
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. StarfireGraves

    Breeding Question

    Ello,   Im not too new or anything (I don't have years but I know enough to keep my fish alive, happy and healthy) I just have a random question I want to ask;   Can a Guppy and Platy breed? I breed both platys and guppys and I was just wondering because I have always kept them in seperate...
  2. Mamashack

    Amusing Stand-Off At The Ok Corale!(Aka 60L Platy Tank)

    Thought some members might find this amusing An amano shrimp was hanging on for dear life to a pellet meant for the platies. One of the platies clearly took exception to this and the result is this photo Add your own amusing conversation - mine goes like this: Platy: Oi matey I believe that's...
  3. E

    Inactive Plates For No Apparent Reason :(

    Afternoon everyone :)   I have a 20L tank which contains 1 male and 1 female platy and 3 platy fry. I have had the adult fish for approximately 3 months and the fry are now around 1 month old.   I purchased a new, better quality heater two days ago as it has become very cold where I live, and...
  4. B

    Which Livebearer Do You Prefer?

    Hey guys! Just out of curiosity and some fun I was wondering which livebearing fish you like the most! I personally really like the surprise of guppy tail colors, but love the overall look of platy fish. Post your comments below.
  5. L

    New Member

    Hey,   I'm new to this forum and fish keeping. I set up my 10 Gal tank last week and last night got 3 platys! I'll upload some pictures soon! They seem to be happy, one male, Walt, and two females, Syrup and Wasabi. What's the maximum amount of fish I can keep in my 10 Gal .  Could I add a beta...
  6. LyraGuppi

    Will It Ever Go Away?!

    Okay, here we go.   It all started with my Platy, about two months ago. She was very lethargic and bloated, some slight pineconing. I Q tanked her for quite some time, until she finally pooed and was swimming a tad bit more. I put her back into my community tank and she was fine for a while...
  7. J

    Poorly Platy - Please Help

    My favourite fish is sick.   She's a female platy that I got last June (my very first fish). She's in a 64l tank with 2 other female platies and 5 neon tetras. The water parameters are all normal, but about 2 months ago we moved house so they all went through a pretty stressful experience...
  8. A

    My Platy Fish Is Pregnant Or Not?

    i attached my platy fish photo. i want to know that is she pregnat or her belly is swelling because of over eating? i f she is pregnant after how much time later i put her in breeding box
  9. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    Please help! I have had my fish for over a year now, sucessfully, with no sickness. I have a 20 gal tank with one female molly, one male platy, and one female platy. The female platy was a fry that I raised from birth. I woke up this morning to feed my fish and the female platy is completely...
  10. K

    Platy Staying At Top Of Tank

    I have a 5.5 gallon cycled tank with three platy sisters. For the past few weeks I've noticed that one will go into these bouts where she just stay at the top in the tank in the corner with her gills rapidly flaring. I know there's enough oxygen intake and the others act totally fine so I don't...
  11. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Forever?

    So before everyone tries to say "You must have a Balloon Platy" I have zero balloon platys.    Anyway, around a month ago, going on 2 months, I got a female platy. she must have been newly pregnant because it wasnt long after i purchased her, that her belly began to get rounder and rounder. Well...
  12. mrstwalker

    Fry & Ich - Please Help!

    So I believe I have the beginnings of an ich outbreak in my tank, nothing seems to be terrible and all the fish seem to be happy, but I would like to treat the ich if it truly is starting to develop in my tank, so there wont be any major outbreaks.    The only problem is that I have 5 platy fry...
  13. Deepatlantis

    Is This An Ulcer?

    Hi, my platy just gave birth about three days ago and now she has this lump on her side. Is it an ulcer? She was being chased by two competing males, I'm wondering if she somehow got injured. If it is an ulcer, what's the best treatment...salt? The only other thing I can think of is a tumor...
  14. Sarahstan

    Platy Giving Birth :)

    Hey my Mickey Mouse Platy is just giving birth and I was totally unprepared for it!! I have her in a 125L tank with 3 other fish. Just tested water on Saturday and all perfect :)  What do I need to do to keep fry alive - they are currently being devoured as soon as they are born poor little...
  15. mrstwalker

    Help Help Help!

    So I posted earlier about my pregnant platy, well.. I decided to do a major water change tonight to prepare for the new little ones. As I was removing plants from the tank, what I thought was waste, started moving!! It was fry! I ended up scooping out 5 into the breeder box I have but I didnt...
  16. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Platy - Help!

    So I've had my platies around 3-4 weeks now. I believe one of my females was newly pregnant when I purchased her. She is very round now and her stomach is starting to get "boxy" like everyone has said before they give birth. Her stomach has looked like this going on 2 weeks now. She has been...
  17. ADW1988

    Friends Now Fighters!

    Evening all. I've had my tank set up now 4 months I'd guess. 60L freshwater. I've noticed that my 2 platy have started fighting! They were best buddies but I went to watch them this evening and they have started fighting! One is a white Mickey Mouse platy, the other is a yellow and red hi fin...
  18. ArsenalFan11

    Is This Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    Currently in a hatchery, been in tank for around a month and a half, rarely comes out. Definitely female. Please help! Any suggestions and questions are welcome!  
  19. mrstwalker

    Time For Fry?!

    It has been awhile since I have kept platys and I was wondering if you all could boost my memory.    One of my females is  VERY pregnant, it seems that the bottom of her stomach is "flat-round" and her anal vent is swollen i believe. she is still very active.   Could it be time for her to give...
  20. InlandHarp

    What Is Wrong With My Platy?

    G'day! I am new to this website and I am hoping to find someone who can answer a question I have had for months. A while back one of my red wag platies gave birth. They are now full grown. Only two of them have deformities where their spines are curved a bit. But one of the two is VERY...
  21. mrstwalker

    Is My Fish Pregnant?

    Hi So it has been quite a long time since I have kept fish, recently I got 6 platies for my tank. I wasnt trying to breed them so I chose them randomly, sure enough I ended up with 3 males and 3 females (one of which could be a late developing male, i cant really tell, but we will just stick...
  22. P

    Sexing Fry

    I have 7 platy/swordtail fry that are 12 weeks (3 months) old and they aren't showing any sign of gender. When should I be able to determine the sex? Thanks a ton
  23. P

    First Time Molly Owner

    I've recently gotten a male and female Dalmatian mollies (about a month ago) and I'm certain she is now pregnant! :D I've successfully bred platys before and I was just wondering if there was anything I needed to know that pertains specifically to mollies. Thanks a billion!
  24. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/ faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  25. Antoniakr

    65 Liter Platy And Cory Tank

    Hello everyone, i am a beginner and i am going to tell you all my plan for the future. So i'll introduce myself, i am a girl from England - Leeds, 17 years old and my name is Antonia :) I have recently been very interested in keeping tropical fish as i find myself being lonely a lot and i want...
  26. StarfireGraves

    Platy Emergency

    So,    I have 2 females (for sure) who are quite round (I think they might be pregnant) and have a white anal opening. Should I be worried?  One is a female high fin who is very very round and has what I think is a gravid spot but I am not sure.   The other is a female red wag who is not quite...
  27. mrstwalker

    Platy Questions

    I have always had Platys, however never knew much about the hobby. My platys have always been happy and healthy, but I want to get more serious about the hobby because I want to start breeding/selling.   10 gallon tank   First:  What should the pH be for platys. (Please no super technical terms...
  28. mrstwalker

    Clown Loaches

    Hi there!    So I recently discovered the adorable Clown Loach! I want to set up a community tank with them, here are the fish I was thinking of homing with them:    Clown Loach (3)  Platy (4) Corydora (2) - either dwarf or albino  Bala Shark (3) - yes I am aware balas need a large tank, I will...
  29. Antoniakr

    Platy Care

    Hello everyone. I've been wanting platys for a while now.  i'm wanting a quite easy fish, not a fussy one that needs a lot of attention and needs perfect water conditions Are platys quite a hardy-type fish? because i wont be able to afford keeping water conditions spot on all the time
  30. mrstwalker

    Unlikely Fish Pair!

    As most of you know, Barbs are schooling fish and can be very aggressive without others to school with. This particular barb was lonely and decided to school with my male platy instead of bully him. These are my cycling fish and have gone through several different tank cycles together and have...
  31. mrstwalker

    Tanks And Paradise?!

    My interests are Tetra tanks, breeding tanks ect. I love community tanks! My new loves are the Bala Shark!    I am a huge fan of Betta Splendens!    My husband and I travel to Key West often to snorkel (why I named this post Tanks and Paradise)   Visit my page to learn about my fish and tanks!
  32. Antoniakr

    Hello Everyone! - I'm New

    Hello everyone, i am new to this forum. i have decided to start using forums as i want to note everything i learn down so i will never forget. And getting help from experienced fish keepers will be fantastic. I am going to start breeding Platys. I still need to buy everything yet but i know...
  33. JenLo

    Suspected Fish Tb- Help!

    I posted about a month ago after a platy suddenly got ill. It's back was bent and after a few days it died. Well I hadn't noticed any other problems - until now. One of my guppies I noticed has suddenly lost a large part of its tail. I've changed the water and treated the tank with melafix. But...
  34. P

    Not A Platy After All...?

    I just found out my platies are really swordtails... I know they're basically the same but I'm bummed out now. My name is a lie.. I'm not a platy mamma I'm a swordtail mamma
  35. P

    Can I Put Newborns With My Other Fry?

    I have 7 pineapple platy fry that are aprox. 2 months old and their mother is pregnant again. They have their own ten gallon tank for them to grow in until they are big enough to be put with the adults. They have plenty of room and the tank has great levels in ph, temp ect. I'd say the babies...
  36. B

    Swordtail X Platy

    Hey! So if I have platies and swordtails in a tank will they easily crossbreed?  I know they are closely related, but if I have a male of their species will they only want to breed with him?
  37. S

    Agressive Male Platy

    I Have a 20 gallon tank that consists of 2 female cherry barbs, 2 male platies and a female platy. One of my male platies has grown quite larger than all of the other fish. He constantly is chasing my other male platy and keeps him from eating, drives him to hide, etc. I'm not sure if this is...
  38. B

    Would This Work Out?

    I have a 30 gallon that is going to be redone.  I read up on some of your guy's ideas and have kind of put together another possibility.   I would want a betta, hopefully I can get a female betta, male if I have to 4-7 neon tetras a few breeds of livebearers, probably mollies, guppies, and...
  39. P

    Fish Illness?

    What illness is this?
  40. M

    Pregnant Platy? Urgent!

    Hey Everyone! I need help quick, lately I have noticed that one of my platys is growing larger in the stomach area then the other. I have attached some pictures below of the platies so you can compare them. In the tank i also have two angelfish, two red mm platies and then these guys. If she is...