sick fish

  1. S

    Help! My platys are paralyzed and sink!

    So I recently got 12 fry from a friend and they are about 2 months old, varying in size. I have 4 of the tiniest ones in a 5 gallon, the rest in a 20 gallon. About 3 days ago I noticed a few were missing and couldn't see them. I thought they were just hiding but then today I noticed some just...
  2. E

    Sick Betta?

    Hi all, My name is Emily and I have had my bet ta Regina for about 3 months now. She has never really been very crazy, she usually swims around fine and hides a lot near the water filter in her tank. This past week she has been laying on the bottom of her tank, or on top of her princess castle...
  3. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  4. M


    I have had my crowntail betta for a month and a half. The week I got him I noticed he had a nearly invisible black spot of fin rot, I figured if I kept up with water changes it would fix itself but it's now all over his fins. His fins are ragged, black at the tips and developing small holes in...
  5. G

    Guppy is not getting better after 4 weeks... need cruelty free options :'(

    Hi, I have been treating a sick guppy in a hospital tank for about 4 weeks now. He isn't getting better at all. There have been zero improvements in his condition. I have tried giving him a treatment for fungus and fin decay... since his fins are ripped and there is white stuff coming off of it...
  6. D

    Suddenly Sick Dwarf Gourami

    My Power blue dwarf gourami, who'm I've had since December. Two days ago starting staying right where I normally drop his food, but started refusing to eat as of yesterday. Tonight I come home and I can't find him right away, normally he always swims right up to great me a beg for snacks...
  7. M

    Help = I think my fish is poorly, I don't know what to do....

    Hello I have a fresh water goldfish, whose belly is swollen, it's not swimbladder, as he's not floating or sinking. his scales are protruding and his eyes seem quite big. He also has some black marking on his underside. I've looked at my books and on the internet and at various pictures, but it...
  8. J

    Help!!!! my fish are dying

    Hi Everyone, I setup an brand new tank a month ago (its been stocked for a month, it has been running longer as I did a fishless cycle). It had x9 Pepper Corys, x9 Odessa barbs, x14 zebra danios and x6 giant danios. Since setting it up and stocking it I have had six deaths, x2 corys, x2 barbs...
  9. E

    Need Gourami Help

    Hey guys! My boyfriend and I just started a new tank, and tonight we noticed something strange on one of our gouramis and need some help. We're new to fish keeping, so we're not up to date on diseases, but we're thinking maybe anchor worms based on pictures we have found. Any help would be much...
  10. A

    Please Help!!

    I'm afraid my fish, John Quincy Adams, is sick! He had a white spot on his fin when I first got him 9 months ago but it did not grow or change so I left it alone. I've begun to notice that his tail looks like it might be deteriorating and some of his dark blue color is lightening. He has...
  11. Flinkbag

    Need help with Green Severum

    Hello all, I have a beautiful young Green Severum cichlid in a 200l community tank. He's usually very active and friendly, but recently he's been hiding under some Anubias leaves towards the back of my tank, and I've noticed he has small, whitish indents all around his head. These seem to be...
  12. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  13. R

    Help! Fish struggling to stay up, swim bladder problems?

    I have a cherry barb in a 20 gallon tank who is beating his front fins frantically and swimming upward in order to stay up, otherwise he sinks to the bottom. It seems like his swim bladder isn't working and he can't "float" in the water like before. I've had cherry barbs die of this in the past...
  14. A

    Looking For Help

      I'm hoping that someone can help me figure out what this lump is on my guppy. I've been looking, thinking maybe its a tumor, but I just want to hear some others opinions too. Please, if you know what this is let me know. Thank you!    
  15. S

    Help! To Many Fish Dying And They All Have Different Symptoms!

    Hi there, I am new to this forum and looking for some help as the employees at my local petstore just keeping pointing me to buy things. This is my first tank, and have learned tons but obviously have a lot more to learn. I have had my tank set up for about 5 months. Within the first 2 months...
  16. Bazouteast

    Fin Rot

    I have three new Angel fish (approx 5cm height) which after two weeks in the tank appear to be showing signs of fin rot. I have looked at the usual suspects - water quality, overfeeding, temperature, overcrowding and conclude it is probably stress-related, following their introduction into the...
  17. N

    Took Guppies From A Desperate Moving Friend And Think They May Be Dese

    I took guppies from a friends who couldn't find someone else to take them, i feed them two pinches of fish food twice a day, turn off the tank light at night, i have small ornaments and a couple plants with little leaves. I measured levels today and all were stable (maybe ph slightly edging over...
  18. M

    Possible Ammonia Poisoning

    I have 2 large oranda goldfish in a 40 gallon tank and have had just the two of them for several years now. I recently got behind in my otherwise routine water changes and noticed one of the fish gasping at the surface, floating on his right side with frayed fins, a cloudy eye (the one at the...
  19. H

    Sick Molly Fish

    Hi, My name is Heather, I am new to having fish, have had fish 2-3 months.  I recently had worms in the tank, planaria I believe (thin white worms). I had 2 molly fishes, one started sitting on the bottom on the tank, not swimming much and not eating, rubbing itself against things. The other...
  20. mookat

    Need Help Diagnosing Betta Issue

    I've just decided to try my luck with bettas again after not having an aquarium for several years. Today I came home to find a weird mark on my betta's head and want to be sure I diagnose the issue properly so that I can get Ruthie back to good health.    Tank Facts >6 gallon Marineland pillar...
  21. K

    Sick Dragon Fish/violet Goby?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here but before I post in the introductions section I have a sort of emergency question about my fish.   I've had two violet gobies, a.k.a. dragon fish for about 6 weeks now. I bought them from Walmart and wasn't sure if they would even survive the night considering the...
  22. F

    Does A Water Softener Affect The Good Bacteria When Cycling A New Tank

    Ok, so ive been having problems. I made a bunch of rookie mistakes and now trying to tix them. I have had to move fish to another new tank to keep from dying. They are doing well and tank levels are near perfect for now. But it needs to cycle and was only a quick fix, i know. So on the 10 gal i...
  23. T

    Sick Kissing Gourami

    Hi Guys,   First time posting on this forum but I've been into aquariums for a couple of years.    Anyway, the kissing gourami in my 55g planted tank isn't doing too well. He hasn't been eating for the past few days and just hangs around the bottom of my the tank. There appears to be some kind...
  24. FurFinFeathers

    Sick Guppy?

    This morning I woke up and went to feed my 20 gal high tropical aquarium when I noticed my male fancy guppy, who had been completely fine yesterday, wad laying at the bottom of the tank. I see nothing visibly new with him. He seems completely, one hundred percent healthy except for the fact that...
  25. G

    Help! Gasping Sick Ghostknife!

    Hi I'm sorry if this is a bit wonky but I really need help with my ghostknife.   A week ago he was acting a bit funny, swimming straight up, going after bubbles and bumping into things but then on wednesday he was on the floor gasping. I panicked, ran to the fish shop to get my water tested and...
  26. FurFinFeathers

    Sick Otto, Please Help!

    One of my Ottos has recently developed a huge white spot on his back, and I don't know what it is! I couldn't find anything from online research either, so I'm scared it's undiagnosable?? I've attached a picture to this post. Could it be some kind of external parasite or an infection?
  27. mrstwalker

    Something Wrong With My Betta?!

    I have a beautiful ruby red male crown tail named Mistletoe who has the best personality! Until I could get a new home for him I had him in a large glass vase (he was a christmas eve gift)    He was in the vase for about 2.5 weeks, during his stay in the vase i did a 50% water change daily and a...
  28. K

    A Sick Fish

    hello all, I'm new to this so forgive me if this is a silly question.   just started me tank, and added fish about a week ago. we have  2 angel fish 1 bala shark 2 white skirted tetra   one of our tetras has started to act a little funny, and is staying away from the other fish. today we noticed...
  29. B

    30 Gallon

    December 1st 2013   This isn't the first time I have done a journal,  but it is the first time I have typed it.    I have always loved fish! Salt Water is pretty, but what really makes me happy is freshwater.  Although most fish found in fresh water are not bright and colorful, they have a...
  30. sweetscraps


    Hello, I'm new here.  My daughter and granddaughter gave me a betta for an anniversary gift. At first I wasn't sure if I even wanted this little guy. I've had him for 9 months and have grown quite fond of him. Now he is sick. he's bloated and somewhat lithargic and pale. I've read some symptoms...
  31. C

    3 Corys Lost In 2 Days

    Hey all, Background info is that I just upgraded and stocked my tank (now a 25 gal)  and had 5 corys of various types, one friendly female betta 3 honey and 1 powder gourami. So yesterday day ago I noticed that my 1 ½ year old leopard cory was sick. His entire nose was white as if the tissue was...
  32. C

    Ghost Catfish Missing Fin

    My ghost catfish is missing part of its tail. It's swimming in circles or not at all. I've moved it into my quarantine tank, which is doubling as housing for a betta. Is it okay in with the betta? Also, what could have caused this missing fin? I have four more in my tank right now, in with...
  33. G

    Sick Pipefish?

    Hi,     When I woke up this morning, one of my Pipefish (banded) appeared to be dead - it had arched its body about 4cm above the sand with either end just dug into the sand.   I isolated it this morning for about an hour and it did pick up a bit and was swimming again, so I put it back in the...
  34. T

    Sick Blue Ram

    Hi There,   Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my blue ram? Water parameters are all fine: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, minimal nitrate. PH is about 7.   I have added an airstone, and temperature is at 27 celcius. He has been like this for a few days now.   The tetras and other blue ram seem...
  35. RCA

    Betta; Bacterial, Worms, Egg Bound, Dropsy?

    Do you think I can save this girl? Any advice welcome. This is what she would typically look like:   So as you can she she is normally a little round, but she has got larger over the past 24 hours:   What you can see is she is larger on one side and it looks like there is some reddening on...
  36. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Corys Dying, Please Help

    Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to fishkeeping, I've have a 20 US gal. tank running for about 6 months now and I thought I was doing fairly well. I even managed to get my Platys to produce some fry. When I first stocked my tank I had 2 wagtail platys, a sunburst male and a red female, ans I had 3...
  37. N

    Need Help Dealing With New Tank Syndrome

    Hi everyone! Im very new to this hobby and am incredibly frustrated with the different answers I'm getting from multiple lfs's. Here's my problems background: I set up my tank 3-4 weeks ago the way the lovely ppl at the lfs said to do. I got a 10ga tank, bought the normal paraphernalia, filled...
  38. S

    Sick Fish

    Hey everyone I have a 65g setup that has been running for 2 1/2 months. My tank is cycled and the levels are good. I came home today to find 2 clown loaches very sick and one just passed away. I'm not sure why they have gotten sick as every other fish in the tank seems to be more than fine. I'm...
  39. C

    Help! Dont Know What To Do!

    Okay so hoping for some advice as i dont know what to do. So i am going to add all the info I can to help. I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 blood parrots. I have fake plants, rocks, gravel and a cave for them. I started this in december. No new fish or chemicals added to tank. There tank is 74...
  40. S

    Natural Treatment

    (I DID NOT WRITE THIS I FOUND THIS ON ANOTHER FORUM)   Something I found Very Helpful!       Treating Hexamita aka Spironucleus with Epsom Salt Solution This is a rather safe way to treat any newly imported fish, as a prophylactic, just as one would use a de-wormer...