
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. L

    Platy has pale lower body and sitting on bottom of tank

    Hi, late yesterday night I noticed that my platy’s lower body was quite pale/white and there was a scratch looking thing on the edge of it (video included). She was eating and swam to the top of tank, but I was still concerned. Today she has been sitting at the bottom of the tank all day...
  2. margaritari

    Young Harlequin Rasboras DYING RAPIDLY!!

    Hello, sorry my first post is so desperate but I REALLY NEED HELP. My new Harlies are dropping like flies and I have no idea why! Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7.5 tank temp: 75ºF Fish Symptoms: Three fish have died within the two days since I bought them. The first two were found dead on the bottom...
  3. A

    Is This Fin Rot Or Worms On My Betta?

    I got a male betta recently to breed with my female later and I realized when he flares his bottom fins dont flare and I realised a little white wormish thing on there. I dont know if its worms or fin rot but can someone tell me? I'll post links to photos because this space limit wont let me...
  4. A

    Guppy With Severe Clamped Fins Please Help!!

    I've had this guppy for about a month now and 2 days ago his fins got clamped. I didnt know this wasnt bad so the next day his fins got super clamped. He swims side to side but he still eats and poops normally. He is in a very overcrowded tank. It's a 10 gallon tank with a betta, 4 guppies...
  5. A

    Vallisneria Dying Please Help

    About 2 weeks ago I got some Jungle Vallisneria from Petco and about 2 days later the leaves started to split and one of the leaves is rotting and turning transparent by the crown. The roots seem brown but large and the crown is above substrate which is seachem flourite. I dose flourish, excel...
  6. S

    Possible Ich, please help me identify it!

    Request Help Tank size: 20gal long pH: unknown ammonia: unknown nitrite: unknown nitrate: unknown kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: 24c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behaviour): White, “flaky” lesions (see images) Lethargy (flicking tank...
  7. K

    Need some advice

    The heater for my aquarium went out sometime last night and a few of my fish died. I have removed them from the tank already but what can I do to so my other fish don't die before I can get another heater for them. The tank has a few starfish, brittle stars, hermit crabs, and some damselfish...
  8. crunch7

    How to treat Internal Parasites and sunken belly in African Cichlids ( Malawi) using metro

    Hi , My main tank a 75 gallon 4.5 feet long African Malawi Cichlid community tank with some 25 odd has been infected by internal parasites as I have noticed few fish are having sunken belly and stringy white poop. I have done the following already since past 4 weeks. I am keeping them on...
  9. C


    Please help my evil shrimp beat up my catfish up really bad and he looks like he has cuts on his stomach and one on his head he can't move every time he does he float back down and he doesn't have enough strength to get back up when he falls on his side PLEASE HELP. it too late he gone.....
  10. A

    Honey Gourami emergency!!

    Tank size: 240L pH: 6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 40 tank temp: 24 C Help!! I've been on holiday for two weeks (neighbour has been popping over to feed and do a water change), done a quick health check on everybody and noticed this on the bottom of my honey gourami!! I have no idea what it...
  11. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  12. MyFishKaren


    Today I saw that my Dalmatian Molly had an overly bloated eyeball. I did some research to learn it was Popeye. I went to pet smart for help, they said to put him in an Epsom salt bath and to treat him with a medicine I cannot remember. Only one eye is affected, and he is the only fish to be...
  13. MyFishKaren

    Cyanobacteria Outbreak Help!

    I have in my tall 20 gallon tank what I believe to be as cyanobacteria. It's a green, slime-like film covering the gravel on the bottom of my tank. It appeared days after I put in a marimo moss ball. I have some questions regarding the outbreak. - Is it imperative I clean the cyanobacteria...
  14. ktink

    Catfish has skin lesions and the skin is peeling off. Very worried.

    About 3 weeks ago I transferred my catfish who I’ve had in a 45 gallon tank for about 7 years to a new 75 gallon tank. About two days ago I noticed that he had some fairly large white spots on his back and close to his tail. As of today his skin is peeling off in three places and it seems to be...
  15. J

    Has anyone successfully cured dropsy in neon tetra?

    i tried a salt bath for him last night for a half hour with not even 1/4th of a teaspoon in a one gallon tank and I think he looks a little better but it’s hard to tell, he is eating now though. I was wondering if I try this again and how often I should be doing this because I know it’s hard on...
  16. S

    Columnaris or fungus?? Cory cat

    Tank size: 20ga pH: 6.5 nitrite N02: 0 nitrate N03 20 General hardiness GH: 30 Carbonate hardness KH: 40 tank temp: 77-78 Filtration: topfin 20 + whisper 20 set for low Current tank inhabitants: 3 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasbora, 1 cobra guppy, 1 panda cory My panda cory got fuzzy! Didn't...
  17. S.O.S

    Help I need help immediately please

    i just accidentally dropped a cup of coffee which splattered all over my new betas tank. The feeding whole is small,so I don’t know how much got in there. I tested his ph when I started treating him for possible fin and take rott,though I really believe the culprit was one of his silk but still...
  18. V

    gourami Worm?!?!

    Hi there, Today I woke up to feed my ish and I noticed a clear dangling thing coming out of my gouramis poop whole. I’m worried it might be a worm??!?! If so, how do I remove it? Can I pull it out with tweezers? Cheers
  19. D

    Does my fish have dropsys?

    My female platy just had babies last week. She had a really big belly and 2 of my guppies were chasing her like crazy. We figured that they just wanted her eggs. Fast forward a week after the babies and now they’re still chasing her... and becoming more and more aggressive. I tried adding...
  20. S

    HELP!! betta got stuck in filter

    ive had my betta fish Frosty for about a year now and I love him dearly. I noticed he was hanging around by his filter and wouldn’t eat yesterday—and today I was going to clean his tank and I noticed he was stuck!!! He eventually lodged himself free but now his fins are turning black an he won’t...
  21. misshedge

    Please help! (molly appetite/lethargy)

    Hello. I've posted about Dipstick before, when she was pregnant (unfortunately, all fry were eaten.... but that's not the topic here). Dipstick is a dalmatian molly, and I've had her for about.. 6-7 months? She's been doing fine until about a week ago. She's not eating and hasn't been.. she...
  22. J

    Help!!!! my fish are dying

    Hi Everyone, I setup an brand new tank a month ago (its been stocked for a month, it has been running longer as I did a fishless cycle). It had x9 Pepper Corys, x9 Odessa barbs, x14 zebra danios and x6 giant danios. Since setting it up and stocking it I have had six deaths, x2 corys, x2 barbs...
  23. P


    I'm hoping to get a quick response here but due to Hurricane Irma I'm evacuating and I'm taking some of my fish with me. I have a 16 gallon tropical aquarium that's in a safe place and I'll have someone able to check on them before and after the storm. In another tank I have a betta and albino...
  24. MrFishMan

    Sick Silver Dollar!!! (EMERGENCY!!)

    The Silver dollar fish is my favorite one his name is lucky and I think he may have dropsy. He cannot keep his balance in the water and floats to the bottom. I believe he has popeye as well. My water parameters are unknown, but I was just on vacation and had a feeding block. (Please no advice on...
  25. S

    EMERGENCY! New betta fin rot??

    i got this male betta a little over a week ago and had him in a 1.5 gal bowl and two days ago i moved him to a 3.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater, my thermometer says the temp is at 81 degrees, but i've noticed a black outline on his tail and it kinda looks like the ends of his fins are a...
  26. M

    Sick Livebearer

    i have a livebearer that has become swollen and his scales are sticking up. He has been sick like this for a few days. He still comes up and eats food, but usually stays at the bottom, other than that he doesn't show any odd behavior. I shined a flashlight on him and didn't see any specs or...
  27. Tyler_Fishman

    What is this??

    I came home today to find my rummynose with a lump or light patch inside it? Not sure, I would like some clarification on this, cant test parameters atm besides ph which is at 6.8 not sure of the cause? Possibly my betta got it while it was sleeping? The cardinal it's with bullies it to no end...
  28. Tyler_Fishman


    Hi I'm new to this forums and forums and general, so I really don't know if I'm posting on the right thing or anything, but my fish have been flashing ever since I put them into a new tank, I don't know if it needs cycling, because my beneficial bacteria colonies have already grown on my filter...
  29. M

    Fish stuck to filter

    i just found my livebearer stuck to the filter intake, so I turned it off and he floated down from it. He was in shock for a few minutes but now he's swimming around again at almost full health, even eating food. The only thing now is that, since his rear fin has been slightly torn up, he's open...
  30. Shnagglpus

    BN Plecos bloating

    Just lost one of my bn plecos I've had for 3months, after hydrogenperoxide treatment for algea noticed the older of the 2 started to look fat, thought nothing of it as behavior seemed normal, continued algea treatments and pleco continued to get fat, today roughly 4 days after treatment, dead...
  31. cooledwhip

    Filter Broke: My Fish Will Die. NEED A GOOD FILTER ASAP.

    My Rena Filstar XP3 has been whacky ever since I got it and it has always had problems. There's a long explanation of why it doesn't work and why it has been funky but I'll just skip to the part why I posted here. It's broken now and I need a new filter asap. I have a huge stock in the tank and...
  32. FroFro

    Emergency! Sick Pleco!

    Please help! I woke this morning to find my pleco swimming strangely on the bottom not attached to any surfaces like she usually is. She is very pale in color and I immediately moved her to a hospital tank with clean water and fresh filter cartridge, bare bottom no decorations of anything. I...
  33. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  34. Flinkbag

    Please Help! Fish Breathing Very Rapidly!

    I really need someone to respond to this post asap!   I had an issue a month ago where i had foamy bubbles forming on the surface of the water, and all my fish seemed to be struggling to breathe. Now the bubbles are back in a much more mild form, yet my fish are all breathing ridiculously hard...
  35. nofishinginmytank

    Please Help Me! All My Fish Are Dying!

    I have a 35 liter fish tank. It's well established and has been up and running for about three years now. It was stocked with: 1x Guppy (he was the last survivor was about 3 years old, I was planning on buying some more little friends for him) 5x Platies (4 females and 1 male) 1x male swordtail...
  36. T

    Large Bump With Fungus On Black Moor's Head

    Hi,   My Black Moor has developed a bump on it's head and now there is fungus on it. Does anyone know what this bump is and how it can be cured?   Thanks, Tasha.
  37. MadameFizzgig

    Erratic Behavior - Please Help?

    I have a violet Goby who is typically very calm and usually hangs out on the bottom of the tank. However, lately he's been swimming back and forth across the tank, going to the bottom and then coming back up in a circular pattern.   I've added prime to the water, and stress guard, and his SG is...
  38. K

    I Need Help, Sick Weather Loach (Pictures!)

    Hi everyone, first of all I'd like to apologize because I don't know some proper terms, english is not my mother tongue. I would really appreciate if someone would give my advice, my loach is letargic and has white "smears" on his back. The disease seems to also have attacked his gills because...
  39. fish_food

    Fin Rot

    Tank size: 20L Temp: 23 oC Ammonia: 0-0.25 ppm (I use seachem prime which may give a slightly higher ammonia count) pH: 7.6+ Medicine: Cephalexin 500g Problems: Fin rot, turned on side     My bubble eye goldfish has severe fin rot, which started because his tank mate had been nibbling on his...
  40. fish_food

    Help! Fish Lying On It's Side.

    Tank size: 100L ammonia: 0 tank temp: 24 oC   Just got home to see my bubble-eyed goldfish on it's side with a red streak in it's eye.   Did a complete water change and am currently aerating the tank.  He's still lying on his side and looking quite weak. I really don't know what to do, and am...