
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Betta injury

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I've had my betta for about a few weeks and a few days ago he seemed to have lost some scales, it didn't get any worse so I assumed he was healing fine but today I noticed a red spot above his lip. Should I be worried? And is there anything except water changes I can...
  2. B

    Platy seems very ill- please help

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this website so please be patient with me! About 4 months ago my father bought 4 platy fish for our tank (along with a Plec, a few neon tetra and a betta) (I know it's not recommended to keep a betta with platys because or their tails but they get on fine). It turns out...
  3. Hannitah

    Pleco acting weird

    Hello! I have a common pleco in a 29 gal (along with just 1 female Betta because I have a sorority but she was too aggressive for everyone else but she's been good with Tom the plecosTOMus) anyway, recently Tom has been acting really odd. At times he will be super still, not even sucking on...
  4. T

    Suspected dwarf gourami illness PLEASE HELP!!

    So I bought 2 dwarf gouramis about 5 months back and after around a week one died. I put this down to stress as I didn't see any symptoms, he just died but now, the remaining one has recently had a long string of white poop coming out of him constantly so I fed mashed peas for a few days. We now...
  5. K

    Open Abscess on Goldfish

    Around 5 years ago I rescued these 3 goldfish. They were super tiny, and in that time I’ve upgraded them from a 2 gallon tank, to 10, 29, and now 60. I’m running a Fluval fx4 on the tank. I do weekly or large bi-weekly water changes. I always considered them to be thriving as they continue to...
  6. Ingrid

    Is my guppy ill and if so what should I do ?

    Is my guppy ill ? It has had this white stuff (see picture ) dangling from him for about 3 days . Our tank has readings of nitrite 0.5 , ammonia less than 0.02 , our ph is 6.8 and our tank temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. We do water changes twice a week . If it has an illness can you please...
  7. fisharecool789

    is my betta sick?

    i was feeding my betta this morning (i feed her blood worms every other day since that’s what a lot of my friends who keep bettas suggested) and i noticed a weird white thing on her nose/head. i’m not sure if that’s just part of her coloring (bc on her body scales she has scales that aren’t red)...
  8. Lauren J

    Mollies with sunken bellies???

    I lost my new black molly last week after noticing she had a sunken belly after giving birth. This week, my white molly has clamped fins and developed a sunken abdomen almost overnight. She is rubbing up against decorations and rocks. Also, my other black molly also has clamped fins and a slight...
  9. F

    Strange Fungal or Bacterial Disease?

    Hi all, I’ve come here because I’m having problems with my 1 year old female betta. Over the past month or so, she’s developed a white sort of fuzz or flaky looking fungus primarily on her head. When we first noticed it, we treated her with primafix, and it went away. About a week later, it...
  10. Benson87

    Fungus? HELP Betta won’t eat and just hides all day

    Hi, this is my first post. I have a newish 125l tank which was cycled at the back end of last year. We added a new Betta to the tank last week (also in tank 10 Espe’s Rasboras and live plants). At first he appeared very happy and explored the tank all day. Over the last day or two we have...
  11. G

    Fat and pale siamese algae eater

    Can someone tell me what is happening to this fish? It's acting normally but is really fat and pale. The other ones appear a bit fat as well, but not this bad.
  12. T

    Dead Axolotl

    Hello, My axolotl just died and I'm looking for answers as to why. Yesterday at about 3pm she looked okay, her gills were flared but her tail was straight. Sometimes she flips out after she poops (which she had just done) so I thought the stress sign was from that. Later at about 9pm her gills...
  13. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  14. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  15. T

    White patch suddenly appeared on head

    I’ve had this Betta for not even a week now. This morning he looked fine but I went to turn the tank lights off and he had some white patch on his head. Here he is two days ago: And here he is now: I have no idea what this could be, anyone here know if it’s an infection or if I should...
  16. E

    Help!! Problems with my Dalmatian Molly!

    Hi, im new to this site and desperately need help with one of my fish. Ive had a 10 gallon for a couple of months and one of my most recent additions is a pair of dalmatian mollies. One of them was rather small but thats likely just because hes young. I noticed the smaller of the pair resting on...
  17. F

    Cory lathargic, need advice

    Hi So I have a peppered cory who is 18 months old and a gold lazer cory. Now, I've experienced deaths of fish over time, but my cory's became lathargic and kept swimming to the top, totally unlike them. The gold lazer cory began corkscrewing till it wouldn't move from its side. It died this...
  18. MyFishKaren

    Angel Fish Sudden Death

    Hello! My fish Gill recently passed a couple days ago unexpectedly - and I don't know why. The day before his passing I had a water testing due to an unrelated issue and all my parameters were in perfect condition. My water is also at 75 degrees temperature in Fahrenheit. At the time I had...
  19. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and...
  20. P

    New Guppies

    Hi! So I am very new to fish and on saturday I purchased 3 male guppies from the pet store. Two of my guppies seem to be doing okay but all three are staying mostly at the top or surface. It has only been a few days so their water peramiters have not settled yet but tomorrow I am going to add...
  21. HarpyFishLover

    Lethargic betta?

    Hello again. I recently acquired a new tank and a Betta. The tank is a Baby BiOrb, 4 gallons, with ceramic media and large gravel, as well as several plants and a heater. All levels are good. So here's the problem. The betta, Fintello, or Finn for short, has been acting very lethargic lately...
  22. C

    My fish is sick or hurt!?

    i bought a silver lyretail molly and I noticed it's side fun closest to its gill is stuck straight out . He's not moving it . Is it hurt or does have an illness and if so how do I cure /fix it??
  23. 1

    Problem Started Wiith Black Moor, Now All.

    Less than 3 weeks ago, my fish started gaping at the tp of thee water non stop, all day long. Then the black moor got a white streak of something down by it's nose. I thought it was some kind of output from the moors body, like mucus or otherwise, but now, just 2 weeks later, the moors head is...
  24. S

    Tetras Dying Off One By One

    Hello Everyone,   I'm new to this forum and relatively new to fish keeping (a tank when I was a kid that got neglected doesn't count).   I recently dove head first into this hobby and I love everything about it.  I have decided to keep angel fish as my main focus for my new tank - a 37 Gallon...
  25. K

    Very Sick Keyhole Cichlid

    Hi, :)   I've owned my Keyhole cichlid, Fluffy, for about a month and a half now. and for about three weeks she's been extremely ill and I cant figure out what it is. I've tried everything, from anti bacterial, to anti fungal, to ich, to fasting her for bloat. she just wont get better. I also...
  26. P

    Unknown Disease / Injury In Blue Gourami?

    Okay, before I post anything, please note that I know how stupid I am for having two Gourami's in a ten gallon. I know I should get a 20 gallon, but I didn't have enough money to get it, and the needed equipment, like a filter, heater, and decor. So please do not even think of saying anything...
  27. N

    Took Guppies From A Desperate Moving Friend And Think They May Be Dese

    I took guppies from a friends who couldn't find someone else to take them, i feed them two pinches of fish food twice a day, turn off the tank light at night, i have small ornaments and a couple plants with little leaves. I measured levels today and all were stable (maybe ph slightly edging over...
  28. S

    Urgently Need Advice

    Hi, I have a 75litre freshwater aquarium, water conditions normal on test strips and water is conditioned(been having a misty water issue but it is improving), carbon integrated filters and heated of course. (1/4 water change - 2 days ago) 3 male mollies, 9 female mollies, 3 molly fry, 1 female...
  29. D


    I have a marble molly who i cant tell the sex. they wee fine earlier today and then i came home and they were laying at the bottom of the tank. I isolated them in a cup and theyre trying to eat but sink everytime they try to swim. What can I do? Im really concerned and dont want to lose them.
  30. mrstwalker

    Aquarium Journal - Advice?

    I have heard of several people using/making aquarium journals for their tanks. They log information about water changes, water quality tests, illnesses, medicating, plant care etc. to keep up with the history of their tank. I think this is a marvelous idea and I really want to start a few of my...
  31. C

    Butterfly Goldfish

    I bought an orange butterfly goldfish recently, and I noticed after a few days that he tends to lean to one side at times. I haven't been observing him for very long, as I just noticed it, but he'll swim fine one second, and the next be floating sideways at the top of the tank. I think it might...
  32. R

    Cherry Barbs Swiming Upwards, Dining For Exhaustion.

     One day I noticed that one of my older cherry barbs was swimming upward, like he was struggling to stay afloat. I thought it was swim bladder disorder, and I did everything I could, but he died, I think from exhaustion. Then two of my younger barbs stared swimming like they were struggling up...
  33. L

    Tropical Fish, Poorly - Panda Garra - Help

    Hello, I'm Lynsey, I've had tropical fish for over three years now and I have recently in the last couple of months upgraded to a bigger tank. All going well until this week, I introduced some new fish over a month ago and suddenly my Panda Garra (new fish) has a white/red scrape on the back...
  34. S

    Fish With Swim Bladder Problem

    Hey all,   I have a Silver Dollar that has been struggling with what I assume to be swim bladder disease. He spends his time frantically swimming towards the surface just to stay buoyant.    It's been over a month since he started doing it. I have tried epsom salts, feeding green peas and...
  35. F

    Green Tiger Barb Illness?

    Hi everyone,   Recently I have introduced a group of Green Tiger Barbs (x6) in my tank. For exact details, I have left the tank for 2 weeks before adding them. 1 has died due to breathing issues and a broken fin. However after having the remaining 5 fish in the tank for a week, 1 of them has...
  36. J

    Gourami "illness" - Please Help Identify!

    I've been having "issues" with the Gourami's in my tank...  Originally, I had 2 Golds, 1 Pearl, 1 Opal, and 1 Paradise.  There was no bullying or fighting because all the fish were added at the same time and were only 1-2" each when added.   A few months ago, I started battling what I thought...
  37. N

    Help! Whit Bumps On Goldfish

    Hi I have had a half barrel pond in my garden for about 8 months and added 3 goldfish to it about 3/4 weeks ago. I noticed one had white bumps on its fin when I put it in, but thought this was just part of its markings. These have now spread and the other 2 goldfish have them too, mainly on...
  38. Dmbandstef

    What Is Wrong With My Fish?

    My fish have been twitching their heads, rubbing on rocks, and one of my cories ( the only cory showing signs of illness) keeps swimming to the top for air. I have been treating with mardels quICK cure. It treats multiple illnesses but I do not know whats wrong. Please help!
  39. P

    Fish Illness?

    What illness is this?
  40. D

    Can Someone Tell Me What's Wrong With My Fish? I'm Really Worr

    Hi there I'm new to this website so this is probably in the wrong section but I'm really worried about my fish. I've had him for 3 years or so.   I've added some photos because i really can't describe it at all. They're not very clear because we had to remove the fish from the main tank (shared...