fin rot

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  1. BettaEm19

    Betta's tail quickly frayed? Strange tearing and hole under a week.

    This all started when I did a partial water change on Monday night. He seemed completely fine except that he got a scratch on both sides of his face, which I have no idea where it came from. I must've been out of the room when it happened, but either way I took pre-caution and removed a plant...
  2. H

    Rescue Betta and Fin Rot

    I recently bought a new betta from the dreaded Walmart. His antiseptic water had faded from bright blue to clear, he had absolutely no food, and it appeared that he has a pretty terrible case of fin rot. I've had many happy and healthy bettas and when I saw his condition it broke my heart to see...
  3. J

    Bristlenose catfish tail rot

    Hi, Can anyone suggest treatment for my bristlenose catfish. Tail is rotting. Bristles on face are fine. Other catfish in tank has no issues. Tank is 150L. No other fish in tank (tetras) have any fin issues. Tail has been slowly deteriorating for weeks. I've tried methylene blue dip/bath for 10...
  4. P

    How to Cure Fin Rot

    Hello, I know many similar threads have been posted, but it's difficult to find them all and synthesize the relevant information to my situation, so I'd greatly appreciate some advice. I got a new male veltail betta fish a week and a half ago from the pet store. I was mildly suspicious he had...
  5. M

    Chronic fin rot - nothing's working

    My betta, Watson, is a rescue fish. He's got a bent spine but it hasn't effected him much at all. I moved and the stress caused him to eat a good portion of his tail. It's been growing back but he's had fin rot the entire time (almost 4 months now) and nothing I've tried has gotten rid of it, on...
  6. L

    First-time owner: Fin rot?

    Hello, I'm a first-time fish owner so forgive me if I'm ignorant on the subject. I have a half moon betta that I've had for about 7 months now that seems to have chronic fin rot. He lives in a fluval chi 5 gallon by himself, with a constant temperature of about 78 degrees (I use a tetra 2-10...
  7. Willard The Betta

    Is this fin rot?

    Hi everyone...I need help diagnosing Willard's condition. 2 days ago I noticed his fins deteriorating so I began doing research. Everything seems to point to fin rot. I added a little aquarium salt and that at least got Willard to stop flashing and scratching. Today, I quarantined him while...
  8. S

    EMERGENCY! New betta fin rot??

    i got this male betta a little over a week ago and had him in a 1.5 gal bowl and two days ago i moved him to a 3.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater, my thermometer says the temp is at 81 degrees, but i've noticed a black outline on his tail and it kinda looks like the ends of his fins are a...
  9. HarpyFishLover

    My very old guppy is pretty sick...

    Over the past month, my old guppy Max has been constantly sick. Last week he had parasites, which I took care of and he recovered from. Today, however, I woke up to half of his tail missing. After looking closer, I found out that the tip is black and between the black and the orange (normal...
  10. A

    Fin rot won't stop

    About a week and a half ago I noticed my Betta had some fin rot starting, and after some reading I started doing daily 90% water changes and adding salt, but nothing seems to work really and it's getting pretty bad - he's lost about a quarter of his fin's length and honestly I'm pretty freaked...
  11. C

    Help please! Mystery illness. Columnaris? Long thread like lent on fin.

    Tank size: 10 gallon cube - filled halfway - planted tank/plants above and below water line. More description in text below pH: 6/6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH: 0 gH: 0 tank temp: 78 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior)...
  12. G

    Help!! Betta with fin rot!

    Hi all, I am completely new to this forum, but thought I would ask you all for help as I am completely stuck on what to do! I brought a betta fish (my first time owning one) October last year and mistakenly took the red on his fins as his natural colouration. Eventually I realised that it was...
  13. A

    Betta's fins shredding?

    I'm just wondering if anyone might know what's going on with my bettas fins, at the bottom they look like they are shredding. There is no discolouration where they are shredding, they've never looked like that before. I've had him for 7 months. Thanks
  14. E

    What is this disease?

    One of my mollies has what looks like a bite out of one fin, but it seems like it's gotten bigger over the past week, so I was wondering if it is "fin rot" or maybe some other kind of infection. Also, I noticed a white spot near his tail. I don't think that the spot is ich, because it's not...
  15. Meesh

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    My betta recently has been depressed and pale compared to the usual, so I have added a new plant (as opposed to a plastic leaf) and heater which he seems to enjoy. While he is looking better (and his water is also looking better), I am wondering if anyone knows if this is fin rot, or if it is...
  16. Chris1075

    Treatment Medication Recommendation

    Hello, I am looking for some advice for treatment or medication to use to treat fin rot. I have been to my LFS, which advised me to do 25% - 50% water changes every other day and aquarium salt and use Seachem's Garlic Guard. It looked like it had cleared up, and the tetra was getting better. A...
  17. E

    New 125 gallon tank, lost 5 fish in 3 weeks

    So I recently bought a used 125 gallon tank. Cleaned it up real nice with zero chemicals. Transferred majority of water from my 55 gallon tank (cycled) and still using the same cycled filter on my 55 so I know I have plenty of beneficial bacteria. I did add a lot more decorations, but dunked...
  18. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  19. Bazouteast

    Fin Rot

    I have three new Angel fish (approx 5cm height) which after two weeks in the tank appear to be showing signs of fin rot. I have looked at the usual suspects - water quality, overfeeding, temperature, overcrowding and conclude it is probably stress-related, following their introduction into the...
  20. eslingerl10

    Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    Hello! I am fairly new to this hobby (about 3-4 months in), and I've begun my hobby by purchasing a 3 gallon half-moon tank with a whisper filter and a heater to keep the water at 78 degrees. I figured this would be the best environment for my Crowntail Betta after I did some research saying...
  21. T

    Butterfly Betta Fin Curl And White To Pink Fins

    I have had my Betta for about 3 months now. I started him in a 1 gallon tank without any filtration system but I've then (about October 1st, so 1 month after being in the first one) moved it up to a 2 gallon tank for the past 2 months and that is when I began to notice the tips of his fins...
  22. P

    Help: Betta Fin Rot?

    Hello everyone, glad to have found this forum.   So my betta has been displaying a weird fin condition for the last couple of weeks. I've tried to google it online but have not been able to identify the ailment. Have any of you seen this issue before? I thought it may be fin rot, but it doesn't...
  23. A

    Betta Turned Brown,looks Dead-Barely Swimming

    So today i went to go feed my betta but i noticed yesterdays food looked like it was spit out.He refused to eat the additional food i gave him today.I looked at my fish and it looked dead.Its body went from a nice blue to a brown,his fin are all ripped up,hes not really swimming,he is bent...
  24. fish_food

    Fin Rot

    Tank size: 20L Temp: 23 oC Ammonia: 0-0.25 ppm (I use seachem prime which may give a slightly higher ammonia count) pH: 7.6+ Medicine: Cephalexin 500g Problems: Fin rot, turned on side     My bubble eye goldfish has severe fin rot, which started because his tank mate had been nibbling on his...
  25. Cramer719

    Help! Fin Rot And Costia!

    Please help me. I have been fighting off Costia in my tank for about 3 days now. It seemed to be clearing up ok until now they have a very aggressive fin rot. I have no idea what to do at this point. I was told you shouldn't combine medications. Please help me. Also I am new to the forum so hello.
  26. C

    Sick Betta

    Hi, I'm new and very happy to be able to speak to people who understand how someone could fall in love with a fish! I bought my betta (Blu) for my son but quickly was very taken with him myself. Long, sad story short, he has finrot and is going downhill very quickly. I've treated him with...
  27. C

    Help Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    can anyone tell me if my betta fish has fin rot or am i just worrying to much? its his lower body it looks a bit pointy btw I'm new to this so please help :(  
  28. mrstwalker

    Fin Rot Or Something Else?

    So I have two bettas, one is a male crown tail and the other is a male veil tail. Both are in their own 1.5 gallon tanks both with silk plants.    The crown tail I purchased from wal mart and the veil tail i purchased from pet supply plus.      I know that 1.5 gallons is a bit small for a betta...
  29. L

    Male Guppy With Fin Rot And Camallanus Worms Possibly!?!

    Hi, I'm really worried. My guppy that I've had for about 4 months in a 10 gallon with 4 other male guppies and nothing else is acting strange. I moved two guppies that had been in their own 5 gallon tank for 2 months over to my 10 gallon about 2-3 weeks ago. My guppy had a rocky relationship...
  30. SunnySkies

    Fin Rot?

      Male Crowntail Betta I got a week and a half ago. I've been worrying he's sick and been keeping an eye on him the whole time. Today I happened to notice there was a bit missing and finally managed to get him to hold still and flare long enough to get a really bad phone picture. I really can't...
  31. crunch7

    Help Needed To Save My Socolofi

    Hi all,   I found that my Socolofi had developed a red spot a week earlier. Despite doing water change and treating the fish with salt the red spot is increasing and now the fin is tearing apart. I have separated the fish however I dont know what to do. Please help me identify and cure this...
  32. rpgmomma8404

    Fin Rot With Almost Perfect Water Conditions

    Pretty positive my betta Hades has fin rot.   I've tested the water this week and everything seems good. The nitrates even went down some from where it was. I did a big water change today and going to test the tank tomorrow.    I know I need to add more plants and such to keep the stress down...
  33. 9

    Guppy Tail Disintegrating

    I bought a new guppy for my tank Sunday, when I opened the bag I noticed it had a huge inflated abdomen and soon began trailing long white poo. I came home from work today and it was just sitting on the bottom if the tank and it's tail had disintegrated! I have no idea what's happening but all...
  34. Bettababe89

    My Male Betta Is Sick.. Plz Help

    My betta has been sick since I got him. He's pure white and has started to form red dots on his tail. Now his tail is disappearing. I thought maybe its fin rot an I asked the pet shop and they have no idea. They suggested I use a broad spectrum medicine made by wardly, can't remember what it's...
  35. Jessman

    Betta Fin Rot?

    I just took a picture of my betta and it looks as if he has fin rot, either that or his tail is recovering from fin rot because it is a dull black colour, completely different to his greeny/blue red colour. i only bought him yesterday and did not notice this till now. it is not possible to...
  36. Jessman

    Guppy Fin Rot, Help!

    I have a tank full of platys and guppies, a two or three guppies have died over the past few months due to old age. So i bought 5 new ones today from the lfs, 3 females and 2 males. ( ratio of all guppies in my tank are 3:1) in the lfs the males and females are kept seperately, i noticed after a...
  37. CoryLover95

    Fin Rot/torn Fins Treatment

    Hi, I have a serpae tetra that I just bought from the pet store a few days ago.  I noticed that its fins are looking ragged, and it seems to have gotten worse over the past day or two.  Do you think this is fin rot?  Or aggression from a tankmate?  I haven't noticed any aggression, but of course...
  38. RCA

    A Retirement Home For Bob

    Hi all, this is the recent journey of Bob, my old Siamese Fighter and his move to his retirement home.   Bob originally came to me after I picked up an old tank for £1 at a car boot in the South and then spent about £60 kitting it out!  When I first got him all his fins had been ripped off by...
  39. VickyChaiTea

    Two New "rescues"

    Ok, not really rescues more like sympathy buys but... just look at them!   The story, skip ahead if you just wanna see the poor guys. I went to (store will remain unnamed, for the time being) and browsed the bettas. This store usually has all fish BUT bettas in good condition. I saw two...
  40. luxbear

    Need Advice: Active Guppy

    Hello everyone! Here's the situation: one of my little guppies loves hiding in his fish houses, but it's shredding his tail a bit. I thought it was fin rot, but I've had fish with that before and this doesn't seem to be the case. His tail looks more like a separated feather, he's acting...