
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. GothFishKeeper

    Help me save my Vampire Shrimp!!

    Woke up when the tank light turned on as usual and saw him like this, I thought he was dead at first but he’s not. He’s moving his antenna and his fans but clearly struggling to do so. I think he’s molting but I’ve never actually seen what that looks like, and I assume lying on his side means...
  2. wayfareranima

    NTD - need confirmation & advice before euthanising entire tank

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 224L How long has the tank been running? Since March/April 2024 Does it have a filter? 4 sponge filters Does it have a heater? Two, 50w and a 25w What is the water temperature? 26*C What is the entire stocking of this tank? Female guppies and endlers...
  3. S

    I don’t want my angel to die :(

    Hey everyone, really hoping for some advice as I dont want to lose my beloved angelfish. I noticed she wasn’t eating as usual last Friday and seemed a bit lethargic. Then at the weekend she started swimming at a slight angle. I spoke to my local aquatics centre, they tested my water which was...
  4. GothFishKeeper

    My fish just got fed A LOT of peas

    Okay so I originally thought my platy was pregnant, but it’s been well over a month since she’s been so big so I’m pretty sure she has bloat. I heard that feeding fish peas would help bloat, so I thawed a handful of frozen peas in water and dropped a few in. Then I went out for a couple hours...
  5. Tacocat

    Fish with red gills and acting strangely for unapparent reasons

    When I checked on my fish about 20 minutes ago I found them with red gills and concerningly unresponsive to my hands. I quickly did a 50% water change and almost immediately after they started looking more normal and acting better. An interesting thing I saw was that the numerous caridina shrimp...
  6. Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 6.19.40 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 6.19.40 PM.png

    Is this white spot ich disease? It wasn’t there before..
  7. Stefan3289

    Molly spinning and laying on side

    Hello all, I noticed yesterday my Molly was laying on its side at the bottom of the tank. I put him in a breeder net that sits at the top of the tank to prevent him from being picked on and to be closer to the surface for oxygen after doing a 30% water change. He then started to spin and his...
  8. S

    EMERGENCY: Fish on floor of tank, gasping for breath

    Hello, Unfortunately, my betta has grown worse since I started kanamycin medicated food the day before yesterday. He has grown tired and listless, to the point that he spent the last hour lying on the floor of his tank, breathing heavily. Thankfully, he was finally able to pull himself up to...
  9. D

    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I just got 4 new mollies and 2 cory catfish today and after a few hour this one molly has been staying at the surface for the last 10 minutes. It wont ever leave the surface for any reason and it is the only fish in the tank doing this.I checked the water parameters before i added the fish
  10. O

    my betta is lethargic i think

    he just sits in one of these positions since i did a water change 2 days ago. and i also think he has swim bladder but he won’t eat the daphnia i give him. I’ve been feeding him 4 pellets once every 4 days but no improvement.
  11. O

    what is this in my tank is it snail eggs

    i did a 80% water change yesterday and cleaned the gravel so i don’t understand. is it snail eggs? I’m going out to buy crustaceans pesticide today because im sick of this
  12. O


    why is there snails in my tank and i never bought any snails make sense. HELP ME PLEASE WHAT THE HECK. AND WORMS
  13. S

    Need help with Dwarf Gouramis please!!

    I have a large community tank, water parameters are good, just did a partial water change a couple days ago, and most of the fish have been happy, healthy, and active for months. I added 2 black mollys about a week ago, I only quarantined them three days (apparently not long enough) and...
  14. J

    White spots/film on fish, need help identifying what it is

    Last night I noticed these white areas on two of my fish that were not there before, one of them has already died. My first thought was ich but these white areas appear to protrude off the fish and are not perfectly round, so I feel like it might be something else. It appears currently on the...
  15. D

    Guppy facing downwards

    So I’ve taken a look at my aquarium of guppies which live with a turtle btw, and I have noticed a weird adult guppy facing downwards. I googled why’s that, and it kind of told me that my fish might fave fish tuberculosis. But i’m not sure. She’s somewhere about 1 year old. Please help me, tell...
  16. syren

    Flesh eating bacteria???

    Title is an attention grabber, I know, but I am back again after having minimal issues with Grosso! (insert massive sigh here) I got sick of the 10 gallon shortly after experiencing back to back canister issues and it almost killing him, so shortly after I upgraded to a 36G and things have been...
  17. K

    Pleco fell in hot water!

    Hello, I was deep cleaning my tank yesterday when I thought I had gotten all the decor out safely with my albino bristlenose pleco still in the tank. Turns out he was hiding in the decor still even after shaking it around and dunking it in and out of the water. So I used my shower to spray down...
  18. J

    Emergency: plecos might have white spot/ich

    Hi all, I’ve noticed these white dots on my super red LF plecos. They have recently been shipped to me, and I’ve only had them for 4 days, In their own seperate tank with a fully cycled sponge filter. I noticed it last night, and as I am not very experienced with ich, did some research. Now I...
  19. Divinityinlove

    Unusually swollen guppy!

    Been keeping an eye for a few days and I'm unsure if I should treat for dropsy with medication or.... Euthanize? Never seen swelling like this but she was eating and swimming fine until just this afternoon, now she is facing down..... The photo of the orange tailed guppy in plain background is...
  20. N


    My betta has been showing signs of clamped fins starting 3-4 days ago. He's active and eating well but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue. I got him April 8th of this year. GOING TO TREAT WITH PARACLEANSE VERY LETHARGIC AND WHITE POOP-SAME SYMPTOMS OF THE OTHER BETTA WHO DIED *****IMPORTANT TO...
  21. L

    Food Dump

    Edit: It solved itself already haha. It's clear and stable again. No fish deaths or signs of trauma! Hi everyone. I have a 20 gallon tank with a few different breeds of fish in it. Yesterday while I was out of my room where I keep the tank, my 4 year old volunteered to feed the fish and dumped...
  22. R

    Fish curled up in tank, other tank mates dead, need help

    Hi, I have a small comet goldfish and two rosy red minnows living in a 10 gal tank. I’ve had the goldfish for over a year and the minnows for about 5 months. Yesterday I noticed the goldfish swimming erratically and unable to balance. I assumed it was swim bladder disease as the other two fish...
  23. N

    EMERGENCY- tetra having a white patch on side???

    Hi, I recently got 6 tetras and when I checked on them tdy, i noticed that one of the big tetras had a white spot on his side. The white patch was mot fuzzy or anything but I’m thinking that it may be neon tetra disease. The tetras r also in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies. The water quality...
  24. E

    Harlequin rasbora

    Hi, I feed my harlequin rasbora a few pieces of fish. I thought he was chocking so I checked but he wasn't? What's happening to him? I also feed a few pieces to my betta and his doing alright?Video
  25. A

    Platy making bubbles at the top of water! HELP!!

    I have 4 platys (3F,1M) and an Albino Rainbow shark. My tank has been running for almost a year. Today one of my female platys is staying at the top of the water blowing bubbles and then eating them. She ate this morning just fine, and is not off balance so I am leaning towards it not being swim...
  26. A

    Betta lost tail

    Came home from work today and my Beta grim had completely shredded his tail with pieces falling off. He's in a 20l (SORRY I MENT 20 GALLON) with 3 kuhli and a baby bristle nosed pleco. There's nothing sharp and as of 2 days ago the tank perametres are perfect. (No ammonia or nitrite a bit of...
  27. M

    Fish Emergency Redness on temple of corydora

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 20G How long has the tank been running? 5 months Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 78 - 79F What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) 6 Harlequin Raspbora, 6 Neon...
  28. Aquariummanfran

    Ongoing fish keeping problem

    Hello everyone! I am new to this community but not new to a tropical fish keeping forum. I’ve wanted to find a new community because quite frankly, I’m struggling and have lost the fish keeping mojo and was hoping I could find some help. Quick background. I have been keeping aquariums for...
  29. M

    Brooklynella or Ich? And what are alternative treatments?

    So in the past 2-3 days, my new clownfish showed symptoms of what I assume is brooklynella. I had fish with brook in the past so I started treatment right away. Where I live, formaldeheyde is illegal to sell, so I'm doing a 5 minute FW bath followed by a 60 minute metronidazol bath, and dosing...
  30. F

    HELP Betta not doing well

    PLEASE see attached. I know it’s only a betta but my young daughters first fish and part of family. Usually swims up to us and on bottom of tank. There is a white “tail” off its side when hes swimming. Can’t tell if infection or cut itself SEE ATTACHED Water Quality is fine There are “suds” on...
  31. A

    My Red Zebra Cichlid is convulsing

    My Red Zebra Cichlid can't swim properly and is covulsing
  32. R


    Hey guys, I keep african dwarf frogs for years now and this has never happened. I've been dealing with a bladder snail infestation which I've sorted out pretty well... the numbers have decreased a lot. However, I noticed my ADF was struggling with a small snailI went to go wash my hands (as I...
  33. G

    Bloating and Large Cyst on Tetra

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and two honey gourami. I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. The past month I have lost three fish, one gourami...
  34. N

    Lethargic betta

    Hi everyone, I’m posting about my betta again I’ve noticed these past couple days my betta has been clamping his dorsal fin ( top fin) this past week but I figured it should get better with water changes but now he’s starting to clamp his other fins too. I’ve noticed he just floats at the top...
  35. N

    New beta one Gill flared

    Hi all, I just got a beta this week and I noticed today that one Gill Is flared and won’t close properly so I went to test the water and ammonia was between .50 and maybe 1 so of course I changed the water I’m using spring water from water gallons in a 2.5 gal. Tank (I’m working on a 10 gal...
  36. F

    guppy with mass in stomach area

    there is a red growth on the guppy i put in some medicine but i don't know if i need to do anything else or what it is
  37. R84achey

    Help fluval 207 canister filter stopped working

    I accidentally switched my filter off whilst trying to turn on my air pump and now it’s not working. I’ve taken it apart as if to do maintenance and nothing looks broken etc and still nothing? Help
  38. R84achey

    Cherry barb with 2 white marks on head

    Hi everyone, I am new to the hobby and looking for some advice for one of my cherry barbs. I noticed he has 2 white marks on his head. I’ve had a good look through all the forums and I really don’t think it’s white spot or columnaris. I’m inclined to think it’s an injury of some sort. I have...
  39. P

    Fish refuses to eat food

    I have a 2-year-old jaguar cichlid (around 10 inches). I usually feed him Hikari Gold pellets (medium-sized), and he was always doing fine, he was eating properly, he was active and colorful. But then a day ago when I was going to feed him, although he looked hungry as usual when I put in his...
  40. Aquarist2020

    Emergency!! Fish food dumped into aquarium. Please Help!

    My little brother dumped an entire fish food container into the tank. Tank 30 gallon. Fish 5 with cleaners 10 about. Tank is 1 year old. Please help. Also does quick start work good enough? My lfs is closed and petco is my only option.