
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Help me save my betta fish

    Hello, I have two betta fish, each in their own tanks. I have posted almost two months ago when I first noticed them get sick. The first one to get sick (Fineas) didn't have any physical symptoms but started acting very lethargic, disoriented, and just in general bobbing at the surface and...
  2. G

    My one Platy is looking very rough. Skinny, brown, not moving much, drooping rear end. I’m heartbroken and desperate for help!!

    I have a 29 gallon tank that started with 3 ADF’s, after 2 months added 5 Blue Platy’s. That was about 2 months ago. The water levels are all fine, test them every 4 days or so. I just noticed after admittedly not checking on all of them to make sure they were all doing fine, since I always saw...
  3. danajs

    Tiger Barb has a red belly?

    Does anyone know what this red patch on my Tiger Barb’s belly could be? (He/she isn’t usually quite this pale - I couldn’t get a photo last night, so this was taken the moment I turned the light on this morning). I first noticed this last night, after not seeing this Barb for a day or so, but...
  4. NatCardiff88

    Discus help

    Hi Everyone I’m looking for advice with my male discus I’ve had for roughly 10months. He is a pair female is fine and well but my male has been discolouring over past few weeks he’s still eating, find not clamped but looking very ragged. Roughly two months ago I added two Geo’s to my tank...
  5. Brookesoloh

    Black ghost knife fish illness/disease?

    Hi, my knife fish is ill and I’m wondering if there is anyone on here who could tell me what the illness could possibly be? My knife fish is about 7 years old now and has never suffered an illness or anything like that, but the last couple weeks I noticed a hole on his face, and it has been...
  6. S


    I have had my tank for about 9 or so months. Recently added a yellow mimic tang. Today i just noticed this. Is this ich? What do I do?! This is my first time dealing with this. None of my other fish have those spots. I went to a local pet store and a marine employee said he has seen tangs have...
  7. R

    Help, fish is sick, what do I do?

    I own an adopted Pterophyllum, it's about 2-3 y.o. A couple of days ago I noticed odd behaviour, it was more active than usual. Later some weird things started forming on it's head (see attachments). It's now much less active than usual and lost appetite. Also the straps are almost black, which...
  8. B

    HELP! Betta fish staying at bottom of the tank

    Hi all, I’ve noticed my betta fish is staying at the bottom of my fish tank a lot and only coming up for air, she sometimes comes up once daily for food but that’s it. I have also noticed her top fin is rather droopy and some red has appeared on her head which I have attempted to treat with...
  9. Kirysek

    Honey Gourami with weird underskin issue

    Hi all! Maybe anyone here would have any advice or seen anything similar... We bought 3 honey gourami from a local aquatic store. When we were buying them, a guy in a store changed one of them since he noticed white patch on its side. Rest of them looked good in the store. When at home, we put...
  10. 2tank

    Betta fish sick with a distended stomach

    hi everyone, I have got a sick fish one of my breeding Betta have become sick with a very distended stomach, and I have no idea what illness it is. he is also eating very little and his colour has faded, he used to eat 4 pellets a day hikari vibra bites. now only a bit of blood worm. PH:6.5...
  11. S

    Goldfish illness

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice on an abscess growing on my goldfishes head. I have owned goldfish and other fresh water fish and this is first time I have come across this problem. I have a Ryukin goldfish with a lump on his head that has slowly grown over time. All other fish in...
  12. E

    Advice for Treating Columnaris

    Background Info on Tank: 10 G (cycling since 5.7.22) 3F Molly 3(?) Yo-Yo Loach 2(?) Bristlenose Pleco Temp: 78-80˚F pH: ~7.8 Ammonia: ~*0 ppm; ~**0.5 ppm Nitrites: ~*0 ppm; ~**0 ppm Nitrates: ~*40 ppm; ~**30 ppm *: as of 6.18.22 **: as of 7.2.22 **Note: Im not a professional, just a new...
  13. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    What's wrong with my guppy/ tank?

    Hello everyone I'm afraid I'm not sure how to add a video on here, but I'll try to explain what's up with him. Sorry if this is a bit long. But I appreciate the help. My guppy started swimming very erratically yesterday and was swimming up and down from the bottom to the top several times...
  14. L

    Betta fish is sick

    Hi everyone, I’m new to owning a betta and he isn’t doing too well. We’ve had him over a month but the last week he’s getting worse and worse. I’ve checked the levels in his water and they’re fine but I’ve also made sure to do regular water changes incase. He has been spending more time at the...
  15. F

    All of my goldfish get dropsy and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    I have been keeping goldfish for 6 years now and for the past 4 years I have had a problem with drospy. It started when I bought a ranchu and kept it in quarentine. I had 2 other fish at the time ( a black moor and a fantail). This ranchu quickly developed dropsy and spread to a black moor in my...
  16. C

    Sitting on the bottom

    Any ideas why a fish would do this, it is concerning me as it's just sitting on the bottom most of the day and appears to be flapping its fin a lot to do nothing. Video of fish
  17. B

    My inherited betta is very sick and I can't figure out what's wrong

    Hi all, I am trying to figure out what's wrong with my poor fish and I'm having no luck. Backstory: teenage nephew bought a male betta fish, Poppy, about 8 months ago from a pet shop. Nephew took really poor care of his pet, including alternating overfeeding/forgetting to feed, not cycling the...
  18. S

    What's wrong with my fish and what should I do?

    I have an 85l tank with approx. 9 guppies, 8 platies and a handful of tetras. I bought a platy last Sunday and as soon as it got into my tank, it went down to the bottom. I thought it was just heading to the plants for cover in an unfamiliar environment, but over the next few days, I noticed...
  19. SAChichlidLover

    What are the first signs of hole in the head?

    Hi all, I will post pictures of one of my threadfin acara tomorrow when I turn the lights on but essentially around the fishes lateral line I’ve found two whitish circular looking patches which are definitely not ich, after monitoring the fish for today and checking the other heckelii it’s...
  20. J

    Help with Platy

    Hi everyone, first time posting here and just looking for advice. Does this look like Dropsy in our Platy fish? And if you think it is, is there any advice on what we should do? Our tank is an established tank (about 3 year old). No new fish added for over a year and no sudden fish deaths. I am...
  21. L

    Mystery Guppy Death

    Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
  22. kapsey

    Health Question - White Spot on Betta’s Head?

    Hello! I’ve got a lovely Betta fish with a strange white spot on the side of his head. I’ve done my best to get photos, but fish are ever hard to photograph. It popped up a month ago and I first thought it was Ich, so I treated the water with Seachem Paraguard for a bit. It faded, came back...
  23. Allaboutcichlids

    Flowerhorn excreting weird white balls!!!!!

    Hi, I am looking for some advice. As shown in the pictures, my flowerhorn has just started excreting white lumps. I am not sure if this is normal or if this is the start of an illness. He is eating well and looks to be in full health (no body/fin damage). I have not changed his diet (other than...
  24. R

    Kuhli loach help

    Hi I just noticed this on my kuhli loach today is this something to worry about ?? None of my others have it and I’ve never seen this before on them...sorry if I’m being stupid and it’s nothing to worry about. Water parameters are all fine fish are healthy just this is a new thing that has happened
  25. A

    Loosing a fish almost weekly

    For starters, I'm not new to fish.... I have a 55g tank, water tests fine, I have ruled that out already. Tank has guppies/platys in it... Recently I added 2 super pregnant molly/mosquito fish hybrids to it (I breed them as feeders)... Being that they are mostly colorless, I'm wondering if what...
  26. pkenziep

    Help! What did my catfish die of and is it contagious?

    First off - I apologize as this will probably be a novel. Can anyone help me ID what killed my albino corydora? I've had two for over a year (which I know they need more friends, but I didn't have tank space until very recently and haven't even had a chance to increase their school size), and...
  27. Bettagills

    White Growth on Betta - EMERGENCY - unsure of what it is

    Azora is a Halfmoon female betta fish of about a year old. She is energetic, happy, colorful, eats frequently and with no issue. About a month ago I noticed a small white dot (bump) growing above her right eye. I research and began treating her for a fungal issue using pimafix. After a week of...
  28. CrazyBettaLady

    Balloon Molly sick or near birth?

    Hello fellow fishkeepers! I was hoping someone on here has enough experience with breeding balloon mollies to tell me if this is normal "very pregnant molly going to give birth" or some kind of illness like dropsy (which I know can look similar)? I've had my balloonies since around last...
  29. L

    Betta with weird spots on his head

    My betta has these weird greyish spots on his head that kind of look like blisters. No other symptoms and he is very active, currently making a bubble nest. All water parameters and care is perfect. Can anybody identify them? Doesn’t seem like fungus at all as they aren’t white or fluffy, and...
  30. Z

    Dying rummynose tetras and kuhlis

    I have a cycled 360l aquarium with kuhli loaches, Cosby gouramis, plecos and snails. This Friday I added 20 rummynose tetras. I bought them from my LFS which is highly regarded around here as having good stock and being safe to buy from (and giving good advice etc). Starting yesterday they began...
  31. I

    Possible Illness w/ Angelfish

    Hello! I currently own a 20-gallon tank: 0-0.5ppm Ammonia, 7.5pH, always kept at 79 degrees. I purchased the angelfish about 3-4 weeks ago along with some dwarf chain loaches. I feed them once every day, with a day-long fasting period once a week. I was away from home for about 24 hours and...
  32. W

    Help needed - mysterious cause of death for all fish. 4 remaining but not doing well.

    Request Help Tank size: 100L/26gal pH: 7.2-7.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20ppm gH: 150 ppm tank temp: 28 degree Celsius (previously 26 but have upped since fish started getting sick) Volume and Frequency of water changes: Normal routine 1-2 per week 25-50% - treat with prime and stress...
  33. C

    Guppy Dieing

    Hi So I have a 105 litre tank, in it is the following 3 neons (less than there should be but I currently can't change that given lockdown) 1 adult female molly 6 molly fry (around 3 months old) 1 guppy My issue is the guppy has come oddly docile, barely moving and barely swimming. I found...
  34. C

    Help to diagnose something on my fish.

    Hi, I’m new to this but I could use some advice. I have had established tanks in the past but I currently am seeing something I’ve never seen before. I got two bristlenose plecs one is definitely more dominant and a lot bigger in growth rate. It’s this one I would like to know about, since...
  35. KLG1234

    What in the world is killing all my fish

    The pleco has since died and I assume the other is going to be gone very soon. I haven’t had any luck identifying this but it seems to affect every fish in the tank besides the tetra which I’m not surprised cause those guys are known to be extremely hardy. Honestly expecting this entire tank to...
  36. L

    Please help!!! Betta Fish with facial swelling/injury (?)

    Please help! My female betta, Lady Fish, has what appears to be some swelling/roughed up area of scaled and whitish discoloration to the left side of her face. I just noticed this tonight, she looked perfectly fine yesterday. I'm not sure if this is an injury or some sort of...
  37. E

    False Julii Cory has one protuding eye

    Hey guys, I have a 29 gallon tank with 5 peppered Cory's, 4 False Julii Cory's, 8 Neons and one betta. Today I noticed that one of the Julii cory has just one eye that is protruding out and seems lethargic. The other one is fine. There is no redness around the bad eye. Anybody have any idea or...
  38. F

    Cardinal tetra disease? Help!

    Hello, I have 5 beautiful cardinal tetras and I’ve noticed one has lost its colour and has flaky/peeling skin. I have no idea if it is a disease or any type of illness. I have guppies and Corydoras in the tank so I don’t think it’s being attacked. Could someone suggest from the pictures what it...
  39. casdeswinchester

    Goldfish has red sores/lumps on back

    Hello, I've had my white goldfish for about 3 months, they are in a 100l tank and when they get bigger I plan to upgrade it. At the moment they are very small and recently I added more goldfish, a few days later the white goldfish has red lumps on it's back. The white goldfish has always been...
  40. TheRisingPhoenix

    Bacterial growth on fish eyes HELP DIAGNOSE!!!

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum but not at all new to fish forums in general. I am an experienced freshwater tropical (mostly SA Cichlids) fish and reptile enthusiast. I am having issues in my 72 bowfront planted South American Cichlid community. I dose DIY Co2 (Citric acid/Baking...