
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Barry Tetra

    Does my molly look skinny?

    Does he look skinny to you?
  2. A

    Should have gotten a bigger tank...

    Hi everyone! I got my first 20 gallon tank at Christmas to set up in my office and I LOVE it. There were some hardships and losses in January-February while I learned about the nitrogen cycle and some danios paid the price. :( I had to stop naming them. :( But then I bucked up, got the Tetra...
  3. EndlessFlame

    Stocking Advise - 75g

    Hello! I have a 75g tank and I’m having trouble deciding how to finish stocking it. Here’s what I have in the tank so far: 6 x mollies 3 x dwarf gouramis Planning on 6+ cory catfish I’m working on having the tank moderately planted. For additional fish I’m looking for something with variety...
  4. T

    Rural Networks

    New to the site and forums in general. Live in northeast Colorado with little to no pet stores and aquarium supplies. Best local fish store 55 miles away, the closest petco or petsmart is 115 miles away. I currently order food from a few places amazon, brine shrimp direct, etc. I've always...
  5. L

    Mollies male or female?

    I bought a couple golden panda mollies yesterday and I think I have a male and female even though I was told they were both male I've uploaded a pic it's not great as they don't stop long enough lol but am i right?
  6. Barry Tetra

    Help mollies not eating

    My balloon mollies not eating and doing have a behavior like gulping air @Retired Viking @Fishmanic
  7. Medusa313


    I’ve had my all black molly since about may 2019... and I’ve had other mollies and guppies(I have two tanks). But some of the previous group didn’t make it. Anyways back to my point, my black molly is male while my two newer Dalmatian mollies are female. One has more spots than the other(so she...
  8. A

    New to Forum - Desperately need help

    Hello everyone! This may be a bit of a lengthy post, but I desperately need some help, advice, telling off, whatever the solution is to my problem... So I caught the fish bug a couple of years ago, and have upgraded tanks a couple of times during this time. I actually won my first aquarium on...
  9. Selina Dionne Slotter

    Molly pregnant?

    I’m not 100% sure but I think my molly is pregnant? I’m not sure because she doesnt look huge but she does look bigger than the other fish did at the pet store (which is why I got her, I thought she was cute but now I’m nervous lol) and her belly is kind of squared off I think? I’ve had her...
  10. A

    Best live plant for a 25 litre tank with mollies and platties

    Hello! Could anyone please suggest any live plant that would be good for a 25 litre tank with 2 mollies and 2 platties? I do not have any CO2 system and have a substrate made of small stones, so I would like a plant that is hardy and does not need much.
  11. G

    Why is my molly gasping for air?

    Only ONE of my mollies is gasping for air. She likes to stay at the surface and basically act as a “vacuum.” Is this just her personality? None of my other fish do this, just her. There is plenty of aeration and you can even see little bubbles floating up to the surface all over the tank.
  12. Y

    Worried about my mollies!

    I have a 120L fish tank. Have about 30 fish. Currently have 5 mollies and 4 fry. The first breeding pair of mollies were added to the tank over a month ago, they got on fine and everything was good, we then added a Dalmatian female molly and again everything was ok. Then a couple weeks later we...
  13. H

    Molly has grey patches (and snail infestation)

    Hi guys! :) I have registered in this forum with the hope that one of you can help me out! Thanks for welcoming me to your community. Tank size: 20Gallon pH: 6.5 temperature: 76F water parameters: I don't have any tests at hand. I have a planted tank (substrate is aquarium soil covered with...
  14. Jackee

    2 pregnant mollies

    Hi everyone! In your own experience, what is the longest your mollies were pregnant before they actually gave birth? Second, have your mollies more often given birth during the day, at night, or about 50/50. Please, I am not looking for generic, rule-of-thumb info. I’ve read all of that, lots of...
  15. casdeswinchester

    White stringy poop? Fish dying

    So yesterday some of my female bettas had been resting on the gravel and not moving or eating and fading color. Today my angel fish is also doing the same as well as breathing rapidly, my other angels and mollies are fine but are pooping long stringy white poop, this has been going on for about...
  16. J

    Are my Molly fish pregnant?

    Hello everyone, Firstly I apologise for any mistakes I make whilst posting to this forum as this is my first ever post. I am wondering if anyone could help me by informing me if the any of the two mollies of which i have included pictures are pregnant. I am also new to breeding and therefore...
  17. pjwilford

    Love is in the Air

    this tank is seeing a lot of love. It’s spring, I guess!! Should I mark today as day one? And is it a couple of weeks or 60 days of pregnancy? Either way, updates to follow! (slight feeling this female molly won’t make it, though...she doesn’t look too active...does mating make the female seem...
  18. Inkweaver313

    Tropical fish dying quickly after move wha

    Help! Backstory: I had a 45 gallon tank with mollies and neon tetras set up for about a year. The mollies were breeding like crazy (as they do) so I rehomed all but 5 males. I needed the 45 for a rescue goldfish I got so I purchased a 30 gallon tank. I set it up, let the temperature settle to...
  19. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  20. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  21. S

    30gallon tank stocking ideas

    so I’ve upgraded to a 100gallon and transferred my community from the 30gallon to the 100gallon .... mainly because my 3 Bala sharks are 6 inches now and my 4 gourami are 3-4 inches, few rainbows and a bristlenose plecostomus. I want to restock my 30 gallon but I don’t know what to do.... I was...
  22. E

    Platy possibly dying! Help

    Hello, I recently starting a planted 10g tank. Its been going for about 3 months, 2 of which containing fish. I first added 4 mollies, then about 2.5 weeks ago, I added 1 molly and 3 platys. Within the last 24 hours, I noticed one of he platys (the only male) was not eating, no matter how much...
  23. E

    Help!! Problems with my Dalmatian Molly!

    Hi, im new to this site and desperately need help with one of my fish. Ive had a 10 gallon for a couple of months and one of my most recent additions is a pair of dalmatian mollies. One of them was rather small but thats likely just because hes young. I noticed the smaller of the pair resting on...
  24. L

    How Many Mollies?

    I have heard many, many different things when doing research on Molly fish. I am interested in having mollies in my 20H gallon tank. How many can I fit? I just want as many opinions as I can get. Any info will be greatly appreciated! If it makes a difference, my tank is 24 inches left to right...
  25. L

    Stocking a 20H Gallon tank

    Hello everyone, Recently I got a 3.5 gallon betta tank in January and I have been preparing to cycle/set up a new 20H Gallon tank and I am starting to figure out what kind of fish to stock the tank with. I have my heart set on a community tank because I love the idea of having different...
  26. M

    Need Advice. Will This Tank Fit These Fish?

    Ive recently been gifted 3 Mollies and 2 Angelfish as a present, all of which are very young. I currently have them in a 20L tank as it was the only one I had, yet I know I need a bigger tank. Im new to aquariums and am looking to buy an aquarium that comes with built in filter and heater etc. I...
  27. M

    Molly laying at the bottom of the tank

    I have three mollies in a 15 gallon tank and my only regular Molly started to lay on the bottom of the tank not moving just breathing. I did switch their tanks yesterday but he seemed happy and okay and now he is the only one just laying there.
  28. ReT_SqUiD

    Fish acting funny

    I have a fairly new setup. A 55 gallon tank with mollies, ghost shrimp, couple algae eaters, and a mystery snail. Right off the bat I get ICK. Seems to be clearing up finally but several of my fish are not very active anymore. I'm kinda hoping those particular fish are just old and nearing their...
  29. fishlover22346

    Possible Guppy hybrids?

    Hello all! I would like to figure some things out involving these weird Guppy hybrids I caught in a pond. My first question is there any chance, even the slightest chance of a platy or mosquitofish hybridizing with a guppy? if so, do you have any pictures? The pond I got these hybrids from only...
  30. H

    Golden Black Lyretail Mollies are two different colors?

    Hello! I recently bought two Golden Black Lyretail Mollies and one looks pretty standard but the other is sort of blonde. This is my first time owning Molly fish and I was just wondering if this is normal or if there might be something wrong with him. Both fish are very friendly, lively, and...
  31. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  32. misshedge

    Is my molly pregnant?

    Hi, I've recently noticed that my dalmation molly looks bigger and her gravid spot is getting darker... I've never had babies before! I know what to do, but I'm just not sure if she's pregnant. I'll attach pictures:
  33. S

    Hi, My Name Is Skye! (I could use a little help)

    Hi everyone, My name is Skye Phan. I have a 50 gallon tank with 3 medium size bala sharks, a 5" common pleco, a 2" albino bristlenose pleco, 5 longfin zera danios, 4 neon tetras (I had nine, but they have neon tetra disease. I am hoping to replace these with more danios), 6 albino cory catfish...
  34. C

    Transparent Molly?

    about 4 days ago I moved my fish in my 38L tank to my new 90L tank, while I was catching my yellow Molly named Frazzle in the net, her tail started changing colour, the next day I noticed her tail, dorsal and anal fin were transparent and when i turn the blue light on the top of her head is also...
  35. C

    Wounded Lyretail Molly

    I've had a guppy and a cremesicle Lyretail Molly for quite some time, and the guppy has always enjoyed playfully chasing the molly around the tank. This morning, however, I guess he was hungry, as he decided to nip at the Molly until the poor guy had several red spots on him. As soon as I fed...
  36. Y

    Angry Mates?

    Hello! I have two dalmation mollies, one female and one male. I know they are different genders because the female gave birth to 30 two days ago. But today, I went to feed them, and noticed that they were nipping each other's mouths, almost like kissing or something. But they were doing it...
  37. K

    Are my silver mollies pregnant?

    I have 2 silver mollies both I purchased recently. They are big and have squarish bellies. Wondering if they are possibly pregnant and if so how do I care for the fry?
  38. Tanya farrell

    Please help me with my mollie

    I think my mollie might have white spots can someone clarify it for me please ? If so can I treat her with the treatment whiles she is pregnant? Is she has it does the other fish and well I have to do the tank ? Thank you
  39. L

    Pregnant or not

    Are they pregnant or not??
  40. GoodGollyMissMolly

    Stressed Out Pregnant Balloon Molly

    Hello all, in new here. I've just came to ask for some assistance. I recently started back up my 10 gallon tank after having moved to a new location. I had kept the water going in the tank along with the air stone and the filter, so the water didn't go stagnant. A couple days ago I got the...