
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Sunken Belly?

    I recently got this pair a few days ago, and I’m wondering if my female might have a sunken belly or if she’s just malnourished. They were previously kept in a smaller tank with quite a few others, so I’m not sure if she wasn’t getting enough food. Also, I’ve noticed that she headbumps the male...
  2. J

    Ich and Raised Spots?

    Hi everyone, I recently got 3 Boesemani Rainbows from my LFS and put them in a 10-gallon quarantine tank with a seeded sponge filter from my display tank. I also added 3 platies to a separate quarantine tank with an internal filter and seeded media. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate 0-5/10 Temp...
  3. JackGulley

    Part of my shrimp or a parasite?

    My rili shrimp has these white “eyelashes” on it that I don’t remember seeing before and it’s kinda freaking me out. They writhe like fingers every now and then in a way that makes me really uncomfortable. They’re only on this specific spot. One of my other shrimp has a few of them in the same...
  4. D

    Whats coming out of my keyhole?

    I noticed my keyholes forehead area color was changing so I did water change but figured it was due to stress since my beta died and they've been together for years (beta was old no signs of sickness) but then today I noticed this. What is it and how do I treat it?🥺
  5. D

    Livebearer white tail disease?

    Hi all, After a few years I decided to convert my 30 gallon gourami tank into a livebearer community tank. I re-homed the last surviving gourami and added 4 platys, 9 guppies and 8 tetra. Stupidly I didn’t quarantine in any way and now regretting it (I’m not an experienced fish keeper I’ve only...
  6. F

    Is this a fluke?

    Hi, I’ve just noticed this on both of my rams gills. By phantom tetra also has something similar towards its tail that looks like a pimple. I just wondered if these are flukes? The female ram doesn’t seem to have it anymore and the tetra just has a lump without a white part sticking out. The...
  7. ella777


    I'm confused. I recently acquired 4 algae eating snails, I'm not sure what species they are. They arent nerite snails, they're covered in algae so I really can't tell. I've noticed one of them has a white mark on its underside, I can only see it when it's on the glass. I'm not sure if its eggs...
  8. Little-Nipper

    Neocaridina shrimp worm

    Hi guys, So I have just been enjoying looking at my little 35L shrimp tank and I noticed that 1 of the blue dreams has got a worm attached to it's head, I have heard of this before and the common answer would be "Scutariella japonica" but it doesn't look like any of the pictures I've seen...
  9. syren

    Flesh eating bacteria???

    Title is an attention grabber, I know, but I am back again after having minimal issues with Grosso! (insert massive sigh here) I got sick of the 10 gallon shortly after experiencing back to back canister issues and it almost killing him, so shortly after I upgraded to a 36G and things have been...
  10. outofwater

    Is this fry fat, or does it have worms?

    Hi everyone, last Saturday I went by a nearby lfs and bought 3 ottos. Upon arrival at home I noticed a small, unknown fry in the bag. Couple of days later an otto died, so I went back to the store with the fish and water sample. After confirming all params were OK, (0 ammonia and nitrites, 10...
  11. Willow59

    Scutariella Japonica - Shrimp Stopped Breeding

    I had a thriving colony of Bloody Mary Shrimp that went from 12 to 300 in roughly nine months. I noticed Scutariella Japonica, the parasitic nematode, in late December so I culled down to 2 dozen and did salt dips on 12/27, 12/29, and 12/31, followed by a month of quarantine to remove their...
  12. T

    Tiny black line on Platy monopodium

    Hi! I have noticed a recent appearing of a tiny black line on the gonopodium of one of my male blue and black Platys (see attached photo). I have been researching all kinds of worms, pests and parasites, and have found nothing that looks like this. Is it likely just a color spot appearing as...
  13. S

    Tank disease?

    Hi, I know it’s a blurry picture but can anyone identify what is happening in my goldfish tank? I am at a total loss. It’s a 70 gallon. Here is the back story. I have had this specific goldfish tank for over 2 years, have been keeping fish my whole life, and have many other tanks in my house...
  14. S

    Large cichlid tank possible parasite?

    Silly question. I have a large cichlid tank with oscars, a blood parrot, and a green terror. I saw this floating across the tank and I was wondering if this was a worm or a parasite? I thought I saw it wiggle but it could have been from the filter current. I have a video of it but not sure how...
  15. M

    Is this really Ich?

    Hi, everyone. I’m not exactly new to fishkeeping; however, I finally have a tank again after 18 years of break from the hobby. I’ve just started out again with a new cycled tank and some angelfish I purchased from Petsmart. After putting them into my aquarium I noticed something strange looking...
  16. Oman

    Tank of yellow cherry shrimp dead

    Hi guys, I had a tank of 9 yellow cherry shrimp and over the last week they have all died, there was one left but it died last night. Whilst inspecting the corpse of the final one I have noticed small red markings and circles, does anyone know what this is from? Maybe a parasite? The tank also...
  17. T

    Clownfish has white slime! Help!

    Hi, please help, any advice is appreciated! My sisters clownfish has these “spots” and has has them for a couple of weeks. Her smaller clown had them and now they’re gone, but this one is still “infected”. He has been acting fine and eating like normal, thanks in advance.
  18. KatNor21

    Can anyone ID this worm?

    Hi everyone. This is a YouTube video that I shot and uploaded on my channel. Can anyone tell me what kind of worm this is? One of my endlers died so I gave his tank a good cleaning and discovered this worm on the bottom of some tank decor. Afraid it had caused the endler's death, I took it to...
  19. Z

    Please help!!!!

    I have a large panther grouper who has a couple of flat worm-like parasites on his eyes. They are like wavy and only attached on one end. Earlier this year I had a Niger trigger who I had for 2 years and he passed after being completely covered by the same parasites, his fins rotted and he...
  20. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    I've been having some problems with my cherry shrimp. They seem to keep dying and the female's eggs are going bad. At first, I thought it was fungi but now I think it's probably parasites. I saw a male with what looked like 2 white stripes inside his thorax. And today I saw a worm on the glass...
  21. MagicGirl33

    Does Parasite Treatment Affect Snails?

    I have a platy that has some sort of internal parasite. I was given the medication to treat it but I was told not to use it if I had scaleless fish. I asked if it was ok for the mystery snail and they said they weren't sure. I have Titan Green Water Purifier Parasites and Fungus. Should I remove...
  22. K

    Angel Fish with parasite?

    We have 2 large angel fish in an established tank. No new fish for months. We thought that maybe they have ick and have been treating for this but it only seems to be getting worse. This morning I saw the attached picture. It seems like they are popping and then they go away after a few hours...
  23. L

    Can anyone identify if this is a parasite?

    Hey guys... I've had my otos for around 3 months now and even when I first got them I noticed a small discoloured spot on the underside towards the tail end of one of them and he/she seemed fine so thought it might have been scar tissue. I then thought it may be eggs but now I don't think so as...
  24. L

    Mystery Guppy Death

    Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
  25. M

    What kind of worm is this? (Pictures)

    Hi, Over the past few days, one of my Endler guppies has been looking slightly bloated and lethargic. Yesterday, she looked pretty rough, so I euthanized her using cIove oil. I let her sit in the tub overnight to make sure she's really dead before I'd flush her. This morning, the fish was...
  26. O

    Pregnant, Fat or Sick? Please help!

    Hi Everyone, I have a very pregnant looking platy, but am not sure if she is pregnant or just chubby. We feed them twice a day and she is always the first to suck up flakes. This week she started hiding behind the rock shelter with her tank mate. Anyone out there know if she could be pregnant? I...
  27. S

    Jade goby growth in nose

    Hello everyone, this grew pretty quick in about two weeks and seems to continue. For a moment noticed a red strand coming out. My jade is about 5 years old and can't seem to figure out exactly what this is. Thank you.
  28. Stargazee

    Fish TB?

    I have been losing a fish every couple of months. I have 9 mbuna fish left (previously a chaos tank but do not want to introduce any more fish until this is solved), and a pleco in a 55 gallon with a FluvalSmart 706. I have 3 plants and barely any nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, ph 8.2. I...
  29. jedimildred54

    My new african dwarf frog is shedding weekly, is this normal?

    I recently got 2 african dwarf frogs for a 5 gallon tank. One frog, the biggest one, has shed once a week since I got him (it's been about 3 weeks). He always gets all the skin off after a day. There is no redness. A week ago the water was cloudy so I changed half the water. Also I've switched...
  30. Barry Tetra

    Urgent! Skinny Rosy barbs and swordtail

    I just caught 5 swordtail from the river (soft water btw might be from someone fish tank) and now they’re all infected, they are skinny and it seems to be parasite, I did used fish broad spectrum and salt and it doesn’t work as they are skinnier and paler everyday. should I move all of them to...
  31. O

    Possible parasites in aquarium

    Hi all. I have a weirdly specific question. I had my guppies die of parasites so now I only have a mystery snail in my 10 gallon tank. I’ve now acquired a betta but i’m hesitant with what I should do with him in regards to my tank. I’m worried that he could catch parasites if I put him in the...
  32. vikinglord13

    Dr. Erik Johnson, Koi Vet, interview

    Hello all, As some of you may know, I've been working on this video for some time now. It took much longer to edit than I anticipated, I hope you enjoy watching. If you like the video or learn something I simply ask you like my Facebook page, Zokomo Ranch; and, like the video on Youtube and...
  33. E

    Help- complicated anchor worm case

    Tank size: 30 litres, just an air pump filter with a spray bar, a full spectrum light for the plants and a water heater. pH: EDIT(7.6) misread it earlier as 6.8 (see below) ammonia: 0.25ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 5ppm kH: about 60ppm (I use test strips for kH, the value is between 40-80ppm) gH...
  34. B

    Mysterious worms infestation

    Hi I have an infestation of worms in my tanks which I can see squirming all over the tank walls, if anyone knows what they are and if they are harmful to the fish that would be good to know and also if anyone knows any methods to get rid of them? I've cleaned and re set up those tanks numerous...
  35. B

    Cherry barb - swimming sideways

    Male cherry barb, has been swimming sideways for a long time now. Have tried not feeding for a few days then feeding shelled peas - no result. Have treated with swim bladder treatment over the course of a few weeks, with temperature increased to 26 degrees, still no change. Have checked all the...
  36. Goosegrl2019

    Moss balls & parasites

    I just got 2 Marimo moss balls because they r beautiful & low maintenance live plants. I have no other live plants in my tank so I'm hoping these work out. Currently they r washed & put in a jar for a couple weeks because I'm paranoid to put them in my tank with my fish. I was wondering if...
  37. C


    My mystery snail had babies so I was using my phone to look at them zoomed in and noticed these barely visible with the naked eye parasite looking things. Anyone have an idea of what they are and what I should do?
  38. J

    Identifying Flukes in Fish

    Hi, New here and not entirely sure this is an 'emergency' or not but couldn't find a "fish health" section on here. I have a pretty well planted 40 gallon tank and have noticed my fish flicking and twitching parts of themselves onto plants , gravel or anything else in the tank. I noticed it a...
  39. Lauren J

    Mollies with sunken bellies???

    I lost my new black molly last week after noticing she had a sunken belly after giving birth. This week, my white molly has clamped fins and developed a sunken abdomen almost overnight. She is rubbing up against decorations and rocks. Also, my other black molly also has clamped fins and a slight...
  40. S

    What to do After Anchor Worm Infestation

    Hello all, Long story short, after battling an anchor worm infestation for 3 weeks all of my goldfish have passed away. I drained the tank and my canister filter but how long should I wait until I add new stock to restart my tank? I know anchor worms are parasites and cant live without a...