
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    In desperate need of help.

    10 gallon tank 1 African dwarf frog (fine) 1 Japanese shrimp (fine) 2 assassin snails (fine, and ill explain why I have them shortly) 6 serpae (blood) tetras Had the tank neatly a year (no manor problems). I got these bread things to help control nitrates/nitrites. Water specs are good (last i...
  2. P


    hi all! :) i'm new to fishkeeping and i need some help on identifying what sickness my cory has. about 2 weeks ago i got 2 albino corys and 6 neon tetras. the corys seemed to be healthy. a few days later, i noticed that one of my corys had a split tail and short dorsal fin (as if they were...
  3. C

    Please help Molly with unknown disease?

    Hello, Please would someone help. My Molly has what I can only imagine to be a scrape on her head which has white fur? Hair? Fungi? Growing from it which seems to be growing. Can anyone tell me what to do? Will it infect the other fish? Can I help her? Thank you in advance
  4. A

    Fungus on Betta?

    Hi guys ^_^ this is my first post. I was wondering if I could get some help identifying if this is fungus or just natural white patch on my betta's head. I really don't know what to think of it. He is acting normal; eating fine and building a bubble nest etc.
  5. E

    New 125 gallon tank, lost 5 fish in 3 weeks

    So I recently bought a used 125 gallon tank. Cleaned it up real nice with zero chemicals. Transferred majority of water from my 55 gallon tank (cycled) and still using the same cycled filter on my 55 so I know I have plenty of beneficial bacteria. I did add a lot more decorations, but dunked...
  6. A

    Fuzzy Gray/white Stuff Growing In Tank

    I think I have been feeding a little too much and now I have some fuzzy gray/white stuff growing in my tank. I read in a few places that it could be a bacterial fungus. It only started growing in the last day - day and a half. My fish managed to fool me into thinking they would eat more than I...
  7. N

    Something Going On With Betta

    My betta has a single white spot that looks like almost a white head. There are no other spots and it's not fuzzy. Any suggestions as to what it is? Attached a picture.
  8. 1

    Problem Started Wiith Black Moor, Now All.

    Less than 3 weeks ago, my fish started gaping at the tp of thee water non stop, all day long. Then the black moor got a white streak of something down by it's nose. I thought it was some kind of output from the moors body, like mucus or otherwise, but now, just 2 weeks later, the moors head is...
  9. notg2009

    Driftwood Fungus

    Hi everyone, I setup this 10 gallon tank about 2-3 weeks ago. I tied willow moss to the wood, placed in the tank and planted dwarf hairgrass and AR mini at the same time. I noticed white fuzzy growth on the wood that I had seen before in my other tank and thought it was just fungus that grows on...
  10. B

    Unknown Illness On New Otocinclus' - Fungus?

    Hello friends,   A few days ago, I brought home four otos. They appeared to have some minor ick (no surprise,) so they are in quarantine and being treated with Kordon Rid-Ich Plus. However, now it looks like something I'm unfamiliar with - maybe a fungus - is spreading among them. The dots are...
  11. S

    Urgently Need Advice

    Hi, I have a 75litre freshwater aquarium, water conditions normal on test strips and water is conditioned(been having a misty water issue but it is improving), carbon integrated filters and heated of course. (1/4 water change - 2 days ago) 3 male mollies, 9 female mollies, 3 molly fry, 1 female...
  12. K

    I Need Help, Sick Weather Loach (Pictures!)

    Hi everyone, first of all I'd like to apologize because I don't know some proper terms, english is not my mother tongue. I would really appreciate if someone would give my advice, my loach is letargic and has white "smears" on his back. The disease seems to also have attacked his gills because...
  13. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    My Serpae (or red minor tetras) seem to have white spots on them but each only seems to have one on their mouth or near there. Could someone identify if it is a disease or if it needs to be treated at all?  Tank size: 55 gallons pH: 7.0 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 74 Degrees...
  14. J

    Molly Tropical Fish Fungus?

    One of my balloon mollies seems to have a fungus, at least I am pretty sure that's what it is. She's the only one in the tank with it. I have treated it with malachite green and a bit of aquarium salt. My question is, firstly, does it seem I have made the right diagnosis, and secondly, how do...
  15. C

    White Bumps Near Fish's Mouth?

    Hello all, see the attached photos of white bumps that have appeared near my male Ram Cichlid's mouth.   I don' believe it is ich because they protrude quite far. The first one showed up about two weeks ago and the second bump just started to form. I'm not really sure how to proceed with it. Can...
  16. E

    Ill Guppy Tail Growth

    A couple of weeks ago one of my male guppies died, his tail became clumped together and he was unable to swim properly. One of my other guppies has just started showing signs of this today, however his tail is not as clumped together as much as the other guppy. Is this an infection or fungus and...
  17. Wreckzone

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to the forum and I signed up today to specifically ask (and warn) about planarian.   Last night I witnessed a horrible, terrifying scene, but I'll get to that in a minute.   My 6 gallon Fluval Edge was hit with a fungus outbreak a few month ago and two of my five neon...
  18. GuppyGirl20

    What The Heck Is This?

    Okay so I made a post about something on one of my new plants (the kind that are sold in plastic tubes so they are suppose to be snail free and such) and I noticed something weird on it (here's the link) and I didn't get an answer as to what it was so I just went a head and took the plant out to...
  19. Birdie90

    Fungal(?) Trouble

    I got my female betta in January this year, she has been in my 36 gallon tank until I noticed her scales were missing and she had a faint whit spot on her side. I thought the missing scales were due to being picked on by other fish and the white spot from a burn because she liked leaning on the...
  20. lee.tonya

    Please Help. Losing Fish

    I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank. I lost my external filter and biowheel that operated my undergravel filter system. I replaced it with an Aqueon 75 internal filter and removed the undergravel system. I did a 50% water change and used a piece of my old filter and added it to the new filter...
  21. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Geophagus Surinamensis Fungal Infection/not Taking Food

    Hello,       I purchased a pair of 4 inch Geophagus surinamensis yesterday from my LFS for my 55. They have developed small white fungal patches at the base of their caudal fins and one has a rather large (about the size of a dime) patch behind his/her (can't sex them yet) operculum just below...
  22. G

    Help Started A Few Days Ago

    I had three rainbow fish one died and the other two have this white stuff on its mouth. What is it and can it be cured? Could it be spread from fish to fish.
  23. FB333

    Okay.. What Is This..?

    Hi all,   I have been performing a fishless cycle on my 25l tank now for 5 days.   Here is the thread covering it, to date, with all water levels and details etc etc.    In a nutshell:   Added a 1/2 dose of tetra safestart then added 3ppm  of ammonia.   The following day the ammonia level was...
  24. S

    Fungus Medication Safe For Fry ? Which One ?

    I have a 10 gal tank and some of my bigger guppies got fungus, and I would like to treat them, but I also have many fry (platy and guppy) in the same tank. Is there a medication for the fry ?? I have some methyl blue, aquarium salt and Tetra Fungus Guard.  
  25. crunch7

    Help Needed To Save My Socolofi

    Hi all,   I found that my Socolofi had developed a red spot a week earlier. Despite doing water change and treating the fish with salt the red spot is increasing and now the fin is tearing apart. I have separated the fish however I dont know what to do. Please help me identify and cure this...
  26. H

    My New Dwarf Gourmani Is Really Ill

    hi, yesterday i got 8 new fish including 2 dwarf gourmanis, this morning 1 of them was lying on the bottom of the tank, gasping for breath, and i noticed it had a patch of mould growing of one side of its head, its tail also looked freyed and tattered. I have medicated the tank with some anti...
  27. A

    White Cottony Stuff

    I just purchased a female guppy two days ago from our LPS, I had noticed she was a little weird looking a few hours after releasing her into the tank. She's got his white cottony stuff almost looks like its eating her skin between her top fin and tail fin. I took a picture, not very good, but...
  28. G

    Halfbeak Mouth Fungus

    I have a 55 Gallon Brackish with 6  young Celebes Halfbeaks, 3 young Scats, a green spotted puffer and a Knight goby.  They used to be in two tanks, but a couple of months ago, one sprung a leak and I had to combine them.  I guess because they were suddenly all together it stressed the halfbeaks...
  29. FungusTrooper

    White Fungus Circles On Wood

    Hey y'all,   We have a tank that contains a single male golden gourami, and it's been established for a few weeks now. Planted, etc. Less than a week ago we put a piece of manzanita wood from a LFS that we'd soaked for a few weeks and removed as much of the tannin as possible. I tied a few java...
  30. T

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hello, today whilst observing my fish tank I noticed a white discolouration on the tail of my neon tetra's. Worried I looked up on the internet to see what the cause is and I came across Neon Tetra Disease but I'm not sure and seeing as the only advice I've found on how to treat it is quarantine...
  31. K

    Hi Everyone

    Hi, I'm Kirstie and I've been keeping fish for about 3 years. I have recently upgraded my tank to a 110 litre one and added bogwood as I've always wanted a bristlenose. I currently have 3 danios (2 zebra and 1 pearl), 2 corydoras sterbai, 2 female platys and 6 baby platys. I'm sure I'll have...
  32. H

    Please Help, Sick Betta.

    Hi, i need help with my betta. I hve had him for almost a year now but recently i noticed a strange patch on his head, it wasn't white, more of a lighter shade of blue. Anyway the patch became bigger and started to change colour so i isolated him in a baby biorb (15ltr) and went to the lfs where...
  33. U

    Losing All My Fish!

    Over the past week we have encountered some kind of body fungus.  We had a bout with Ich about a year ago and it seemed similar.  One of our fish encountered this fungus, so in prevention we started to treat the whole tank, seeing even single spots on several fish.  The fungus looks like ich...
  34. Brahmza

    Somethings Growing On Plants And Glass!

    Came home today and noticed white speckled clusters formed on my glass, rocks and fake plants. Not sure what it is, but its throughout most of the tank. Looks almost like the plants were dusted with light snow. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Id like to clear it up as fast as possible.
  35. O

    Emergency! Betta: Despite My Very Best Of Intentions To Help These

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...
  36. O

    Emergency! Betta - Please Help If You Can, Something Has Gone Very

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...
  37. O

    Emergency! Betta - Please Help If You Can, Something Has Gone Very

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...