
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. TotallyTropical

    Food Options

    Hello, it’s me again So things are going well with James! He’s eating (sort of, hence the need for a post), swimming lots, sometimes flaring, just looking 100% better overall! He loves his new 5.5gal like his buddy Marmalade has. The only issue is the food. He wasn’t eating pellets while I was...
  2. TotallyTropical

    Hikari Betta Bio Gold

    I’m back again! (Although not for any big issues this time ;) ) My Nutrafin betta pellets recently expired and as I have recently picked up a job at my LPS and started training, I have learned that fish food past its expiry date has nutritional value equal to cardboard. I looked this up on here...
  3. Cameronb_01

    Discus Fry Feeding

    Hi Guys, My discus have successfully spawned and created 20 wrigglers, (pic attached): I estimate they will be free swimming within around 24 hours. I just had a few questions regarding feeding. How much baby brine shrimp should I buy to feed them? How much should I give them per feed? How...
  4. Cameronb_01

    Pot Belly Discus Chasing Others Around Tank

    Hi, As the title suggests I have one discus fish in my tank, with a pot belly, (picture attached), who chases his fellow tank-mates around tirelessly, (vid linked). There are 9 of them in the tank which is 450L and I feed 7 Gamma Blisters a day, (a mix of blood-worms, white mosquito larvae...
  5. P

    Best probiotics for homemade fish food?

    im thinking about making homemade fish for for my Betta to supplement feed alongside pellets. This is my rough list of ideas for ingredients.(all will be blended and frozen in ziplock bags) Mostly(3:4): Any White fish meat Shrimp(peeled) Clams or squid(look for discounted items)...
  6. P

    Beginner with aquarium and Betta fish care inquiries

    This will be the second time I attempt to have and care for my own fish (the first time a year ago ended badly due to me being misinformed on proper Betta care - the usual misinformation, unfortunately) The aquarium I am getting: Penn Plax WW113K Radius 10 Gallon Glass Aquarium Kit --- *Once...
  7. Wrecker4488

    Best food for Malaysian trumpet snails?

    Several weeks ago i purchased 14 MTS to start a colony for when i get a dwarf puffer in a few months. I researched about them and learned they eat just about anything of nutrition. i started off by feeding them 4 small sinking pellets every 3 days. i never have seen my MTS eat them or show...
  8. crunch7

    Colour enhanced Hormones African cichlids

    Recently I purchased few African cichlids for my 60 gallon community tank. I have found out that they have been subject to colour enhancement hormones. I would like to know if the fish will be able to recover to natural colour if at all it becomes dull and whether the hormone food have caused...
  9. Sege


    Hi :-) I am still new to the fish keeping hobby and I had a couple questions about duckweed. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :-) 1) What are the benefits of having duckweed in an aquarium? I have a 10 gallon tank that is filtered by a TopFin 10 and heated by a...
  10. AnnAlfie

    How to stop other fish eating catfish food

    After years of keeping fish I have successfully come up with a solution to stop tank mates of catfish eating all the catfish food before the catfish get a chance to eat it themselves. I have a community tank with some aggressive eaters such as Angel fish and barbs. I had to come up with a...
  11. G

    Dwarf Puffer Help.

    I recently got a dwarf puffer two days ago. I have tried to feed him defrosted bloodworms, but he just watches them float by. I was going to try to feed him some snails, but I don't really know what to buy as a feeder snail. I have also noticed that he has been attacking his reflection of the...
  12. C

    Betta ate one thing but not the other.

    hello! I'm sure this has been asked before, but my case might be different. I have a male betta, and I got him last Saturday. I bought cheap food at Walmart and he ate a whole pellet of it in his cup when I first got him. I got him a tank, cycled it, added decor and rinsed it all. Also used the...
  13. omega59

    Feeding Betta

    How can i get my Betta to eat the frozen Brine Shrimp (the ones in cubes). i break some into the water it just floats away.
  14. Cameronb_01

    Discus Eating Habits

    Hi Guys,   I have a relatively new discus aquarium, (4-5 days) and I was watching my 3 10cm discus eat just now and they weren't really eating. I put in 2 frozen "Discus Diet" cubes. They sank to the bottom then 2 of them bit them a couple of times then all three swam quickly to the other side...
  15. A

    How Much Do I Feed My Crayfish?

    Hello,    I just got a new crayfish about 1.5 weeks ago and I've been feeding it 1 shrimp pellet every other day, and a piece of lettuce very Saturday. Is this good? If it isn't, how much and how often should I feed it?   Thanks, Anto BTW It's a electric blue crayfish.
  16. cooledwhip

    Goldfish Are Not Eating Any Food

    This is kind of a longer story, sorry:   A while ago my LFS show orandas had a massive spawning and I jumped on this and purchased 8 oranda babies. I bought them and they were still brown/black and about a quarter inch long in size.   I bought them about a week ago. I split them up, I put three...
  17. RCA

    Anyone For Snails?

    Snails *READY NOW* MTS plus others... Livestock: Snails galore, MTS, Ramshorns, Pond Type Snails Quantity: Lots estimate 40-50+ Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: Free Postage & Packaging: Will check and advise, standard RM 1st Class Rate Location: East Yorks Payment: PayPal, PM...
  18. EricBacker

    Switching Food

    Hey so I am new to this hobby and have a some questions. Let me first explain my set up and situation. I have a 30 gallon tank, a fluval 50 filter, an Eheim Jager heater for a 40 gallon tank, a current LED lightstrip, live plants (sorry dont know the names, 1 rock and sand substrate. I have 5...
  19. twintanks

    Hand-Fed Much Food?

    Although not new to keeping goldfish, I am currently facing an issue that I have no previous experience of....hand-feeding a poorly goldfish. Not sure if this is the most appropriate category, so please move it if needed. I have a 13yo goldie, about 6 inches (excluding tailfin) who is unable to...
  20. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  21. T

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I was wondering what else I can feed my fish besides tetra color tropical flakes? I want a nice and health tank. Also, what can I feed guppy fry? As a future reference...
  22. T

    Questions About Clown Loaches

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I want to add one pleco and some ottos. The last addition I want to add is ether a clown loach, or some snails. I was wondering if I could add both so what type of snails...
  23. noobgamers

    Interesting Fish Food Ideas

    hey guys long story short i couldn't get hold of live food or frozen (due to parental objections to it) food and so now i make gelatine fish food as a supplementary food and was wondering what i could add to this at the moment i make a omnivorous one (shrimp,peas and cucumber) and a veggie...
  24. starlitsunrise

    Should I Get Another Frog? & Food Question

    Hey guys,  As some of you may know one of my African Dwarf Frogs died a few weeks ago, he got kinda bloated looking one night and then the next day he was gone. I'm not sure why that happened as my other frog and my betta are both fine. (more info...
  25. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Hi everyone, I bought my first betta today, he is in his own tank with live plants and cycled filter etc. I have read through the very good articles on betta here but he only thing I'm not sure on is the suitability of the pellets I have. Link below...
  26. M

    Guppy Fry Help

    I have had guppy fry for two months now and they are 1 quarter of the size of a fully grown guppy is there any way of speeding up growth.  Ohh and when can i add the to my comunity tank.
  27. M

    Feeding Vegetables To Fish ?

    Tank 1    100L :  6 glowlight tetras, 4 guppies, 4 red eye tetras, 2 golden balloon rams, 2 penguin tetras and one Melanistius Corydoras ohhh and one snail   Tank 2     40L :  10 Guppies   What vegetables can I put in both tanks and how should I prepare them. Thanks Alexander
  28. A

    Feeding Advice?!

    I have recently started building up a fish tank and I now have 4 guppies, 5 tiger barbs, 1 angel fish and 1 discus. As a treat I'd like to feed them frozen blood worms, would one full cube be too much for them? How much of the cube would be appropriate to feed them, also how many times in a day...
  29. ToxicAngel

    Feeding Issues

    Hi all I recently got some corydoras (trilineatus) but Im having some trouble feeding them. I've got some sinking food that they really like and while I think they are getting enouh to survive my greedy harlequins are eating so much of it they're getting really swollen stomachs and I'm worried...
  30. Mamashack

    Amusing Stand-Off At The Ok Corale!(Aka 60L Platy Tank)

    Thought some members might find this amusing An amano shrimp was hanging on for dear life to a pellet meant for the platies. One of the platies clearly took exception to this and the result is this photo Add your own amusing conversation - mine goes like this: Platy: Oi matey I believe that's...
  31. Mamashack

    Ramshorn Snails As Assassin Snail Food - Have I Made A Mistake?

    I currently have 2 tanks: 1x30L with a male betta, an assassin snail and 3 amano shrimp 1x60L with platy population, 2 assassin snails and 4 amano shrimp. I got the assassins to clear up an influx of hitchhiker common snails. They seem to have got rid of those and I was concerned that they had...
  32. nortonmad213

    Microwave, Boil Or Leave Alone?

    hi all so i was wondering what you guys do to prepare veggies before giving them to your fish? was interested in trying each method to see if that changes the way that they eat. so all opinions welcome thanks in advance. edit: could somebody move this to tropical questions please put in...
  33. AeonMapa

    Hikari Bio-Gold+

    So I've gotten this fishfood about two weeks ago, and I just wanted to share my experiences with it. I bought the Hikari bio gold+ for cichlids (they have it in other varieties too) primarily to feed my severum, electric blue jack Dempsey and my geophagus.   I'll give the bad news first: The...
  34. J

    Need A Fish For My Tank Asap!

    My question is i need a fish to eat all the waste my fish make and it not being picked on. I have 2 baby oscars around 3.5 inches and a baby senegal bichir around 4 inches and 1 bala shark around 4 inches. They eat alot pellets and make a huge mess of them and spit parts of it out and makes a...
  35. AeonMapa

    Feeding Cichlids Earthworms

    Hi does anyone here have a good idea of how much earthworms can be given to new world cichlids? I know that bloodworms should be fed in moderation because they can cause constipation and such, but what about red wriggler worms? I feed them live or newly chopped up. Below are my cichlids and...
  36. newtofishs

    Help With Food?

    i have 2 peppered catfish, 1 blue ram and a gourami (long story cut short I ended up with the gourami that my sister bought because her corys were aggressive to him), with the algae wafers, I have some that are made by tetra and in a yellow packet dont know if you know them. Do I need to break...
  37. Maehlice

    What Do You Feed Your Pleco?

    I have two plecos, a "common" (P. Pardalis) and a gold nugget.  I try to feed all my fish a variety of different foods, so I'm interested to know what all you guys have had success feeding your plecos.   I have a long light cycle to encourage algae growth in the tank.  Apart from that, I feed...
  38. dhartIndy

    Diy Fish Food

    Shrimp and spinach sinkers 16-20 small shrimp 1/2 cup blanched spinach 1 sm section of garlic (pierced for juice) 1/2 crushed multivitamin 2 packets of unflavored gelatin Corys, danios and glass shrimp love it!
  39. R

    How Much To Feed?

    So I have a tank with two not-yet-full-grown angelfish, a goldfish, 6 neon tetras, a bottom feeder and a snail. How much should I be feeding them everyday? I'm just not sure. 
  40. CrazyDiamond88

    Feeding Facepalm

    My betta lives with 8 pygmy corys in a cycled 12 gallon tank.   The cory I got just a few days ago. They are all getting along fine with each other which is a relief.   Anyway, I am trying to work out what/how to feed them, without overfeeding my gluttonous betta, who is currently bumbling...