
  1. H

    Nitrate Levels Won't Go Down!

    Hi all,   So basically, I've had my tank set up for nearly a year now, and It's been fine for a long time. Recently (about 2 months ago) I noticed that the Nitrate levels were increasing, I increased the number of water changes to twice a week. Now I didn't take a lot of water out the second...
  2. FishNChimps

    Experience Of Lowering Ph Using Almond Leaves And Peat Pellets?

    My 110 litre tank has a high ph of 8.2. I'd like to increase its small population of fish but only after bringing down the ph. I'm considering putting peat pellets in the filter, and dropping some almond leaves into the tank, as I've read that this can be effective. Apart from water...
  3. J

    Ocean Rock And Ph Levels

    I'm in the process of setting up my new 130l tank and I'm going to have a crack at a low-tech planted aquarium. I picked up some driftwood, plants and a piece of ocean rock on my way home from work today. I never really thought about the effect a rock would have on water parameters, but as it...
  4. C

    German Blue Ram Cichlid Water Conditioning?

    Hey guys;   Thinking about getting a pair of German Blue Ram Cichlids. From what I've read, they require water that is on the softer side, with low pH (5-7). My municipal tap water is moderate on the hardness scale, but the pH is relatively high (~7.5).    Do you have any suggestions on how to...
  5. simonero

    Not An Emergency Yet, But..... With This Level Of Consistent Ph Droppi

    I have a 55gal freshwater aquarium.  Recently the pH dropped from ~neutral to ~6.4.   Got worried, bought some supplies, went on chat to discuss it.   Within just a couple days, it is now down to 6.0.  This is frightening, because I added a bubble stone and half a cup of aragonite sand (in a...
  6. blw0489

    Ph Changes While Cycling

    I am currently doing a fishless cycle. I believe I am half way through, I've tested my ammonia nitrites and nitrates daily. My ammonia drops to zero every morning so I add about 1-2 ppm daily (as needed). My nitrites have been between 3-5 and nitrates are 10. Everything has been going great, but...
  7. TheFishCellar

    Test Kits.

    Hi guys !    It seems it about time for me to get a new test kit, so i was wondering if any body has had any experiences with a particular kit witch has made you go " WOW , that's awesome" or "CHRIST , that's naf "  i'd prefer to make up my own test kit of different brands this time so i can get...
  8. simonero

    Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate Problem... Need Advice & Knowledge&#

    Hello there!!!   Due to thievery of buckets and general busyness/laziness with perfectly maintained tanks... my tanks are no longer perfectly maintained and my water is crazy.  Now I have some questions.  For the stats, after the LFS telling me I had issues, I bought a test kit yesterday to test...
  9. LyraGuppi

    My Darned Ph

    My PH has swung to 8 without my notice. I really need to get it down, but I have no PHDown or Indian Almond Leaves. How do I lower the PH safely? What to you think raised it?   Inhabitants: 3 Amazon Swords 1 Argentinian Sword Alot of River Stones 2 pieces of mopani wood Play Sand as a substrate...
  10. T

    Getting The Very Best Nano Tank Water - Ro?

    Hello All - I'm new here. We have just bought a couple of nano tanks and we are both lucky enough to work in laboratories. This gives us unfettered access to grade II laboratory RO/DI water and water test kits, which is good given our local water isn't ideal for tropical tanks. We'd like to do...
  11. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Corydoras And Ph Help

    Hi all I was wondering about the various species of corydoras in relation to high pH.   Sorry if this is a repeat topic, but if it is available, I couldn't find it easily, and though I've touched on this question in some of my other threads, I was hoping for some more direct and detailed answers...
  12. J

    High Ph - Advice Needed!

    I moved house about 6 weeks ago and I'm very pleased to report that everyone survived the journey and has settled in. However... the PH in my new house is very high (around 8.2). I have a couple of Platies which should be fine, and 5 neon tetra's which I understand could be problematic. I've...
  13. O

    Water Help!

    I am being pulled in a million directions and no store seems to be helping, and i am spinning out of control! I just want answers!!!   My take normally:    20 gallons Ph: 6-6.2 kH: ? gH: ? Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 0ppm   The fish I have are:   3 Neon tetras (it was 4, that's what...
  14. mrstwalker

    Platy Questions

    I have always had Platys, however never knew much about the hobby. My platys have always been happy and healthy, but I want to get more serious about the hobby because I want to start breeding/selling.   10 gallon tank   First:  What should the pH be for platys. (Please no super technical terms...
  15. sawickib

    Adding Driftwood To 75 Gallon Tank

    I have a 75 gallon aquarium fully established, had it for almost 3 years with 3 bichirs, a black ghost knife, a tire track eel,a elephant nose fish and a pleco. I was wondering if I add 4 pieces of driftwood 2 large and 2 medium will it effect those fish by lowering the pH to much or any other...
  16. P

    New Setup, Water Readings

    Hello All,   I have a new setup as follows:   Roma 125 tank Eheim Professional 3 250 filter   I put 1 cm of Tropica Plant Substrate in a couple of days ago, then 3-4 cm of gravel that came supplied with the tank over this, a medium piece of washed in fresh water bogwood from Petsathome and a...
  17. NomNomTiger

    Angelfish Death Now Ich.

    I have been breeding angelfish for a fair while now. I have a 55g with 2 plecos, 2 dojos and 7 angels. 3 just little juvies. I had 2 others in before but I sold the one as his mate got with 2 other males in the tank and he got beat up. Then a few days later I come home to see the pleco eating my...
  18. CrazyDiamond88

    Ph Fluctuations?

    I have a 12 gallon planted tank, cycled.   Just did my tests.   pH - 7.0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10 or 20, hard to tell.   I last tested pH about 6 days ago, and it was like 7.6.... that seems like a huge fluctuation to me... should I be worried?   The inhabitants - 8 pygmy cories and...
  19. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Hello.  My PH of my tapwater has always been consistently 8.2.  A few days ago I changed 50% of the water in my main tank and noticed one shrimp going completely bonkers, swimming at warp speed everywhere!    Today I changed my smaller shrimp tank and thought out of interest I would do a PH...
  20. E

    High Ph

    Hi everyone,  I've got a 44L tank that is home to 3 guppies, live plants and a loads of bladder snails that came with them. The filter is fully cycled, ammonia=0 nitrites=0 nitrate= 40ppm. The pH of the tank water is 8.2.   Sorry if this is an obvious question but why would the ph have gone up...
  21. J

    Will Bog Wood Drop Ph?

    Will bog wood drop my ph I have just got 2 peices of it as I am getting electric blue rams and want my ph in the low 6's. my ph was 7.6 before I put them in when should I check if it has dropped or will it drop at all?
  22. Voxcharm

    Using Rain Water In Tank

    Hey Interested to hear people's experience of using rain water. I am conscious of being as Eco friendly as possible and have heard good things about using rain water for water changes particularly if your tank ph tends to be on higher side. (My 50 litre/12 US gallon tank tends to sit at around...
  23. tmoney7

    Tank Stuck At 6.0 Ph

    I have a ten gallon planted tank with 5 cherry shrimp and three anubias plants, java moss, Malaysian bog wood.  My pH seems to be stuck at 6.0 and i have tried raising it but it doesn't want to seem to stay higher.  I know the pH is probably okay at 6.0 but i would just like to have it up to at...
  24. M

    Surely This Isn't Right... (Ph)

    So last weekend in preparation for my new aquarium (which arrived today) I brought some wood, bog or drift not sure can't remember and have been soaking it in a plastic box for 6days... Now I'm about to start setting up my aquarium I tested the water in the container and it was close to PH 5...
  25. R

    Safely Lowering Ph

    My ph is above 8 in my freshwater 500ltr tank, how can I keep it reduced for my co2 .... Is R O the answer ,if so can I do half r o and half tap water to keep in minerals and the ph to 7.5 approximate ?
  26. RossC

    High Ph In Pond

    I water tested my pond water today and found everything was 0ppm but the pH was at 8.4! Now my tapwater is around 7.4 and I'm not using any buffers and as far as I'm aware there isn't anything such as rocks that could adjust the pH so much, its got a thin gravel substrate. I have noticed the...
  27. SmokedPaprika

    Ph, Gh, Kh - Help A Newbie Understand?

    Hi guys   I'm new here so if there is a topic or article on this somewhere else, please feel free to link me to it and move or delete this thread; I did do a search but couldn't find what I was after.   OK, this is going to sound stupid, but I've seen a lot of articles mentioning that different...
  28. M

    Buffering Ph?

    I'm intersted in possible breeding my Bristlenose Pleco's but I have read that Pleco's need a PH of about 7.0 and the PH of my water is about 8.0... How can I naturally buffer the PH lower and keep it that way? Or would it be ok to just try and breed them in the 8.0 PH water?   Thanks for any...
  29. B

    Fish For High Ph 10 Gallon

    My ph is around 8.3-8.4 and I don't know what kind of of fish can tolerate/adjust to such a high ph. I don't want to mess with my parameters. Any reasonable fish suggestions will be appreciated, thank you!
  30. Brahmza

    Lowering My Ph?

    Curious about what ways I can effectively and safely lower my pH. My tap water is around 7.4, trying to get my tank to anywhere under 7. I heard aging tap water is a good way to lower its pH, but after its in the tank and cycles for a bit with my aeration, wouldn't the PH just go back up...
  31. S

    Water Parameters

    Hi,I have a question about my parameters, my tap water and tank water have a ph of 7.6 but my Gh is 125 ppm and my kh is 89.3 ppm. I thought a high ph goes in hand with a high gh but the gh is medium? Any help would be great,I am still cycling my tank at the minute so no fish to worry about as...
  32. P

    My 50 Gal Hex Before Hurricane Sandy

    Hello E/everyone. This was My 50 gallon Hex "prior" to hurricane Sandy hitting the East coast. I'm in Eastern PA and we lost power here for a week. It got cold (including the tank) 59 degrees at its coldest before I was able to aim a propane space heater at the tank, warming it back up to...