
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Does anyone know what this red mark, possibly sore? On my cory catfish is?

    I recently found white worms in my tank, I cannot get rid of them, so I started treating my tank with salt and water changes to no avail. I found my Cory cat with this on his side last night, does anyone know what it could be from?
  2. B

    Found a worm in my tank...

    So I was doing a water change and saw a little worm on my nerite snail. I’m pretty sure it was a detritus worm, still a little unsure. I’m wondering if garlic or aquarium salt will kill them. I don’t have many options because I have scaleless fish, invertebrates
  3. Peepss

    Opaline Gourami White Poop

    My Opaline gourami has been having normal poops lately but tonight I noticed he has this long white/clear string hanging. I’ve seen some people suggest internal parasites as well as just general poor water quality or from a crustacean? We do have shrimp in the tank & one recently died. Should I...
  4. YunoGasai212121

    Possible angelfish parasite

    not sure if the other one posted, I don’t think it did but sorry if it did. My fish has been acting weird lately with swimming like it’s been having more trouble with going where the filter flow is and it swims a little to the side and one time I saw it upside down but than 2 seconds later it...
  5. A

    Bloated gorami, please help

    My gorami has been very fat for a very long time almost 2 months now. He wont eat at all. Iv tried peas he wont eat them. Moved him to my hospital tank tried medicating the water. Didn't help. Regular water changes have perked him up. Hes still swimming around fine. He hangs around the heater a...
  6. G

    Skinny Guppies dying

    One by one my guppies are getting skinny ,arched back like and trying to swim along the bottom of the tank and stopping then trying again to move and within 2 days dying . So far 2 have died it's seems to be the female's. Iv been watching the poo and its mostly brown . I have 2 x 20 gallon tanks...
  7. Rae87

    Polyp-like Growth

    Why is there a coral growing on my fish? I’ve never seen a parasite like this before. On close inspection, it looks almost exactly like a coral polyp. The fish is active, and somehow managing to eat well. Ph: 5.5 Kh: 8+ Nh3Nh4: 0 No3: 5 No2: 0.3 Has anyone ever seen this before?
  8. B

    Bettas problems

    Hey, one of my bettas (bleu) has bloated up. its persisted for about three weeks so I doubt its dropsy. I've fasted him for a few days and have given him multiple epsom salt baths to no avail. he remains active and lively (hiding from me mostly out of fear of the salt baths.) I can't tell if its...
  9. E

    What the heck is going on in my tank?

    Hey guys, I've been in the hobby off and on for over a decade. I don't have any home tanks, but I have a 40 gallon planted tank in the office which I hadn't been properly maintaining for awhile due to health issues in my family. It had a low level of stocking (a mixed school of boraras, a...
  10. B

    Mass fish deaths

    Freshwater fish constantly dying! Hi all. New to posting on this forum but have been following threads for quite some time. I've been keeing fish for some 20 years. Parameters. Tank 75gal. Cycled for 2 months fishless cycle. Substrate: caribsea moon sand Filter: sunsun 304b (450gal/hr) Two...
  11. C

    Blenny Raised areas - Diagnose

    I came home and spotted my Blenny swimming around. I noticed two raised "pale" almost like areas on him. He seems to be breathing abit more and swimming just a bit awkward. I've noticed in the tank that a small blue eye tang is chasing him alot and has even pushed him out of his house. I don't...
  12. P


    hi all! :) i'm new to fishkeeping and i need some help on identifying what sickness my cory has. about 2 weeks ago i got 2 albino corys and 6 neon tetras. the corys seemed to be healthy. a few days later, i noticed that one of my corys had a split tail and short dorsal fin (as if they were...
  13. V

    Sudden Change In Fish Behavior Overnight

    Hi everyone, So just yesterday my fish were all swimming around happily in my 29 gallon planted tank. I got this tank a while back, cycled it for two to three weeks, and just added the fish two weeks ago. The fish I had were: 6 guppies from my previous tank, which was running for four months...
  14. R

    White Grub look alike in Tropical fish tank

    Hello, I'm pretty new to owning a tropical fish tank, ive always had cold water fish, I bought a pre-used fish tank with all the items and fish, the fish that came with it are: 2 albino catfish, 2 snails, 3 clown loaches, 2 plecos, 4 gouramis, 1 zebra catfish and 5 head and taillight tetra, its...
  15. Flinkbag

    Clamped Pectoral Fin In Elephant Ear Betta

    Hey all!   I returned home to find my beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has one pectoral fin clamped ('stuck' is a better word for it, it looks like its plastered to his body!) to his side. It appears to only be half stuck to his body, because he can still move the bottom portion of it. The...
  16. 1

    Problem Started Wiith Black Moor, Now All.

    Less than 3 weeks ago, my fish started gaping at the tp of thee water non stop, all day long. Then the black moor got a white streak of something down by it's nose. I thought it was some kind of output from the moors body, like mucus or otherwise, but now, just 2 weeks later, the moors head is...
  17. B

    Unknown Illness On New Otocinclus' - Fungus?

    Hello friends,   A few days ago, I brought home four otos. They appeared to have some minor ick (no surprise,) so they are in quarantine and being treated with Kordon Rid-Ich Plus. However, now it looks like something I'm unfamiliar with - maybe a fungus - is spreading among them. The dots are...
  18. simonero

    Appropriate Ich Meds/tx For Sensitive Tank

    Hi all,   My BGK has some nasty ich that went undetected for who-knows-how-long because I cannot see it when he is in his favorite spot or eating.  I'm guessing that the higher activity level preceding my noticing it is not a good sign.  In this freshwater tank I also have a tiny loach, apple...
  19. S

    Urgently Need Advice

    Hi, I have a 75litre freshwater aquarium, water conditions normal on test strips and water is conditioned(been having a misty water issue but it is improving), carbon integrated filters and heated of course. (1/4 water change - 2 days ago) 3 male mollies, 9 female mollies, 3 molly fry, 1 female...
  20. C

    White Bumps Near Fish's Mouth?

    Hello all, see the attached photos of white bumps that have appeared near my male Ram Cichlid's mouth.   I don' believe it is ich because they protrude quite far. The first one showed up about two weeks ago and the second bump just started to form. I'm not really sure how to proceed with it. Can...
  21. R

    Perhaps A Pesky Parasite?

    Hello,   I have been struggling with a sick fish and i'm at wits end trying to diagnose what ailment the platy has. I have included a diagram of the feces of the fish. I think i may be dealing with a parasite but I am not sure.   I have treated tank with Maracyn 2, the fish seemed less bloated...
  22. Wreckzone

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I have a 6 gallon tank with 4 neon tetras living in it at the moment. About 9 months ago I lost a neon tetra when my water quality got low due to rotting plants. I believe the neon tetra had parasites because when it died (I watched the whole thing happen) it released a bunch of...
  23. M

    Growing Lump On Bottom Feeded

    I have a bottom feed with some mass growing on it's fin. Not sure what to do and where to start to treat it. I quarantined it in a seperate tank and do weekly water cycle. I am new to aquariums and fresh water tanks.
  24. Dmbandstef

    What Is Wrong With My Fish?

    My fish have been twitching their heads, rubbing on rocks, and one of my cories ( the only cory showing signs of illness) keeps swimming to the top for air. I have been treating with mardels quICK cure. It treats multiple illnesses but I do not know whats wrong. Please help!
  25. P

    Sick Platies :-(

    Plattie looking sick I have a 25l tank with 2 platies, 2 corys and a shrimp. I recently added one of the corys and the shrimp and now one of my platies is sick. :-( he seems to be clamping his fins, has stringy poo and I have seen him flash a few times but only when feeding off the bottom of the...
  26. Shoumega

    My Fish Have Been Infected With Parasites!

    Hello, i'm new to the forums and I have a serious issue with my 36 gallon planted aquarium...   How I think my tank got infected with the parasite: Yesterday I introduced two angelfish into my tank I had purchased at an independently owned pet store (I should have known better as there was...
  27. Kabernick30

    New Tank Concern

    Recently 3 of my 6 fish have died due to what appears to be a internal parasite causing dropsy. I currently have nothing to treat the tank however im curious if ishould treat it or is it to late as it seems to be spreading. Also would transferring gravel, driftwood and filter media to a new...
  28. A

    Sick? Stressed? Ich? Molly

    I got a fish a few days ago all ammonia level and nitrite is good and so is nitrate however one of my mollies has a white dryisish spot near its tail here it is 
  29. D

    What Type Of Parasite/worm?

    I have a goldfish that suffers from some sort of parasitic infection. The symptoms are a bump that appears near the head or dorsal fin and grows for several weeks and then finally bursts. It looks like there was a worm inside however it doesn't look like the usual Anchor worm photos I've seen...
  30. Corykeeper

    Catfish Dying

    Over the past week I have had 2 brand new emerald cories die and a bushynose pleco die. they all were acting normally until I come back from classes to see them keel over. all the other fish seem relatively unaffected. The bushynose also died in a separate tank, both tanks have good water...
  31. E

    Golden Danio Parasite

    Hi everyone,   I'm definitely an amateur compared to most of you.  I have 3 golden danios in a 2.5 gallon tank.  Even though it's not much, I've had the fish for almost 4 years and they've become important to me.   About 4 days ago, I noticed one of the fish wasn't eating.  Two days later, a...
  32. L

    Disease In Tank - Help - 1 Gone Already

    Hello all,    I have a disease in my tank which seems to be slowly spreading. Any advice/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance   About a month ago I had my Dwarf Neon Rainbow die from an unknown disease. here is what happened.   He had pop eye a few months back, but I treated him for...
  33. bloxplayer992

    Help! My Fish Have Ich!

    my fish have white spots! so far my neon tetras keep dying from it and one of my otocinclus appears to have a white spot on it's extremely panicked since ive added that green super ich cure. i really dont know much about my water quality since this is my first tank and i need to know...
  34. D

    Can't Identify This Disease/parasite Plz Help!

    I have recently noticed that my angelfish has two strange white tubular like structures protruding from its face, the longest just above its eye. It refuses to eat and I have noticed an odd spasm. I cannot find anything on the web that looks like it apart from white spot. Does anyone know what...