
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M


    Hello, My fish has a large lump on the top of its head. It seems to be clear except for red close to the head. Behavior is normal. Its underbelly is becoming white as well. Is it serious? Is it something I can do anything abut? Thank you. :)
  2. TheRainbowRoseExperience

    Three months in.

    Hello to all reading this thread, I am a novice to both forum posting and aquariums. I did look after a fish tank for a short time 20 years ago but that was pretty simple, feeding & maintenance. Wanting a pair of Betta fish for his birthday this year, we went to our local aquarium supplier...
  3. Donnak

    Which tank

    Hi I’m completely new to this hobby. My son has asked for 2 goldfish, which I’m happy for him to have but I want to do it properly. Could anyone suggest a tank. We went to look yesterday and saw the Ciano Aqua 30 led, which is 25lts. Would this be ok or too small? I don’t want anything to...
  4. S

    What to do After Anchor Worm Infestation

    Hello all, Long story short, after battling an anchor worm infestation for 3 weeks all of my goldfish have passed away. I drained the tank and my canister filter but how long should I wait until I add new stock to restart my tank? I know anchor worms are parasites and cant live without a...
  5. C

    Fancy Goldfish Poo

    Hi, I have had my two pearlscale goldfish in my 120 litre tank for about 6 months now, and I just cannot get the filters to collect the poo. The problem is with fancy goldfish is that they cant swim well, so heavy flow is not possible as they would not be able to swim against it. I already have...
  6. A

    Is my goldfish sick?

    Hello so I just noticed one of my goldfishes have something white on the top of its head. What is this? Shoud I worry?
  7. Inkweaver313

    Goldfish hanging out in corner

    Hi! I have a 4 year old comet goldfish in 125g fish tank. Lately I’ve been noticing he’s hanging out in the back corner of the tank and isn’t swimming around like he normally would. His fins aren’t clamped and he’s not resting on the bottom, just sitting in the corner. He comes out to eat. Any...
  8. E

    Goldfish is sick but not sure with what?!

    hello, a couple of days I noticed a bump on the side of my gold fish and I looked some stuff up so I decided to do a lot of water changes to see if something in the water was effecting it. But sadly it’s only gotten worse. I will upload a picture of the fish and let me know what you think. Also...
  9. W

    Pin holes and white spot on black moor

    I purchased a black moor 6 days ago from my local PetSmart to add to my oranda tank, but as I got home from the store I noticed many holes in her fins. I decided to quarantine her and treat with pimafix and melafix. After 6 days I have noticed no changes in the holes on her fins, and the other...
  10. neoninnesi

    Fantail Goldfish in 10 Gallon Tank

    Firsty I know that a 10 Gallon tank is way too small for a fully grown Fantail. My question is, if I provided proper filtration (undergravel filter, cannister, and frequent pwc) how long could a Fantail (purchased around 1”) thrive in 10 gallons before the small size would stunt its growth? How...
  11. Inkweaver313

    How long should I wait before I add more fish?

    Hi everybody! I got a new 125g aquarium to move my goldfish to. After 3 months of doing a Fishless Cycle, my tank was finally ready and I added 1 of my 3 goldfish (the largest of the the three). That was about a week ago. The two smaller goldfish are still waiting in the 45 gallon tank to join...
  12. I

    Goldfish and plec tank

    Hi there, basically I’ve got a tank that I’ve had set up a while and over time my fish have eventually passed on but i have still got left my full size bristlenose plec and I was wondering if I was to slowly reduce the temperature from about 25 to 23 degrees Celsius if I would be able to have...
  13. J

    37 gallon tank stocking

    Hi guys i am in desperate need of help, i recently bought my girlfriend and myself a brand new 37 gallon (140L) tank and i want to get some fish of my own, since my girlfriend has a 3 year old feeder gold fish, just looking for fish that are compatible and will be comfortable with our fish!
  14. S

    Stones/pebbles for bottom of the tank

    Hello everyone, I have a cold water tank with a few goldfish and I’m fed up of the gravel from the local pet shop being stained with algae and hard to clean. Would I be able to grab a few small pebbles from a friends garden to pop in the bottom or would they cause problems with parasites or...
  15. C

    Goldfish's face has suddenly turned red

    My shubunkin was completely fine yesterday, but today her face is completely red. (It is normally pale pink). There is also red at the base of her dorsal and tail fin. She is swimming about our pond, but slowly, and showed no interest in food (she is normally always very hungry). There are...
  16. L

    Goldfish ATE crawfish?

    Yes, you read that right. I have an approximately 8" comet goldfish (with a giant mouth) named John that I have had for over a year. He's in a 55 gallon tank with a few other small goldfish. In the past I've kept a red crawfish in the tank who lived to be about 3 years old. He never bothered...
  17. IHaveADogToo

    Beginner how-to: Tiny Tanks

    Most people's first fish tank is small, usually 5 US gallons (19 liters) or less. It is far too common that people will buy a 1 gallon, or 3 gallon, or 5 gallon tank, and then find out later they have stocked it with the wrong kind of fish, or too many fish, or a bad mix of fish. So I wanted to...
  18. B

    Molly’s sitting upside down at bottom of tank please help!!

    I have a 25 gallon fish tank, In the last 3 day I’ve lost 11 out of 13 fish ( 2 angles 6 tetras 2 mollies and 1 telescope eyed goldfish) the only survivors were two other balloon belly Molly’s. The fish all did the same thing, go to the bottom of the tank lay upside down or on there side then...
  19. giobelkoicenter

    My top 10 goldfish breeds you need to know

    Hi, guys just want to share to you my top 10 favorite goldfish these are my goldfish
  20. blackmoor13222

    Help with sick goldfish

    HI, My black moor goldfish (1 year old) has a bump on both sides right behind the gills. The bump is white and I am assuming that it is scales sticking out. However he is still very active and still has an appetite. After doing some research, I am worried that my goldfish has dropsy, since the...
  21. Danby

    CAE Problem

    Hi, I bought two What I was told was two common Plecos, as I’m quite new to fish I didn’t question it, I’ve had them for about a year with 4 goldfish and two Apple snails, I’ve only just recently discovered as I tried to identify the breed of pleco, that they are infact Chinese Algae eaters...
  22. BettaEm19

    Preferred substrate for Goldfish?

    Hello, in a few months I am receiving a 38 gallon tank for my two baby goldfish and I was wondering what kind of substrate is best for them. Right now I'm using gravel, but I've seen so many people use sand. Is sand better than gravel? Do you have a preference? I want to make sure this tank...
  23. M

    Fish growth?

    I'm a novice fish keeper! I have 4 fish all together, all from the fair that comes every year. The fish that has a problem is the oldest. It's 5 this year. It has a weird growth on it's face- I'm not sure what it is or what I can do about it? I did start with only two- who actually had eggs...
  24. Wrecker4488

    Goldfish eggs?

    This morning a gave my goldfish some food and i saw a white cloudy ball with a membrane float across the substrate and thought it was leftover food from the night before that got overturned and continued with my day. I came home and said hi to my goldies and noticed several of them attached to...
  25. Thatg1r1

    Is my Goldfish sick?

    Hi everyone, My goldfish whose name is Ginger is acting odd! Sorry if you're having dinner but for the last few days Ginger has been releasing some rather strange poopies, mostly long and white until today and now its very clear and bubbly. I have attached a photo. His appetite is as big as...
  26. H

    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    Hello! To begin with, I'm totally new to fish keeping and want to ensure everything is done right before I add any fish to the tank. These forums have been a great source of information for me. I purchased a 180L Rio Aquarium which came with an internal Juwel filter and I fitted an external...
  27. AnnAlfie

    Is sand good for Goldfish or not?

    I have recently discovered black sand (on this forum) and I would like to change the coral chips in my cold water tank to black sand. The colours would be amazing. However after researching the internet I have been hit with conflicting information. Some say it's good for Goldfish and some say it...
  28. E

    Aggressive Fish, goldfish, and tanks.

    Hi! I'm posting in a bunch of forums because I really need help... At my job we have a fish tank and its not doing well. They have had it for years, far before I started, and the staff who used to take care of it left. Since then it was periodically taken care of by someone else, but the tank...
  29. GobyMaster11276

    Goldfish with Swim Bladder Disorder

    Hello again, my new goldfish's injuries have now developed into swim bladder disorder, and he is constantly floating horizontally. How can I cure him? Any help is appreciated.
  30. GobyMaster11276

    Goldfish Problems

    Hi everyone. Yesterday I went out and bought six goldfish (three shubunkins and three red capped orandas). Anyway, after I added them in, I noticed that one of the orandas was being seriously harassed by my old fish, and had a few bits of its tail missing. I decided I would separate it from the...
  31. Waterfins

    Pesky Predators

    I've been having this problem for a while with predators waltzing into my pond and snatching up my fish, it's honestly heartbreaking to wake up the next morning with dead fish corpses covered in flies on your lawn. I usually get ransacked by racoons, neighbourhood cats, foxes and even a freaking...
  32. D

    30 Gal Cycling Questions

    Hello all! I have 2 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank at the moment. I ahve had them for over a year, I recently bought a 30 gallo tank for the critters. I am using unergravel filters and have 20 lbs of gravel in the new tank. It has been full since June 21st.  I have not added any cycling...
  33. K

    Fish Has Gotten Too Fat

    My goldfish has gotten fat over the past few weeks very quickly and i cant tell if it has a disease, bloating or is pregnant. Its been going on for at least 2 months. She is a comet goldfish so the belly shows. Her scales are not puffy and she does not have symptoms like dropsy. She is swimming...
  34. Guppy_molly_love

    Goldfish And Gupiies/mollies...risk?

    Most of my goldfish died, leaving two. My family wanted to buy some guppies and mollies because they breed a lot and we like it but my dad wanted koi fish, because he was afraid that the guppy fries would get eaten by the goldfish. Please reply:  Should we buy guppies...
  35. cooledwhip

    Goldfish Are Not Eating Any Food

    This is kind of a longer story, sorry:   A while ago my LFS show orandas had a massive spawning and I jumped on this and purchased 8 oranda babies. I bought them and they were still brown/black and about a quarter inch long in size.   I bought them about a week ago. I split them up, I put three...
  36. cooledwhip

    What Kind Of Goldfish Are These?

    Hi all, I was at a new LFS today just browsing around and maybe buy some plants and they had a massive tank with a bunch of "small goldfish" as they were labeled. I bought some plants and decided to buy these "small goldfish" Because they were $2 each... and there were HUNDREDS. I also saw in...
  37. nofishinginmytank

    Keeping Goldfish?

    I currently have a 35L fish tank. It has been set up for about 2/3 years now but I have always kept tropical fish. After having a problem with my pH recently, our tap water suddenly changed from a pH of about 7.2 to a pH of 5.9. I now only own three female platies, 1 male swordtail and one male...
  38. GinoyGeorgeKae

    Sick Goldfish(Some Tumor Like Growth In Fin)

    hi i have a goldfish (fantail).i recently noticed that it has some growth in the fin (pic attached ).i am not sure what to do . i have seperated it  from the pond . details of fish  and pond : pond size 14400 L (approx) other fishes ( carps,an oscar , a another goldfish,pleco) age: i am not sure...
  39. M

    Possible Ammonia Poisoning

    I have 2 large oranda goldfish in a 40 gallon tank and have had just the two of them for several years now. I recently got behind in my otherwise routine water changes and noticed one of the fish gasping at the surface, floating on his right side with frayed fins, a cloudy eye (the one at the...
  40. M

    Common Goldfish Tank Size

    Completely new to fish keeping and after receiving bad advice from my LFS, I bought two common goldfish, a 20 litre tank and a near useless filter. Inevitable my fish got sick, what I believe to be ammonia poisoning. I have done research online and know they need much better living conditions...