
  1. EricBacker

    Switching Food

    Hey so I am new to this hobby and have a some questions. Let me first explain my set up and situation. I have a 30 gallon tank, a fluval 50 filter, an Eheim Jager heater for a 40 gallon tank, a current LED lightstrip, live plants (sorry dont know the names, 1 rock and sand substrate. I have 5...
  2. BaileyNothstine

    Feeding Different Species In Same Tank

    Hi I'm new to this forum, I thought I might try here instead of YahooAnswers    Anyways, I have 4 Goldfish, 4 Balloon Mollies, 2 Zebra Loaches, and a Pleco in the same *large* tank.  I feed my Goldfish Goldfish flakes, Mollies "tropical" fish flakes, Loaches & Pleco a bottom feeder tablet.  I...
  3. MadameFizzgig

    How Much Should I Be Feeding My Violet Goby?

    He's a really good eater, he eats nearly everything I give him. Because he seems so voracious, I wonder if I'm not feeding him enough (plus he's pretty active). He's about 4in long and he's the only fish in the tank.   He seems to like shrimp pellets best (though I do give him algae wafers less...
  4. S


    Hi new to this. Just swapped from a small 54 l tank to 200l tank its a community tank lots of different makes my waters fine fish doing fine. At the weekend I bought 3 discus they are stunning read lots and lots about and the problems I'm not understanding is feeding lots say they need to be...
  5. F

    Catfish Feeding

    Hi everyone,   Just wondering if you were to feed a catfish pellets would the other fish eat it before them? If so, would sinkable pellets be better. Any suggestions would be great.   Many thanks,   Fishyfish890
  6. A

    Feeding Advice?!

    I have recently started building up a fish tank and I now have 4 guppies, 5 tiger barbs, 1 angel fish and 1 discus. As a treat I'd like to feed them frozen blood worms, would one full cube be too much for them? How much of the cube would be appropriate to feed them, also how many times in a day...
  7. M

    How Do You Know If You Have Over Fed Your Fish?

    Hello, Can anyone help please? Im not quite sure how much to feed my 3 guppies in my tank. I have recently setup my fluval edge 23L tank and have been feeding the fish twice daily according to the instructions on the flakes packet. But ive noticed that theres alot of flakes floating around now...
  8. cocoa007

    Guppies Love Mango

    Hi I thought I would give my guppies a piece of season's first mango they were on it immediately. Here are some pics of guppies nibbling on mango. Please excuse the poor quality of pics.
  9. brittgs

    Accidental Overfeeding

    Usually I feed my Betta, Javier a few pellets one by one.  Tonight for some reason, I held the open container in my hand near the tank.  Unfortunately my hand shook and i basically dumped about a quarter of the container into my 5 gallon tank!  Pellets everywhere.  Of course Javier was gulping...
  10. jimboshrimp

    Holiday Tips For Safely Leaving My Fish

    Hi everyone I am going on holiday next Tuesday 06/05/2014 for 11 days , I have a son who lives at home and will be feeding the dogs and fish (5 neon tetras) I am worried he might over feed and then I will have water problems which I wont be able to do anything about and I am worried about...
  11. brittgs

    Are Bettas Picky Eaters?

    I have been feeding Javier Hikari Bio Gold Betta pellets since I got him 10 days ago.  He has been eating them just fine.  Reading through some old threads I saw that Omega One is a recommended  food so I picked up a very small container of their Betta pellets today.  I offered one to Javier...
  12. GuppyGirl20

    Feeding Question For Baby Betta

    I just bought a baby betta yesterday. I am a collage student and am going back home Friday night but will return Sunday afternoon. Is it okay to not feed it for Saturday? I know with adult bettas its preferred to fast them one day a week but I know babies are a little more demanding (as are any...
  13. AeonMapa

    Feeding Cichlids Earthworms

    Hi does anyone here have a good idea of how much earthworms can be given to new world cichlids? I know that bloodworms should be fed in moderation because they can cause constipation and such, but what about red wriggler worms? I feed them live or newly chopped up. Below are my cichlids and...
  14. J

    Sea Urchin Id And Feeding

    Hi everyone,   I have had this lovely sea urchin thrown into my care. I wasn't planning on having any for quite some time but alas I have one.   I know the set up, general care, salinity, all that good stuff for salt water inverts and tanks. But I was wondering if anyone knew what species/kind...
  15. J

    Feeding Advice: Less Algae

    Hi All,   This is somewhat of a newbie question, but i've been running my tank successfully for 2.5 years now, so it's more of an intermediate advice question.   I have a 37 gallon tank with: 1 x half black Angel Fish (about 3.5") 8 x Diamond Tetras (2" max) 1 x Salt and Pepper Corydora   I've...
  16. Ryan10

    Video My Red Belly Piranha Feedings

    Here are a few of my Red Belly Piranha videos. It took over a year to put this shoal together. I started rescuing them from local fish stores. I was going to start with juvies but I saw two big guys in a very small tank with half dead goldfish swimming with them. I felt bad for them, so I bought...
  17. PrincessKiara

    Flake-Eating Pipefish And Angels? Quick Help Please!

    Hello! As some of you may remember, I have a 240L tank with a 100L sump setup, filled with bio-balls. Here are my tank stats: Planted: Somewhat (corkscrew Val, Amazon Sword, hornwort thicket, Elodea, some sort of creeper plant); far more to come soon Decor: One lava-rock arch. No driftwood as of...
  18. Maehlice

    What Do You Feed Your Pleco?

    I have two plecos, a "common" (P. Pardalis) and a gold nugget.  I try to feed all my fish a variety of different foods, so I'm interested to know what all you guys have had success feeding your plecos.   I have a long light cycle to encourage algae growth in the tank.  Apart from that, I feed...
  19. G

    Are My Fish Fat? (Overfeeding?!)

    I started my tank about two months ago. I have the fish for... 4-7 weeks. When I bought them, they were "normal". Now, the molly (if it's a molly), my guppy and my tetras seem really fat compared to how they were. Until about two weeks ago, I thought it's ok, but now they seem to be a little bit...
  20. OverByFish

    Feeding, How Much And How Often!

    Hello! This looks like an awesome forum, I can tell I am going to get some great advice and friends from here   A few weeks ago I bought an aquarium, it's a FishPod 120 (120 Ltr tank). In it, I have the following creatures: x5 Neon tetra x3 Harlequin x3 Rummy-nose tetra x1 Silver (Bala) shark...
  21. C

    Feeding Problems

    Hi, i have a tank with 2 african dwarf frogs and 2 guppies and 2 mollies ( im taking the guppies back tomorrow though) , i know that you shouldnt keep them with other fish but when ever i feed the frogs the guppies and mollys eat all the food i give them, no matter what it is. What should i do...
  22. TallTree01

    One Big Fish Bowl

    Ok, yesterday ( friday ) I fasted my fish. Today ( Saturday ), I fed them a special tablet thats ticks to the side of the glass for the first time in months. So, did they like it? I think you can judge that .   Here is the food:   Whole tank shot:   Tetra shot:             Tetra shots...
  23. Blondielovesfish

    What To Feed Pygmy Corys?

    Hi all,   I'm getting 10 Pygmy Corys soon for my 22 gallon tank and I'm wondering what to feed them.   What do you feed yours?   What foods do they love?   Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  24. elaineylane

    When To Feed Fish When Changing Water

    I feed my fish an hr to 2 hrs b4 I change the water. How long do I wait b4 I feed them again? It's a tropical tank. I do 1/4 of the water and add Quick start to my bucket as I refill, 1/2 the amount per each 2 buckets. I add Stress Coat after that to the waterfalls stream from my filter for...
  25. reptileman

    Could I Have Been More Stupid? Help Meee!

    So I was curious to see all the fish profiles of my fish on SeriouslyFish, and I realized I have really screwed up! I jumped into the tank with one idea and switched halfway through and didn't do my research -_-. Also Some other stuff to do with my tank.   Tank stats that matter to fish.  -240L...
  26. TallTree01

    Can I Feed Crickets To Fish?

    I've got loads of crickets to feed my frogs and I want to try to give my neon tetras some variety. The crickets are about 1/2 cm long and the neon tetras are about 3-4 cm. can I feed my neon tetras crickets or would this be a bad idea?
  27. T

    Feeding Clown Loaches In A Comm. Tank

    I'm about done fishless cycling my 120gal tank (48 x 24 x 24), so I'm in the process of preparing to add my full fish load once it's ready so as not to loose any of my beneficial bacteria. My initial plan is to stock with 5 adult clown loaches and a handful of tetra, danios, and barbs. I'm not...
  28. CoryLover95

    Are My Corys Getting Enough To Eat?

    Hi! I have a small school of Corys; two Albino, two Green.  I have a 37 gallon aquarium with 2 schools of assorted tetras, some Platys, and Gourami.  So my question is...are my Corys getting enough to eat?  I just feel so bad because when feeding time comes all the other fish rush to the top and...
  29. Jenste

    New Discus

    The first three of my soon to be 6 discus are on day two of settling in and for the life of me can not figure out where the terms "hard to feed", "skittish" and "timid" come into play! This is their second night with me and they are feeding like right little pigs! Also, already setting up a...
  30. B

    Feeding Rusty Pleco?

    I have a rusty pleco and am unsure what to feed him. So far he gets cucumber twice a week, algae wafers every night, for him and 6 corys, but the platys and tetras help themselves. I have tried apple, no success, he has a small piece of driftwood but doesn't seem very interested at the mo. Any...