
  1. S

    Is Salt Vital To A Molly?

    Hi, I'm really brand spanking new at keeping fish. Three weeks ago, I went to the pet shop up the street and purchased 2 "guppies", McGee and Jethro. I knew from the start that Jethro was different, but I just attributed it to her being a female and thus being bigger. McGee passed away earlier...
  2. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Forever?

    So before everyone tries to say "You must have a Balloon Platy" I have zero balloon platys.    Anyway, around a month ago, going on 2 months, I got a female platy. she must have been newly pregnant because it wasnt long after i purchased her, that her belly began to get rounder and rounder. Well...
  3. B

    Swordtail X Platy

    Hey! So if I have platies and swordtails in a tank will they easily crossbreed?  I know they are closely related, but if I have a male of their species will they only want to breed with him?
  4. B

    How Do I Breed Balloon Mollies?

    I have never bred mollies before and I have a few questions.   My mollies are balloon mollies.  I have two females and one male.  He usually tries to breed about once every 3 days. Not as much as I would like to breed the females, but it should be enough.  Anyways, the females haven't gotten...
  5. C

    Pregnant Platy Possibly Over Due

    Hello I'm new to the forum and new to keeping platies. The shop where I got my platies from did not tell me that platies were easy to breed so you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw a baby swim across the tank one day a few weeks after having them. I know which fish it was because...
  6. helterskelter

    British Livebearer Association Convention And Guppy Show

    Anyone going. I'm there Sunday, 7 hour round trip and well worth it.   10-13th October 2013 Best Western Naseby Hotel Sheep Street Kettering Northants NN16 0AN  
  7. Reannone96

    Platy Fry 3 Days Old And Have Colour!

    Okay so 3 days ago my beautiful female platy (shown in profile picture) gave birth, I thought they were all dead but I managed to scoop 10 up and put them in their own small tank, anyways people have been saying the platy fry don't get colour until they're weeks old? The father of this fry I...
  8. L

    Pregnant Platy Questions

    I noticed a few days ago that my sunburst platy was pregnant. I've never dealt with this before but I did a lot of online research and made sure of it. I bought a breeder box and tried to figure out the best time to put her in, and I read a lot of the forums on here about it as well, but it's...
  9. BlueOrchide190

    Are My Platies Pregnant Or Just Fat? & Is This Normal?

    Hello! I need some insight...   I have 2 female platy that I purchased at different times during the last 3 weeks. One is a blue mickey mouse platy, and the other.... I'm not sure, lol. It looks like this, though...
  10. T

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hello, I have a 70l tank which is currently home to 4 Swordtails (1 Male, 3 Female) and have a feeling one of the females is pregnant.   I am totally new to Tropical Fish keeping so I could be completely wrong, however the dark spot (gravid spot?) near her bottom is getting darker by the day.  ...
  11. G

    Hi Shipping Fish... Help

    Ok now i don't want endless instructions on how to ship fish, or links to videos unless these videos tell me what bags or shipping processes to use. I am going to breed guppies and ship them. Where or what bags can i use, If you know of a place to get them. Also what shipping methods should i...
  12. C

    I've Had Fish (Platies) For 1 Week, Now One's Having Fry!

    Kinda panicking a bit right now.....   Okay, so I got my daughter some fish for her birthday last weekend. This is something new; I haven't had fish since I was 3 (very faint memory triggered by the smell of fish food...but I digress).   We have a 3 gallon tank with a nice sized filter, and we...
  13. Jessman

    Cichlids And Livebearers?

    Hi, I visited my lfs the other day and saw a beautiful cichlid! i know that there are many types of cichlids so i dont have a clue what type it was, it was pinky/red/orangey coloured.  Anyway, i was wondering, can they live with platys and guppies? and if not guppies can they live with just...
  14. Moolly

    Pregnant Sailfin Issues

    So I have a heavily pregnant sailfin, she is completely squared off and looks ready to pop. But the male just won't stop going after her. Ideally I'd like to put her in the nursery I have set up to make sure that both her and the fry are safe - but I don't want to stress her out even more!   I...