
  1. B

    Sunken Belly?

    I recently got this pair a few days ago, and I’m wondering if my female might have a sunken belly or if she’s just malnourished. They were previously kept in a smaller tank with quite a few others, so I’m not sure if she wasn’t getting enough food. Also, I’ve noticed that she headbumps the male...
  2. J

    What is wrong with my guppy?

    I've recently had a spike in nitrite, not to super concerning levels, so I did a small water change (mistake). Some of my guppies sadly got finrot. I treated them and most got better. One got a lot worse. He is VERY bloated and has some sort of growth on his fins. What should I do? Is there even...
  3. C

    Help me save my betta fish

    Hello, I have two betta fish, each in their own tanks. I have posted almost two months ago when I first noticed them get sick. The first one to get sick (Fineas) didn't have any physical symptoms but started acting very lethargic, disoriented, and just in general bobbing at the surface and...
  4. C

    What is wrong with my fish?

    Hello! My betta Fineas has been acting weird for a week now. I have been treating him with tannins and Kanaplex as suggested on a forum but I can't tell if he's getting better. Tank size: 10 gallons tank age: 8 months pH: 8.2 ammonia: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 5 ppm kH: gH: tank temp...
  5. C

    Fin rot or something else?

    Hello, Two weeks ago I noticed that my boy Leopold started showing signs of fin rot. I have been doing daily 40% water changes and adding tannins in the form of rooibos tea bags for a week, but he does not seem to improve. I think he might be losing some pigmentation on his body. His behavior...
  6. danajs

    Tiger Barb has a red belly?

    Does anyone know what this red patch on my Tiger Barb’s belly could be? (He/she isn’t usually quite this pale - I couldn’t get a photo last night, so this was taken the moment I turned the light on this morning). I first noticed this last night, after not seeing this Barb for a day or so, but...
  7. I

    Help! Molly fish keep dying

    Hi, I’m pretty new to fish keeping and this is my first time keeping mollies. My tank is over 1 month old and had been cycled before adding any fish. The tank now contains 3 mollies and 3 emerald eye rasboras. It’s only the mollies that are getting sick. They start acting lethargic and then...
  8. A

    Platy looks unwell - help please!

    Hi everyone, I have a 12 litre tank with 3 platys - 2 female and 1 male. Jimmy is the male and was bullied incessantly by Rose the female until we added another female. There was evidence of tail nibbling which has resulted in visual tail damage. The end has turned a black colour and...
  9. Yossu

    Goldfish turning black!

    I have a goldfish, which was a regular orange (with a bit of white) colour when I bought it a few weeks ago. Last week, I noticed that it had a patch of back just in front of its dorsal fin. Over the past couple of days, it has developed black on the dorsal fin itself, as well as on its tail...
  10. D

    Calling all koi/pond keepers. Shubunkin disease?

    I’ve been keeping koi for a few years and have been highly fortunate never to have a casualty. I recently did a 50% water change and hoovered the sludge from my pond—the usual clean-up after winter. I have replaced some filters by dipping them in the previous pond water. The pond is 2.4m x...
  11. Tacocat

    Pearl gourami tb?

    Pearl gourami acting slower and more depressed looking I got him this past sunday. Parameters are fine tank is cycled all other fish are fine. There was previously a rainbow emperor tetra with similar symptoms a month ago which had died in this tank.
  12. S

    Discus is sick

    Hey everyone my Discus seems to be sick or something. He has actually been like this for a while, but it has just now seemed to get worse. Does anyone know what to do?
  13. I

    Raphael Catfish - white bubble

    I woke this morning to see a white bubble/blister had appeared between the dorsal fin and body of my catfish. Not sure how long it's been there or if it's just appeared. I generally check the tank everyday just to do a head count and make sure there is nothing wrong but the catfish is generally...
  14. S

    Help! Gray Spots on Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami and Boesmani Rainbowfish.

    Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to share something concerning my aquarium today. It appears that my neon blue dwarf gourami has developed a gray spot on its head, and one of my boesmani rainbowfish has a similar gray spot on its side. These spots were not there previously...
  15. J

    Whirly Disease or Swim Bladder

    I have a 3 yr old Rainbow shark. I believe it's a male but not 100% positive. He is refusing to eat unless handfed via a small syringe. I noticed this about 2 days ago when he was out in the tank spinning in a corner. I thought whirly disease or swim bladder but he is not visibly bloated and he...
  16. D

    Livebearer white tail disease?

    Hi all, After a few years I decided to convert my 30 gallon gourami tank into a livebearer community tank. I re-homed the last surviving gourami and added 4 platys, 9 guppies and 8 tetra. Stupidly I didn’t quarantine in any way and now regretting it (I’m not an experienced fish keeper I’ve only...
  17. Kirysek

    Honey Gourami with weird underskin issue

    Hi all! Maybe anyone here would have any advice or seen anything similar... We bought 3 honey gourami from a local aquatic store. When we were buying them, a guy in a store changed one of them since he noticed white patch on its side. Rest of them looked good in the store. When at home, we put...
  18. H

    Mysterious illness

    Tank 55 gallon & 15 gallon Nitrate 20 Nitrite 0 Hardness 150 Chlorine 0 Alkalinity 100 pH 7.2 78 degrees The above readings have been steady for at least 3 months. Tank mates are: 20 pygmy corydoras (55g) started with but moved---> 2 female bettas (15 gallon split tank) started...
  19. E

    Bloated Oscar fish - What can I do?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  20. 2tank

    Betta fish sick with a distended stomach

    hi everyone, I have got a sick fish one of my breeding Betta have become sick with a very distended stomach, and I have no idea what illness it is. he is also eating very little and his colour has faded, he used to eat 4 pellets a day hikari vibra bites. now only a bit of blood worm. PH:6.5...
  21. R

    Bloated Gourami

    I have a male dwarf gourami named salsa, and recently he has grown very bloated. It seems more concentrated on his left side. I don't think it is iridovirus, because he has no discoloration or spots, or constipation, because whenever I feed him he poops it out a couple hours later, and when I...
  22. V

    Is this corydora healthy?

    I have a sole survivor after disease wiped out my group. I'm not sure what it is that they had, I've asked around on different sites and got varying answers, internal parasites, bacterial infection, gill flukes, and even fish TB. I wanted to ask on here if he looks healthy.
  23. E

    Advice for Treating Columnaris

    Background Info on Tank: 10 G (cycling since 5.7.22) 3F Molly 3(?) Yo-Yo Loach 2(?) Bristlenose Pleco Temp: 78-80˚F pH: ~7.8 Ammonia: ~*0 ppm; ~**0.5 ppm Nitrites: ~*0 ppm; ~**0 ppm Nitrates: ~*40 ppm; ~**30 ppm *: as of 6.18.22 **: as of 7.2.22 **Note: Im not a professional, just a new...
  24. S

    Tank disease?

    Hi, I know it’s a blurry picture but can anyone identify what is happening in my goldfish tank? I am at a total loss. It’s a 70 gallon. Here is the back story. I have had this specific goldfish tank for over 2 years, have been keeping fish my whole life, and have many other tanks in my house...
  25. E

    Glofish sick

    I just noticed this fish today. Its in a 55 gallon community tank. No other fish are sick. Could this be from nipping or is this a disease?
  26. D


    Hi we have just had our whole tank wiped out in a couple of days. First signs of stress were on Friday evening when they didn't eat. Then we treated with wide spectrum treatment but over the weekend they have all turned belly up! From what I can see it was columnaris bacterial infection as the...
  27. F

    Help! Disease or stress?

    Hey all! New Betta owner here; I got my male Betta (his name is Pax) from the pet store yesterday. Have had him as well as the tank for about 24 hours now. There are two white dots on him but it doesn’t look like ich to me, though it very well could be. One white dot on each eye, almost...
  28. Kelseyghardin125

    Guppy Female Endler Protrusion

    Hello again! Does this look normal on my female Endler guppy? There’s like a protrusion there on her belly closer to her head than her anal vent. I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in her tho and nothing drastic has changed over the last few days so I’m not sure what could have caused it...
  29. B

    molly disease, help pls !

    I have a black balloon molly. as i was doing a water change today i noticed he has a grey film on him and his fins are clamped, he is actively swimming and acting normal though. i am thinking it is velvet but i am not sure. what do i do? there are 2 other fish in the tank and some snails. i do...
  30. E

    Goldfish Disease Identification ?

    Hi! I’m new to the forum. I’ve been using an other forum for 5 years but we can’t seem to figure out this problem with my goldfish. Thanks in advance for any help and advice. I’ve had this common goldfish for 6 years. Currently in a 20g cycled aquarium alone with a filter and aerator. Ammonia...
  31. Attenbruh

    Neon Tetra Swim Bladder!

    This morning, when I woke up I realised my Neon Tetra got swim bladder. What are some fixes that could work on such a small fix. I have already tried giving it small peas but he doesn't seem to want to eat them.
  32. G

    Fish Injury Identification

    Hello, I have a 29g tank with cardinal tetras, two honey gourami (one red), 5 pygmy corys, a clown pleco, shrimp and assassin snails. I have a gravel bottom, driftwood, and a mix of live & fake plants and two fake logs, one floating. Something happened to one of my gourami within the last 20...
  33. M

    Brooklynella or Ich? And what are alternative treatments?

    So in the past 2-3 days, my new clownfish showed symptoms of what I assume is brooklynella. I had fish with brook in the past so I started treatment right away. Where I live, formaldeheyde is illegal to sell, so I'm doing a 5 minute FW bath followed by a 60 minute metronidazol bath, and dosing...
  34. G

    Bloating and Large Cyst on Tetra

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and two honey gourami. I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. The past month I have lost three fish, one gourami...
  35. P

    Is this ick?

    Hey everyone! We just got our first aquarium! I’ve noticed the gourami is stressed out and had these white spots. It’s ick right? If it is should I be worried about knocking out my cycle when I treat? How should I avoid an ammonia spike ?
  36. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  37. A

    Betta has a white bump on its side

    Hi, What is wrong with my Betta fish? It looks a bit like a tumour. They’ve had this since I got them a few months back, but it was considerably smaller, and has grown bigger since this picture. I thought it was due to stress at first as I had a few tank changes, but it’s been at least a month...
  38. pimudh

    Overbred bettas?

    It's a question that has been going around in my head since my betta died in the start of July. I've finally decided to write about it here. I kept him in an 8g (cycled) planted tank. After a few days I noticed he had a funny swim to him, which I had not noticed at the fish store. There was a...
  39. BibsyBobsy

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    Please can someone help, my guppy is around three months old. He was born to one of my female guppies so I had him since birth. These last few days I noticed he was staying by himself and not interacting with the other fish. I also noticed he has a swollen belly so I wondered if he was...
  40. S

    Columnaris and Ich?

    Hey, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been infected with Ich yesterday morning. We upped the temperature and started Ich X treatments with salt along with higher temp/ However, last night one of our bosemani rainbowfish passed away suddenly. Is this Columnaris? We think it could be because it...