
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    When Will Guppy Give Birth!

    Hi there,    I bought a female guppy about 4 weeks ago and she was preggers from the day she came home. Sheis now huge (ill show pic) and I am getting very anxious on the arrival of the fry. She just got her boxy look last night and is pooping sort of this hair like white stuff, is this normal...
  2. ChancesMama

    What Should I Do Whith My Fancy Guppies While I'm Not Home?

    Hello all! My Thanksgiving vacation starts tomorrow/tonight and I will be leaving town early tomorrow morning. I am happy to say that I have finally gotten my tank cycled and I added 4 male guppies in last week! Now my problem is that I do not have an automatic feeder (I do plan to get one...
  3. R

    My New 90/115L Freshwater Journal - Any Suggestions Welcome!

    Hey guys! I'm relatively new to this fish thing and am currently 15 years old in Australia :)   I figured the best way to get started would be to introduce myself to a bunch of people educated on the matter! So for starters here's the basics,  About 1 or 2 months ago my grandpa sprung two tanks...
  4. T

    Hello Everyone

    Just posting here to introduce myself and give everyone a little information. I haven't been in the aquarium hobby as long as most (about 2 years now) but I am picking up on everything fast and want to continue learning about eveything there is to know in the hobby. Right now I am mainly into...
  5. T

    New Tank, Need Suggestions!

    I have a 36 Gallon aquarium, 3' long, 19'' tall, 12 1/2'' wide, I need some suggestions on what kind of combinations I could work out. I have a Male Betta in the tank at the moment, he is very docile and doesnt seem to care about what is around him, I don't want anythnig that will nip or harm...
  6. S

    Anyone Know What Type Of Fish This Is?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is. I was told a loach but not sure if it is or what kind it is?
  7. AquaPit

    I Love My New Hobby!

    Hi everyone! I am from Singapore! A newbie in fish-keeping (3mths to be exact!) and loving it! Set up a 47 Litres (60cm x 35cm x 35cm) Community Freshwater Fish Tank! With few casualties (Sad) but the rest survived and are currently the Pioneers of my Fish Tank! They are: 1) 3x Red Zebra...
  8. chelsiethegreat

    Stocking Suggestions Please!

    suggestions please!!   Right now, my 15 gallon tank holds 2 emerald cories, and 1 juli cory.   Now I know I know.. i'm supposed to have more of each cory species. I did have more, but due to fatalities over time.. this is what I have now.     I just had a dwarf gourami, that passed due to an...
  9. dhartIndy

    Stock My Tank - Suggestions For 55 Gallon

    So I cannot decide what I want to stock in my new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Kind of like aquarist writer's block ugh! Originally I wanted large schools of small fish like danios, tetras, rasboras etc but also want to dabble in larger species maybe even a few centerpiece fish I really would...
  10. dhartIndy

    55 Gallon Aquascape

    Upgrading from a 20 gallon long to a 55 gallon tank. Hardscape: lava rock supported by plastic and slate substrate supports. Malaysian driftwood. CaribSea supernatural sand. Substrate: thin layer of flourite beneath a 1 inch layer of floramax. Additives: ADA bacter 100 and tourmaline bc Plants...
  11. dhartIndy

    My 1St Planted Tank

    This is my first attempt at aquascaping. I started my obsession february 2013 with a few plants from petsmart (i know i know) and now have a pretty pleasing 20 gallon long planted tank. Fishless cycled, 11 types of plants including wisteria, dwarf lilly, hygrofilia kompakta, anubias, and flame...
  12. J

    What Is Electrical Conductivity (Ec) And How Does It Affect Your Fish?

    What are ec levels what does it affect and what are dangerous levels even if it is dangerous to fish, I know it's to so with the amount of positive ions in your water but how does it affect fish and what is ec in detail?
  13. F

    Freshwater Parrotfish Help

    Hey guys! I've been looking around for a new fish and I was thinking about a freshwater parrot (blood parrot)! I know that they are chillids and don't get horribly big so I was wondering if you guys could lend me some help. I was just wondering about some extra supplies I might need and maybe...
  14. A

    Sick Fish, Need Help Please!

    I just took over our tank. Think it's a 10gal, maybe 15. We have a cheetha patterned goldfish (think it's a goldfish) that has some scales missing and is swimming vertically, sometimes upside down. This began several days ago. We also have some kind of japenese yellow sucker (bottom feeder...
  15. fishguy101

    Good Deal

    A few days ago, I saw an ad in the local paper for a 53 gallon aquarium with everything (filter, heater, oak stand, the whole nine yards) for only $100.00. We called today and he said he had a couple of calls before us, but no one showed up. He also said that if we were to but all of this today...
  16. B

    Freshwater Aquarium - Dried Seaweed Query.

    Hi, just a query.   Ive rebuilt an 80l freshwater tank, new substrate but lots of the orignal plants and an oversized hob filter with lots of mature filter media. Been cycling with a 50/50 mix of old tank water (from my 150l tank's water change) and new de-chlor tap water.   I used a load of...
  17. D

    New, Confused, And Terrified

    Hi all!   I'm new to both this forum and aquariums, and I need your help! My husband has wanted a tank for years, and while his dream is coming true, we've hit an obstacle that he didn't see coming. We set up our tank on Monday night (4 days ago). Yesterday (day 3) the water was cloudy, whereas...
  18. B

    Is Algae Causing My Water To Turn Green?!?

    My fresh water tank has raised my goldfish for years, they are massive and healthy. 3 boys and 1 girl. Lately, my water is starting to get a green tinge to it... is this caused from Algae or something else? The fish don't seem to be bothered, but I don't want it to turn into something that may...
  19. P

    Help With Stocking A 135 Gallon Freshwater Tank

    No african cichlids, I would like more than one stocking Idea please
  20. S

    Fish Gasping - Tried Several Approaches To No Avail

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone can help solve my problem or give me some ideas to try, because my current tank issue is driving me mad! I have trawled forums for clues, but none of the solutions mentioned have helped me so far. Also, I'm sorry, but this is going to be loooong, because I...
  21. B

    Can My Tropical Fish Eat This?

    Hey! I have two fish tanks set up, one saltwater and one fresh water. Ive been feeding my marines frozen brine shrimp but I had thawed out too much and don't want too much waste in the tank, on the package it says its for saltwater fish, but would it be alright to give to my fresh water fish...
  22. LicianDragon

    How Often Should I Feed A Freshwater Pipe Fish?

    I recently set up a new tank with a freshwater indian pipefish. I'm raising brine shrimp for him right now but I'm not sure how often I should feed him. I'm hoping to train him to take freeze dried foods eventually but for the time being, how often should I add more live food to the tank?
  23. LicianDragon

    Where To Buy Freshwater Live Copepods?

    I'm trying to get a culture of freshwater copepods going for my fish but I can't seem to find any site that sells them live, they're all marine! I've not had very much luck finding them outside either, though it might just be to early in the season.   Anyone know of a site that sells LIVE...
  24. luxbear

    *quick Question On Fisk Tank Bulb*

    Hello!   I have an Aqueon 14 (15-gal) freshwater tank, it came with everything - heater, filter, etc. Today, the small plastic protector over one of the two lightbulbs fell off. It seems that the screw completely rusted out, it can't be reapplied. Is there any danger to leaving that single bulb...
  25. Danielhorvath

    Need Help! Sticking Background Scenery To Inside The Tank!?

    Help! okay my fish are in a bucket and need to put them back in the tank as soon as possible, I just cleaned the whole tank and the waters been drained out,  but yesterday i bought some background scenery picture that i want to put on the back,but it has to be on the inside because the back of...
  26. Danielhorvath

    Setting Up A Tetra Tank:)

    Hey Guys   So I'm thinking of setting up a tetra tank, I want it to be a bigger tank that can hold neon tetra, cardinal tetra and penguin tetra. In at least groups of 5 each because they are schooling fish. Will those fish school together though? as they are all relatively the same size? I'm...
  27. Danielhorvath

    Tropical Fish Tank Help

    Hi, okay so I got a new tank from my friend, which has been up and running for a couple of years, so don't need to worry about nitro cycle and stuff, I love fish! I am studying to become a marine biologist and am in year 11 Measurements are: L 58 H 30 W 30 52.2 L tank 13.789 gallons It came...
  28. D

    Cichlid Tank.. Jewels Laying Eggs

    Hi guys!   I have a 36 gal freshwater tank.  Living in the tank are: 3 jewel cichlids which are about 3 inches 1 convict cichlid a little over 2 inches 2 dempseys I recently got that are maybe 1.5 inches 2 featherfin catfish 2 peacock eels 1 rubber lipped pleco about 2 inches and I also added 3...
  29. luxbear

    Need Advice: Active Guppy

    Hello everyone! Here's the situation: one of my little guppies loves hiding in his fish houses, but it's shredding his tail a bit. I thought it was fin rot, but I've had fish with that before and this doesn't seem to be the case. His tail looks more like a separated feather, he's acting...
  30. C

    Stocking Angelfish

    I am going to start a new 30 gallon tall fresh water mostly planted tank. I'm planning on fishless cycling once i get my soil and plants in. My stocking ideas are 2 Angelfish, 4 Black Neon Tetra, 5 Cherry Barbs, and 3 Dwarf Sucker fish. I chose those tetras because they are bigger than the...
  31. Loveridge01

    Adding Suitable Community Fish To My Tank

    Good Morning All, I as you can probably tell am new here; I am also relatively new to forums I have had my tank for a few years now and have recently began to fix and upgrade everything I can Added a handful of new plants and some silks for backing plants I have a 24 gallon tank and at present I...
  32. M

    First-time Tank Idea

    Hi all, Brand new to the forum. Just bought a ten gallon tank and wanted to pose my stocking idea and get some feedback. In your opinion/experience, should it work? Should I add/replace/remove anything? I understand of course that there are no black and white answers, and each individual fish...
  33. P

    Dalmtion Molly Acting Strange

    Hi, I am not sure if this is an emergency "yet" or not but since we are newbies and I do not want to wait too long or take any chances, I am posting this here. We got a new aquarium last week for our kids and it is barely 10 days now. It is a 5 gallon aquarium and we put only two fish to start...
  34. M

    Stocking My 20gal Freshwater Tank!

    Hey all, new member and beginner fishkeeper here! So I'm planning on getting my very first tank soon and wanted some suggestions. I consider myself fairly new to fishkeeping, and the only real experience I have is caring for my sister's male betta and two comet goldfish. However, I have been...
  35. K

    5 Gallon Too Small?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, I've yet to set it up but I'm planning on making it a planted aquarium. The planned set up is for some driftwood in the corner, carpeted baby tears (HC), a Ludwigia hybrid species and maybe some star moss. Mostly fluval stratum substrate and a portion of it sand...