dwarf gourami

  1. F

    Planning a hundred litre (22 gallon) tank please help!

    Hi guys, I’m completely new to the fish world and have been told to take aqadvisor calculator with a grain of salt so I’m looking for a second opinion on the plan for my first tank. I wanted this tank to be full of peaceful fish after seeing my sister struggles with aggressive female bettas...
  2. J

    Help bloated dwarf gourami

    Help! My red flame dwarf gourami looks bloated and keeps getting bigger. Also he is gasping and not breathing normal. Can’t tell if it might have the dwarf gourami disease or possibly pregnant. We also have a powder blue dwarf gourami who is just fine and possible making a bubble nest. We got...
  3. SpitFish

    Ich causing fin loss? Did I make a mistake in treatment?

    So. I did a stupid thing and introduced ich via neon tetras into my established 30 gallon tank. All 10 tetras died the day after I got them and I noticed the disease then. I also lost a pleco yesterday. I've been treating the tank with a store bought medicine called API Super Ich Cure. It said...
  4. Seth0401

    Only Female Dwarf Gouramis

    Hi so i have a well established 22gal (uk gallons) so 100L and i was wondering if it is ok to only keep female dwarf gouramis in a tank and if they would be ok without a male. and what size group i should have (if i should have more than one) at the moment i have 4 peppermint corys and 1...
  5. L

    Moving a Dwarf Gourami

    I'm three-weeks new to this and definitely started the wrong way - the local big box pet store told me I could add fish 2-3 days after setting up my 20 gallon tank. I put in 3 guppies and 3 male dwarf Gouramis (they said they had to be in groups of three or more to school). So I now know that so...
  6. V

    My Dwarf Gourami is acting strange

    So, I have Dwarf Gourami that I've owned for a few months now, and as the title says, is acting strange. He sometimes lays on the bottom of the tank, but when I walk over to check on him, he'll get up like nothing is wrong. Also, he won't eat, and he has a white splotch on top of his head above...
  7. R

    Looking For Input On My First Fish Tank

    I just got a 29 gallon tank and am currently in the process of cycling it, and am trying to decide which fish i want to stock it with. I had some ideas but was hoping to get some advice from people who are a bit more experienced. My idea was to have: - Two or Three Dwarf Gourami - a school of...
  8. Aeroase

    Stocking Questions!

    Hi! I have a 10gal tank with 4 false julii’s, a dwarf gourami, and an otocinculus (i know they do better in groups, i just haven’t found a shop to get some from that aren’t half dead in the store). The tank is heavily planted and fully cycled! The fish that are in there are doing good. My...
  9. C

    Dwarf frogs

    i currently have a 55gal freshwater set up with a few plants, 2 Bala Sharks, 2 mystery snails, 3 Kuhli Loaches, and a one eyed dwarf flame gourami. I recently added an ADF to my sons 10gal and I’m just loving him! Wondering if adding a couple to my 55 gal would be a good idea?
  10. M

    New Dwarf Male Gourimi not swimming right

    I have a 20 gallon high tank that has 6 zebra danios, 5 corys, and a new male dwarf gourami..Had a neon blue dwarf gourami for months and it died a week ago. Got another blue one to replace it and it died after week, yesterday morning. Just got a dwarf male gourami yesterday. It was swimming...
  11. L

    Stocking a 20H Gallon tank

    Hello everyone, Recently I got a 3.5 gallon betta tank in January and I have been preparing to cycle/set up a new 20H Gallon tank and I am starting to figure out what kind of fish to stock the tank with. I have my heart set on a community tank because I love the idea of having different...
  12. S

    Urgent help on my dwarf gourami

    i have two dwarf..a red female and a blue male. I got the blue male today and looks like the red female is nipping and making the male restless. Any advise. Below pictures of my fishes. Please help.
  13. MyFishKaren

    Help! Angel Fish Attacking Dwarf Gourami

    I have a 20 gallon tank. I just had a Platy die so I replaced it with a Dwarf Gourami because the manager at petsmart said the Gourami would be paired well with my two Angel Fish. I got my Gourami, did a water change an hour or so after, and have been watching them since. My bigger Angel...
  14. D

    Suddenly Sick Dwarf Gourami

    My Power blue dwarf gourami, who'm I've had since December. Two days ago starting staying right where I normally drop his food, but started refusing to eat as of yesterday. Tonight I come home and I can't find him right away, normally he always swims right up to great me a beg for snacks...
  15. K

    Stocking 30 gallon tropical

    I currently have 3 corydoras, a dwarf gourami, and a ctenopoma. They all get along fine so far. We are hoping to get some larger fish because our ctenopoma can get up to 6 in and will eat whatever fits in their mouth. I was thinking an angelfish and maybe a gourami or a few rams (ones that...
  16. K

    Breeding dwarf gourami pair BOTH building bubble nests

    ok I am really starting to second guess myself here. I have searched and searched the internet to no avail. I have two dwarf gourami. I thought they were both male although as I am new to the species was not 100 percent certain. Recently the less aggressive of the two got a very large belly and...
  17. D

    Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus Clean Up

    Hello all, I am brand new to the forums. I am here looking for some help. I recently had a dwarf gourami die from what seems to be iridovirus. This was my first gourami, and I was not aware of the disease until he was already sick, and I began researching what might be wrong. All of the...
  18. J

    Is my dwarf gourami female??!!

    Hey all! My post yesterday was me trying to find a place to purchase a female dwarf gourami to go with my male. I could not find any locally-or so I thought. My school is far away and along the hour drive there is a petco. I went on my way back and the guy there said he had what he thought was a...
  19. J

    Looking to buy FEMALE DWARF GOURAMI

    Hello everyone! I'm fairy new here and set up my tank recently. I've got a good filter, tank temp, tank and water parameters and I have one powder blue dwarf gourami. I'm looking to buy a red flame female gourami or really any female dwarf gourami for that matter. I've checked the usual places...
  20. J

    Glofish died! Please help!

    Ok so I have a 5.5 gal tank with one dwarf gourami and 2 (now 1 glofish). I came up to feed them and I can’t find one of the glofish. I finally left up a log ornament I have and bang he floats up dead. Rip glofish. I know gouramis can be aggressive but there was no sign of harm on the dead fish...
  21. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  22. R

    60 gallon stocking? Help!?

    I recently got my 60 gallon tank and I’m not sure what to stock it with. I have 1 male and 1 female dwarf gourami who greatly need an upgrade from their 30 gallon tank. I would love to put them along with a red tail shark and possibly 2 more female dwarf gourami into the 60 gallon. I’d also like...
  23. R

    Stocking Gourami for 30 Gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’m getting my largest tank yet soon, and I’m hoping I can snag a 75 gallon, but I’m having trouble finding one for a reasonable price. I’m thinking I’ll have to settle for a 30 gallon. I’ve completely fallen in love with my dwarf Gourami I received after a friend of mine couldn’t keep...
  24. kitta98

    My Dwarf Gourami seems really ill.

    My dwarf gourami has been pretty shy since i got him. I rarely saw him and I don't think i've ever seen him feed. I thought it was because he was new. Then I took out all my fish last week and done a water change. And he was even more shy. I had to check behind the plants to find him because I...
  25. R

    How many Dwarf Gourami in 10 gallon tank?

    I've been wanting to keep dwarf gourami for a long time, and right now I have an empty cycled planted tank. I've been looking at different fish, and I really would like to keep dwarf gourami, however I don't want to put them in a tank that is too small. How many Dwarf gourami, if any, should I...
  26. H

    Tank upgrade

    Hi TFF members, i have a question about upgrading my tank, i have been asking around & researching online & have been getting mixed opinions on my options. so wanted to put it to general public :) i currently have 1x jewel cichlid, 4 hillstream loaches, 16 danios, in a 100 litre (26.42g) tank...
  27. S

    Hi, My Name Is Skye! (I could use a little help)

    Hi everyone, My name is Skye Phan. I have a 50 gallon tank with 3 medium size bala sharks, a 5" common pleco, a 2" albino bristlenose pleco, 5 longfin zera danios, 4 neon tetras (I had nine, but they have neon tetra disease. I am hoping to replace these with more danios), 6 albino cory catfish...
  28. P

    Ulcer on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, When cleaning my tank today I noticed a red/white ulcer on the nose of my Dwarf Gourami. It's can only have appeared in the last couple of days as I examined the fish earlier this week. He's been in there since I got the tank in January. Nothing new has been added to the tank, however I...
  29. TDarrell9

    Dwarf Gourami male or female ?

    Hi, I recently purchased a couple of Dwarf Gourami from my local UK aquarium shop, I'm not sure if someone can see if i have 1 male and 1 female, any ideas ? If so any tips for breeding, seem to have plenty of mollies breeding, I know they are quite easy to breed as they are live breeders and...
  30. W

    New dwarf gourami pair, do I have two males?

    Hello all, new here so first Hi! I ordered some fish online, arrived Friday and all looked in great health. I got them on ebay from a reputable seller. I bought a 'pair of rainbow dwarf gourami', expecting one male and one female. Today I noticed the smaller of the two has chunks out of its...
  31. M

    Can someone please sex this dwarf Gourami for me?

    Hello Everyone, This is my fist post. I'm been in and out of fish/aquatic hobby for a long time and recently got back in and so far have built 3 Walstad style tanks. I have a 55 gallon, 20 gallon & 5 gallon all Walstad style planted tanks. My 55 gallon is my oldest at 6 months now and I can...
  32. Sege

    Any More Fish for a 10 Gallon?

    Hi :) I'm new to the aquarium hobby and I recently refurbished a 10 gallon tank that I bought at a garage sale, (no leaks, thankfully :yahoo:) I have researched a lot of different fish, and I came across AqAdvisor, I tried it out, and people are right that website really helps with stocking...
  33. A

    Hey Everyone!

    Hi guys, I'm new to fish, but want to learn all of the things haha Mistakes have been made so far, so I'm here to learn from them. Mr.Stripes and Pearl.....Rest In Peace. Struggles so far include, fish bullying, sick fish, and chemical spikes.... I have a 70Litres tank at the moment with the...
  34. K

    Angelfish Stocking in a 45 gallon?

    Hi everyone! I have a 45 gallon tank (36 inches long, 24-ish inches tall, and 12 inches deep) and I am almost ready to add fish. Could I put two angelfish in, or just one? Are angels compatible with dwarf gourami, if they were added into the tank at the same time? I plan on having a moderately...
  35. M


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  36. Fish-mates

    What is on my dwarf gourami's side?

    Can anyone help my fish please? I thought the gourami had damaged it's side crashing into a branch in the tank. As the side wasn't healing and looked white in the damaged area I moved the gourami to a QT and started treating with Melafix. What's weird is the white is not cotton like but looks...
  37. D

    Dwarf Gourami Ill

    So I need some assistance as I am all out of ideas at the moment, Fish backstory  (in case someone thinks it is in some way relevant) My Dwarf Gourami which I have had for over 3 years now (raised it myself) was a couple months back, badly injured (irrelevant as far as I can tell, just want to...
  38. A

    30 Gallon, Mixed Wrong Fish

    I know now to read about things myself before heading to purchase fish. My daughter and I relied on information from a Petsmart employee to recommend fish to add to our group of 2 cory catfish and 1 dwarf gourami (powder blue). They were calm and happy.    Now, our 30 gallon tank is home to 2...
  39. MylesVinno

    Dwarf Gourami Spitting Out Food And Acting Slow.

    Hi everyone,   I have had two dwarf gouramis for a couple of months now, one flame and one neon blue. In the last few days, I have noticed that the flame gourami has been spitting out his food which he used to always eat, and is staying near the bottom of the tank all whilst doing it in a slow...
  40. E

    One Of My Male Dwarf Gouramis Is Not Eating, Looks Sick

    I have 3 male dwarf gouramis in a 29 gallon tank planted tank. One of them is not eating and is not very active like usual. He just sits on the bottom of the tank in the corner or in places he never usually goes. He looks ill to me. When I go to feed all the fish, the other two eat, but he does...