
  1. pjwilford

    Pregnant Molly!

    Beautiful black molly. Brought home not too long ago. How long do you think this mommy-to-be has left until she meets her babes?? Hard to tell on the black mollies. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Maybe I can get a better one...
  2. L

    Goldfish ATE crawfish?

    Yes, you read that right. I have an approximately 8" comet goldfish (with a giant mouth) named John that I have had for over a year. He's in a 55 gallon tank with a few other small goldfish. In the past I've kept a red crawfish in the tank who lived to be about 3 years old. He never bothered...
  3. OjoAndBlubb

    Are my ACFs too fat?

    So around 4-5 months back I got these two African Clawed Frogs. One is female and one is male. But I feed them a are they too fat? Ugh. I wish there was a better way to post pics on here.
  4. L

    Silvertip Tetra- Behaviour question

    Hi All! Recently (Approx 2.5 months ago) I introduced six Silvertip Tetra into my (new) community tank, they live alongside Paul (BN), 10 Neon Tetra & 8 Raspboros. They've all been living very happily but the last few days one of the silvertips is in my opinion acting a little weird. This...
  5. Meesh

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    My betta recently has been depressed and pale compared to the usual, so I have added a new plant (as opposed to a plastic leaf) and heater which he seems to enjoy. While he is looking better (and his water is also looking better), I am wondering if anyone knows if this is fin rot, or if it is...
  6. P

    Is A Goldfish And A Minnow Ok Together?

    I have recently went through a small steam next to my house. I got some minnows and a few snails out of it. I have them in Quarantine until next week. I already have a goldfish in the bigger tank. Are the minnow and goldfish going to fight?     Here is a pic of the minnow and goldfish. 
  7. JenniferBowyer

    Water Pump Question

    so I just got a top fin 1.7 gallon tank from petsmart and the water pump has a switch for plus and minus I was wondering what that does because im not use to that kind 
  8. T

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I was wondering what else I can feed my fish besides tetra color tropical flakes? I want a nice and health tank. Also, what can I feed guppy fry? As a future reference...
  9. T

    Questions About Clown Loaches

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I want to add one pleco and some ottos. The last addition I want to add is ether a clown loach, or some snails. I was wondering if I could add both so what type of snails...
  10. LordOfTheFish

    New To Forums, Need Advice

    Hello! I am brand new to this forum and this is my very first post! I have a question about where I put my threads. So, I have a fresh, mildly planted tank and have a question about stocking. Would that question go under freshwater tanks or planted tanks? Thanks!
  11. T

    Heating Betta Tanks

    I have recently been planning to try and breed some betta fish (Siamese fighting fish) and I need some small tanks/ nano cubes for the fry. As you probably know, bettas are tropical fish so they cannot survive in cold water but most heaters don't fit in small tanks. Does anyone know how to do...
  12. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...
  13. L

    White Film?

    Alright, so I just did a 25% water change on my tank, which after refilling the tank levels, the water is higher than it was before. I noticed almost immediately there's this oily film forming on the surface. The fish don't seem to mind it, but I'm unsure what it could be or why it showed up...
  14. noobgamers

    Live River Shrimp

    ok cna they be kept in aquariums logn term whent heyre sold as food i though i woudl possibly keep them in my will amazon biotope do they come from the amazon thinking of getting ten maybe if theyre like the other shrimp ive heard they have virtually no waste output but they do have a tiny bit...
  15. mrstwalker

    Something Wrong With My Betta?!

    I have a beautiful ruby red male crown tail named Mistletoe who has the best personality! Until I could get a new home for him I had him in a large glass vase (he was a christmas eve gift)    He was in the vase for about 2.5 weeks, during his stay in the vase i did a 50% water change daily and a...
  16. Kabernick30

    Fluorish Question

    I recently purchased seachem fluorish for my newly planted tank and i am wondering how often and what % of the recommended dosage will allow my plants to thrive Also will activated carbon remove the nutrients added? NKP levels are good and im not running co2 but i have a moderately stocked...
  17. Barb-barian

    Panda Corys And Dwarf Lobster

    My lady has a few panda corys in her tank now and fell in love with the Mexican dwarf lobster while at a shop.  We were curious if this could work out? My logic is that the dwarf lobster will only get to be 1.5-2 inches big so he will be about the same size of the corys.  They are both active at...
  18. Kabernick30

    Substrate Question

    I'm setting up a new tank and i am curious as to which substrates are best for planted tanks? Im leaning towards sand because its good for bottom feeders and looks nice however im not sure where to buy it from because my lfs doesnt sell aquarium specific sand, or whether just strictly sand...
  19. Kabernick30

    Stocking Question

    I have a 26 gallon tank with driftwood and a few live plants   i currently have.. 1 albino cory catfish 2 platies 1swordtail 1  black phantom tetra   can i add a school of cherry barbs and an angelfish?   im looking to transition to a semi aggressive tank
  20. F!shy

    New To Forums & To Fish Keeping

    Hi All, Im Scott and new to Fish Keeping (and Forums lol) *Wave*   I Yesterday Purchased a Panorama Aquarium 64 Litre. Currently set with Heater, Filter, Gravel and 4 Orniments of diff sizes.   Its Full of water and Fish Free, Have added tap safe and some filter boost for the bacteria.  ...
  21. keka153

    Hello From North Carolina

    I am new at doing salt water fish. I just got my pajama cardinal and noticed his eye was swollen with a white looking film over it. Can someone please tell me what it is so that I can help him? I have attached a picture so that you could see it.
  22. Wigster

    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Shopping List?

    Hi all, I'm looking to get some Co2 into my system. A fire extinguisher system is probably the one I'm after, but I'm very confused about all the fitments, and have no idea where to purchase them. Does anyone have a shopping list of items and locations to buy from for a 2kg FE system, with a...