
  1. Jessman

    How Is She Heavily Pregnant Again!? Photo

    Hi, my female yellow tailed guppy dropped some fry last tuesday, she dropped around 7-8 healthy live fry, around 3 deformed, and a LOAD of normal eggs. anyway, she hasnt dropped any fry since (not that i know of) and she is still huge and has a big gravid spot, she never slimmed down after...
  2. Jessman

    Which Fish Can Be Kept With Guppies And Platys?

    Hi, I'm getting a bigger tank this week and was thinking of adding more fish to my 4 guppies and 4 platys. Any suggestions on what fish would go well with these? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
  3. S

    Red Wag Platy Or Dalmatian Molly Fry? (Pic)

    My tank has two types of fish in it, Red Wag Platy and Dalmatian Molly. I was cleaning my tank today and as I was replacing the water I noticed a tiny little fry hiding under one of my decorations. I had a hunch one of my Red Wag Platies were pregnant - if not two of them. I ran out to my LFS...
  4. Brahmza

    Looking For Livebearers/small Breeders!

    Hey everyone. I'm looking to scope out options for a few new tanks I have cycling. I want to breed livebearers, but I'm looking for breeds that are commonly accepted by some local fish stores. I know most stores won't take guppies, but what about platies, mollies or swords? Are there any other...