many breeding tanks so if there baby's i can just stick them in those. I have one apple snail left and a couple randoms along...
  13. R

    Actual introduction

    Hello fellow aquatic enthusiasts! After my initial panicked introduction today I decided to post an ACTUAL introduction, haha. So I have dabbled on and off in fishkeeping for over 10 years now. Initially I began the hobby as almost everyone does with a betta fish once upon a time. I quickly...
  14. FoxChase

    Nerite Snails - Feeding & Calcium Requirements?

    I bought 7 lovely Nerite snails 2 wks ago. I was truly amazed at how fast and how much these guys eat! They had cleaned all the algae off the glass overnight and haven't slowed down. I'm concerned I bought too many. So I purchased snail food and they seem to like it, all except one of the four...
  15. G

    Snail feeding!!!

    Hi what can I feed my bladder, mini rams horns, and Mts snails? I feed them flake food but I want variety. Can I feed them broccoli or lettuce?
  16. Scooterlindy

    Snail Invasion

    Hello, I'm looking for advice on a snail explosion in a 10 gallon planted tank with dwarf shrimp and dwarf Rasboras. My background - I've kept aquariums for 7ish years, planted for the past 2 years. I currently have 4 tanks, all planted. A 40 gallon with mollies, Rasboras and tetras. It's my...
  17. S

    The best brand for fungus medicine that won’t kill my elephant snails???

    My fish recently had a bit of a stress with a water change after I left my tank a little too long before cleaning. My water is perfect but I think it stressed them out a bit. One of my endler guppies appears to have tail rot from what I can determine and a couple of my glow light tetras have a...
  18. P

    1-2 gallon planted snail jar questions

    hello, i hate to be a newbie here. but, i grabbed a pickle jar while working fixing kitchen equipment on a service call at a restaurant. my questions were after i put some top soil under the gravel and plant some basic plants such as java fern which i have an exorbitant abundance of, and...
  19. M

    Wow. Just watched GBR attack and eat a snail.

    The snail had been attached to the glass, let go of the glass, was floating in the water, and then the ram attacked it so fast I thought I was watching a tv show. LOL He just ripped the snail right out of the shell. Well, I guess that's why I don't have a snail infestation. :)
  20. FloridaChick

    Mystery Snail Problem Help!

    What do you do when you suddenly have 45 Gold Mystery Snails? Thankfully I only let one clutch of eggs hatch but as cool as they are, they are dirty! Not worth selling, does anyone know if they could survive in a canal or lake? I live in South Florida so it doesn't get too cold.
  21. Circus

    Snail Trade Success

    I traded 20 of my Gold Inca Mystery Snails for some WCMM and a Bolivian Ram. I was surprised when the store manager offered me credit for them. Yay!
  22. S

    New snails purple patches

    I just bought four snails ( not sure of the species, help me out). I introduced them to the saltwater tank an hour ago, and they haven’t moved at all. Now I’m noticing purple patches on them (I’m not sure if they were there before or not). Please help. They were moving while i was acclimating...
  23. S

    Should I get an assassin snail for mini ramshorns?

    I have a 29 gallon that recently had an outbreak of mini ramshorn snails. I think I have plucked out all of the ones that were big enough to see but I am assuming they are still in there. I don't mind the snails at all, I just don't want them to get out of hand. I am worried about feeding less...
  24. bettafrog

    Tankmates for betta

    Are there any other animals I can add to a 5 gal without overcrowding it? I've got snails and live plants right now, and planning to get a betta for it soon. Could I add ghost/cherry shrimp or would that be too much? Any other recommendations?
  25. N

    Snail Population Control Help

    Hi, I’m currently struggling with a tank overrun with snails! I have researched ways to get rid of them or at least control the population, but as my tank is only 54l, clown or yo-yo loaches will grow too large. I have one assassin snail that I put in recently but I haven’t seen it since and...
  26. M

    Pest Snail help

    Hi, apologies if this is in the wrong place but I could do with some advice. I have a 75l tank with a mix of small fish guppys, tetras etc. The tank currently has an issue with snails! A rogue one turned up on a plant I bought and now I have 100s! I've bought 5 assassin snails and they've helped...
  27. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  28. Balticbob

    What type of snail are these?

    can someone please help,what type of snails are these? I have added nothing to my tank for over a year and now I have these all over the tank. I have Nerites in my tank but these are not Nerites.Help please
  29. Circus

    Breeding Nerites

    So in my 20 gallon Brackish I keep my specific gravity around 1.08. Up until now I didn't have to be super on top of it because the only fish in there are female guppy, which are euryhaline. A couple of months ago I placed 4 zebra nerite snails in there. I was hoping they would breed (I know the...
  30. M

    Do Nerite Snails need to eat calcium or just have it in the water?

    So, I'm relatively new to snails. My boyfriend always wanted me to get one, but I wasn't really interested (too worried about crazy snail reproduction after hearing some horror stories from friends). But I found a beautiful little tiger nerite at the fish store and I fell in love. After a quick...
  31. H

    New tank with snails

    I set up a brand new tank 3 days ago and I bought live plants that, unfortunately, came with pond snails. I've noticed that they're leaving a lot of waste behind and I'm worried about ammonia levels in the tank. I'm getting my fish in 4 days and I don't want to introduce them into an unhealthy...
  32. D

    Problem with Snails

    I have now watched my minor snail issue blossom into an infestation and I am wondering how I can (1) attack and control the issue and (2) keep it under control in the future. I have read about lettuce traps, hand-picking, and other techniques for getting the population under control and will...
  33. vikinglord13

    Vikinglord's Freshwater Biocube

    Hey all, I'll be posting videos from my channel here, and am happy to discuss my tank! -Andrew New tank video: 3-week update video: As always, thanks for watching and please like and subscribe to follow along :)
  34. S

    Do rams horn snails and trumpet snails escape?

    Hi Thanks for the response before re plant cleaning, I am curious about the use of the rams horn and Malaysian trumpet snails as a clean up crew in an aquarium with shrimp. Do you think these would escape? I have bottle aquariums where the snails have rarely ever gone above the water level. Do...
  35. ukdamon

    Dwarf/Pygmy Puffer

    I have 3 dwarf puffers and I have never really kept puffers before. I am aware that they eat snails and frozen food rather than pellets and flake food etc. If I don't have many snails in my tank do I need to buy live food/snails for them? Any advice would be useful, Thanks
  36. M

    Heater watts for a five gallon

    So a little bit of background first. I'm in college and I live in the dorms. A neighbor on my floor bought six male guppies and two mystery snails, and stuck them all in a 2.5 gal without heat/filter/air, and without proper bacteria supplement and tap water purifier. Two guppies died. After...
  37. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  38. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  39. F

    New To Plants, Want Advice

    I'm new to plants, (other than moss/moss balls) and I am adding a java fern and an Anubis (which comes pre rooted to a piece of driftwood,) and java moss and wanted some advice on how to make sure the plants thrive I a new environment, and how to get the java fern to root in my gravel substrate...
  40. matchstickgeezer

    Nerite Snails - The Algae Solution

    I’m sure other people will have said similar over the last few years, but I cannot stress enough how effective a small group of Nerite snails can be in a tank with algae. My 3ft tank and bogwood was covered in years and years of algae. I could boil it or scrub it off. In the end I added 4...